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Author Topic: Silvia news  (Read 337336 times)
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« on: December 27, 2011, 10:58:43 PM »

Silvia gave an interview for her 68th birthday. Some excerpts:

How does it feel to become a grandmother soon?

“It is something very special. It is something you long for and you feel overjoyed. You hope and wait. And I know it will be the biggest moment of my life. You could say it is life’s dessert. And we are very happy, both the king and I.”

What does the queen think she will be like as a grandmother?

“I must say I am very jittery. You walk on tiptoes, I think. I have asked some friends who have become grandmothers what it is like and so on. But it is hard to describe.”

How does the queen view all these years as queen?

“It feels like it was yesterday. It has been many years and many happy years. So I must say that I have always been very happy in Sweden and felt the Swedish people’s support.

This has been my most important year here, of course. And I am happy to have such a nice family. We have a great unity and fine children. Furthermore, they are capable. And I, as their parent I think they are very, very good, but I believe that they are, too."


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« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 11:02:12 PM »

Silvia's thoughts on being a grandmother? So, so sweet Blush
But I'm going to be a Grinch and say that all her talk about her wonderful, united family and capable kids just makes her look foolish now. Also, the SRF has blamed the press for writing negatively about them, but Silvia uses the press to tell Swedes how perfect the SRF is…… they need to look up "hypocrisy"  Whistle

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« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 11:50:25 PM »

They forgot:

How does it feel to be married to a cheat and an utter moron?

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« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 12:38:12 AM »

They forgot:

How does it feel to be married to a cheat and an utter moron?


Also: What are your thoughts on Snakey?

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« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 01:22:24 AM »

IOU  Star ABS and PK  Blush

G Smiley

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...

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« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2012, 09:27:21 PM »

An interview with Silvia about her work for children's rights and her experiences with Victoria's dyslexia. It's from November, but I don't think it's been posted yet.

Some excerpts:

What is most important today to ensure the rights of children?

“The UN’s children’s convention is a very important document. What if all the countries of the world could ratify the rights so that children would be protected everywhere and children could be children until they were 18 years old? It isn’t so today. There is much to do in many areas.”

What is most important for us in Sverige?

“That we not only have the rights on paper, but have have them in our hearts and really think about the children and their protection needs. It should be natural to think about the children first.”

Right now social cuts are happening around Europe as a result of the economic crisis. How do you prevent children’s rights from deteriorating?

“One naturally worries. But I also believe it is important that parents, who are the closest to children, make an effort to protect and be together with their children.

“I have seen that many children have no adult role models and therefore fall into substance abuse. Children need role models and parents must be present for them. This is also a right – the right to a peaceful childhood and to be near their parents, especially in hard times.”

Many believe that society has become more callous. Polls from disability organizations show that members feel that societal support has lessened. How does the queen view this development?

“I think everyone has sensed this, in all generations. The debate has always existed, but the reasons have been different.

“What is new is the speed. The world is spinning faster. The Internet is fantastic, but also a major problem. One travels a great deal. Many parents feel that there is insufficient time and they do not have time for their children. One talks about quality time, but it is not possible to gather all the questions that children have, to look after them on a summer holiday. ”

How does the queen view the business world’s interest in children’s rights?

“I think many companies have changed their attitudes and perceive their responsibilities. Many have signed codes of conduct to protect children from pedophiles, for example.

Many give their employees the opportunity to become mentors during work hours. It’s good that it is during work hours, so they don’t have to sacrifice their private lives and their own children. It is very generous. Many companies  have also done so in Sverige. I think it is wonderful, a nice development. I spoke with a boy and asked him why he had a mentor. ‘It’s cool,’ he replied.

It’s good for young people to have a mentor to talk to. With parents, many questions to be too sensitive, but with another adult, a third party, who listens, asks questions, takes the time, one can build trust . Many continue to be friends after the mentoring is over.”

The queen talked about the cause for which the WCYF forum is organized.

“When the UN children’s convention celebrated its 20th anniversary two years ago, we had an excellent opportunity to draw attention to children’s rights. I invited children’s organizations to the palace. It was a fantastic meeting, including Ecpat, Bris, Plan, Childhood and the children’s ombudsman.”
“All were moved by the thought of doing something extra for children’s rights. Everyone set aside their own issues and unanimously agreed to do something together.”

The collaboration resulted in, among other things, brochures on children’s rights sent to 5,400 schools, a book on rights with 200,000 copies, and an audio disc.

A few years ago, Crown Princess Victoria talked about her dyslexia in an interview with Föräldrakraft. She said it went well “thanks to Mom keeping an eye on it.” Given these experiences, what does the queen consider the most difficult thing for families who have children with disabilities?
“I think it is the feeling of never being enough. As a parent, you are not an expert. You are facing a situation where you are not in control, regardless of the disability involved.”

“It goes to your heart. You suffer with your child, you want to help but you feel like you do not have enough knowledge. That is why is it so important to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge. Then you can deal with difficulties in a different way. And one can avoid difficult situations for the child.”

“Many children are bullied because of their difficulties. One can avoid this by being knowledgeable and by building the child’s self-esteem. I think this is what affects all parents, that one is not fully prepared.”

How did the queen help?

“I tried to become as knowledgeable as I could. But it is also important to talk to anyone who meets the child, such as the teacher, principal, friends, and tell them how it is and how to make things easier for the child. Knowledge, understanding and respect is important.”

