I open this thread to post any interesting news you found and you might want to share it with us  .
The Condi rumours have been around for years, it surprises me that the mainstream news hasn't picked up on them before. There was an interesting article today about UK-born Indian women travelling to India to abort their fenmale foetuses.
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I once heard a very interesting interview with a sociology professor about societies with unequal gender distribution. (I believe he was taking about China however) a country in which there are less males, the population goes up, as most men don't seem to have problems with being "not" faithful... However the morals and social ethics go down. Crime goes up as does poverty (see many slums and ghettos, in which the family is missing a father figure (not saying that mothers fail to raise their children peacefully) Societies in which there are less females, however tend to go back population wise. And often in the history of such the sociology professor explained those countries tend to start wars, the grouping of the males in an army makes "sense", they have little to lose, and too much time on hand... I have tried to find the article online but I am afraid to no avail.
The only rumours I've heard about about Condi is that she regularly has dates with successful, wealthy men, including a football player. This came from one of my former professor's who knew Condi from the Reagan administration (or was it Bush?). Why do people have to speculate as to someone's sexuality just because they are single and successful and doesn't parade her private life around? Very childish. I guess I'll need to look this up.
Condi's Gal Pal Clarifies Relationship's career: More power to her the personal side, Mabry explores why Condi never married and had a family: He addresses the gay rumors but concludes no former girlfriend, if there is one, has ever come forward. Rice's stepmother, Clara Bailey Rice, said, "She doesn't care much for children. She'll pick up little kids, but she's through with them after that." Rice's friend and confidant Randy Bean says she doesn't have time.So I guess this is what every successful single woman has to look forward to. Seriously, is this the best that the gay lobby can do? Sounds like child's play to me. I personally am not dating and am not in a rush to date and I am certainly willing to wait because I would like to put my education and career first. Also, I personally don't believe in s*x before marriage. So do I have to look forward to a barrage of rumors that I am gay and am hiding something, simply because I don't follow the supposed status quo? This type of crap makes me sick. I hope I don't have to go through it. I have no probelm with the gay organizations pursuing and lobbying for rights, but they should not do stupid, childish stuff like this. And even if Condi was gay, it's her right to pursue her politics as she pleases. This is a free country after all.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 10:21:58 PM by Charlotte »
There are some places in India where the ratio of women to men is 900:1000 and it's already causing massive problems. The rather worrying thing though is that this trend is becoming more common amongst welathy, educated who ultimately should know better.
I have a friend who is Sikh and her sister had 3 miscarriages and obviously the family were devastated. Two years ago she gave birth to a healthy little girl and was shunned by most of the family to the extent that her in-laws didn't bother to visit her in hospital, "oh it's just a girl". She was pregnant a year later and at the scan found out the sex, it was a girl, she then quietly arranged to fly out to to India with her husband and had the foetus aborted. They told everyone that she'd had a miscarriage while they were on holiday in India.
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I wonder if that trend will influence the dowry problem? If you have troubles finding a bride for your son, you probably can't be too choosy on how much the brides family brings into the marriage. Or from the girls family, if you have several eligible suitors you are in a much better position.
A friend of mine had a boyfriend from some quite well to do (but not outstandingly wealthy) family. They lived in London where they both worked as physicians and wanted to marry. The family accepted that my friend wouldn't bring in a dowry, however the grooms sister was engaged to a very wealthy young man and they in fact wanted and expected a fat dowry. Problem now was, that without money coming in thru the sons wedding, there was less money to offer the potential son-in-laws family...
Ugly Betty
Condi's Gal Pal Clarifies Relationship's career: More power to her the personal side, Mabry explores why Condi never married and had a family: He addresses the gay rumors but concludes no former girlfriend, if there is one, has ever come forward. Rice's stepmother, Clara Bailey Rice, said, "She doesn't care much for children. She'll pick up little kids, but she's through with them after that." Rice's friend and confidant Randy Bean says she doesn't have time.So I guess this is what every successful single woman has to look forward to. Seriously, is this the best that the gay lobby can do? Sounds like child's play to me. I personally am not dating and am not in a rush to date and I am certainly willing to wait because I would like to put my education and career first. Also, I personally don't believe in s*x before marriage. So do I have to look forward to a barrage of rumors that I am gay and am hiding something, simply because I don't follow the supposed status quo? This type of crap makes me sick. I hope I don't have to go through it. I have no probelm with the gay organizations pursuing and lobbying for rights, but they should not do stupid, childish stuff like this. And even if Condi was gay, it's her right to pursue her politics as she pleases. This is a free country after all. As much as I dislike Condoleeza Rice and her political views, I have to hand it to her: PhD; former Provost and full professor of Stanford University; multi-lingual (5 languages); accomplished pianist; a groundbreaking political career. I'll bet that she doesn't have a lot of 'me' time but I do remember her being engaged at one point to an NFL coach (Denver Broncos, I think) but, obviously, this didn't work out. I can't imagine it being easy for her to find a likewise accomplished person who can live with, or even understand, what her day-to-day professional life entails. I don't think her continuing status as a single woman is indicative of her orientation.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 10:40:59 PM by Ugly Betty »
I've never known anyone personally who had a drug problem, but seeing what's been going on with Amy Winehouse makes me realize what one goes through when they have a loved one with a substance abuse problem. I hope this girl gets help and stays away from that wretched husband of her's. Amy Winehouse wanders the streets semi-naked - as her mother-in-law says: 'She's taking more drugs than ever'
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 10:53:13 PM by Charlotte »
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Thia is just sad. I really hope she won't join the 27 club
Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted? 