I think Haakon's growing into what I think of as his ``king face.'' He looks so much more mature and actually, a lot smarter than he used to. Previously, he was one of those very pretty Nordics. Now it looks like there are some brains in his head as well.
To me? He seems nice, kindly, (photographic evidence only) but then again, possibly gullible, of limited intelligence and common sense (from this website & others, my impressions are culled from his choosing MM in the first place, his tolerance [perhaps] of her many workshy avoidances, and his behavior during her possible but unproven adultery), but all combined: my overall impression is that he's a "schlub" which is an American word for a guy who doesn't take notice of what's going on/happening to or around him, or doesn't really care enough to make waves.
I find him the least attractive of the current male CP's, even beyond Fred who at least seems to have an "edge" to him. And William also (to me) retains a certain spark. But Hakoon is damned dull. But then, what more should a Royal heir have? Sturm & drang is nice for gossip but awfully wearing on the follower ... and the nation.