The whole interview is in Swedish, but very readable if you use Google Translate.

Silvia did great with this interview, IMO.  Thumb up She talked about specific problems and solutions without getting too political - it's a nice medium between empty talk (hello, Mary) and meddling with politics (hello, Charles). And she demonstrated her commitment to the issues without bragging or making it all about her.

The only thing I have a problem with is when she ignored the questions about social cuts and started blabbing about stuff like being busy with the Internet (wtf?). Maybe the questions were too political and she wanted to avoid answering, but she could at least have acknowledged the issue and said something like "I realize people are deeply concerned, but as you know I can't comment on political issues".

But she always comes across as very genuine and passionate when it comes to children's rights. And it sounds like she was devoted to Victoria, even if they didn't always have the best relationship.

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« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 02:24:48 PM »

I don't know if this article about silvia's wedding dress recounted by the artistic director of Dior house from 1960 to 1989 was posted before, but here is:

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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2012, 03:53:21 PM »

And it sounds like she was devoted to Victoria, even if they didn't always have the best relationship.

Could somebody explain this to me , because i was always under the impression that she had a bad relationship with her father rather than her mother.

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« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2012, 08:13:24 PM »

Could somebody explain this to me , because i was always under the impression that she had a bad relationship with her father rather than her mother.

It was widely reported that Silvia was hard on Victoria about her looks and forced Victoria to go on diets when she was a teenager (something that can be very unhealthy, BTW). No

Victoria never publicly confirmed this AFAIK, but personally I find it easy to believe, looking at Silvia's own attitude to looks and gender roles. Crap

BTW, here's a sort of related hilarious comment from Silvia

Victoria's mother, Queen Silvia, had mandated low-fat food at the palace, and according to one acquaintance ``is hysterical about keeping slim.'' It may be relevant to remember that when Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf visited the United States 10 years ago, she observed in public that she thought Americans were fat.

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« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2012, 08:27:19 PM »

lol, she is quite right about that!

The truth will eventually be revealed!

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« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 03:19:26 AM »

Last week Silvia gave an interview to the children’s magazine Kamratsposten. She answered questions about Childhood’s work, children’s rights, her pet monkey, and being a parent.

Full interview - link is from TRF

Some excerpts:

There are rules in the [UN] Convention on the Rights of the Child that adults can easily violate, without thinking about it.  Children’s right to privacy, for example.  How was the queen herself in that regard, when the royal children had friends at home? Were they left alone, or did the queen and king listen outside the door?

“No, we didn’t.  I think it’s an important rule.  I remember a time when I was little and got a phone call from a classmate from the first time; my parents then left the room. It showed that they respected my privacy, and I remember it felt very nice. I have tried to do the same.”

Does the queen believe that the queen’s own children thought that things were unfair sometimes?

“Unfortunately, I think they felt like that sometimes. As a parent you try to do your best, but sometimes there are misunderstandings nonetheless. Then I think you should talk about it afterwards and explain.”

Which of the royal children was naughtiest?

“Ehh ... They were all angels! No, they were probably like most children. Naughty and sulky sometimes, but mostly funny and kind.”

What is the queen's favorite animal, and did the queen have any pets as a child?

“I don’t know about a favorite animal.  But I’ve had something that’s very bad to have as a pet, really ... A little monkey! It was in Brazil and I was 9 years old. I remember thinking: “Is it a monkey or is it a man?" Because he did so many human things. He could listen and knew exactly when I was sad or happy. Then he followed me and comforted me. I had him for four years. He was very curious and destroyed many things at home. Sometimes, he escaped and once he climbed up on a neighbor’s roof and broke the TV antenna. Another time he stole all the fruit from them. He was very mischievous.”

What was the queen’s monkey named?

“Mickey! My parents got him from a missionary as a thank you for donated medicines and other essentials. Mickey was transported in a small box with air holes. He was terribly upset when we got him. I realized it was because he was afraid. So I sat three meters from him, and played by myself. I sang and had fun, but I didn’t pay attention to him. The next day I did the same thing, but a bit closer. Finally I came right up to him and since that day we were best friends.”

What is the queen's favorite rule in the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

“All of them are good. But the right to play is important, I think. And that a child has the right to express themselves and be heard. The right to their own body, as I said, and the right to education, of course.”

Silvia always seemed like a strict parent in media reports and Victoria’s interviews, but she sounds more laid back here. And there was the interview last year when she said she let her kids try alcohol. But I have a feeling Carl Gustaf was in charge No

She also discusses some projects of Childhood, including the CRC’s 20th anniversary in 2009 when she invited Queen Beatrix, Queen Margrethe, Queen Sonja, Queen Paola, Queen Sofía, and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa to talk about children’s rights. IMO it’s strange to only invite the women for an issue like this, but maybe she is closer to them?

The monkey story was cute

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« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2012, 01:17:38 PM »

I am so jealous of her having a pet monkey!
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« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2012, 04:43:57 PM »

Which of the royal children was naughtiest?

“Ehh ... They were all angels! No, they were probably like most children. Naughty and sulky sometimes, but mostly funny and kind.”

But who was the most naughtiest?

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« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2012, 06:43:41 PM »

But who was the most naughtiest?

Carl Gustaf obviously...

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« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2012, 07:47:59 PM »

But who was the most naughtiest?

Carl Gustaf obviously...

 Star   Laughing  Well played, my friend.
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