Ladies, I need your help! I am looking for a photo of Silvia wearing a white-ish suit.
I think the photo was taken around 2009-2012. Silvia is wearing a suit that is white-ish, could be off-white or very light beige or grey. The suit consists of a skirt and a boat-neck top with a belt made of the same fabric as the suit. No buttons.
I think it was worn to a semi-formal event, like a speech at the Silvia home or something similar, nothing super grand.
I used to have photos of it saved on my computer, but I lost them when it crashed and now I can't find anything when I am googling. I plan to have something similar made for me and need the photos to show my seamstress.
Can anybody recall what I am talking about?
Looking for the outfit.
In the meantime found the following dress which looks like the description (except it is a dress and not a skirt with top


Thank you Principessa!

It's not that dress, but I love the combination of sequins and the saphire parure!

The suit I am looking for looks more like this. The dress in this photo is a dress and looks like a knit. The suit I am looking for is two pieces and some kind of gabardine, I would guess.
Check Pinterest and queen Silvia, lots of pictures I never saw before!
I haven't thought of that, but I looked now! So many new photos! Thanks!