The papers write that he was expected to attend the Spetalen wedding of who he is a friend, but that other guests does not want to asociate with him, and does not want to be photographed with him, and feared the norwegian press would desend on the wedding to try and get photos of him with them, and that he therefore has travelled to Italy with some male friends as planned, but is not expected to attend the actual wedding.
He is as the article I quoted says, free to travel out of Norway unless the police fear he would escape, which they do not seem to do...the optics the questioning is something he can do when it suits his travel plans....
I think no matter what you have done, when you have been the subject of 1700 articles, primarely very negative, you might need a break (Even if it looks terrible to take the break in Tuscany to put it mildly, maybe a cabin in the mountain would have been more private). Even King Felipes Ex Eva Sannum has gone out in norwegian press and said the media preassure is to massive, and very difficult to stand in. We have had stories where people have had much less press articles has ended very badly in Norway.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 10:18:20 AM by Larzen »
I hope the NRF have sent an undercover minder to keep an eye on him
How his lawyer told him it's ok to go out of the country... Is beyond me. I think Marius did it without asking anyone and his lawyer tries to cover up this stupid, egoistic, miscalculated behaviour.
He's spoiled and the parental figures (father, mother and a bit less Haakon) are a total failure. Marius thinks he can do whatever it pleases him without worrying about the consequences!
I hope the NRF have sent an undercover minder to keep an eye on him
Not a bad idea, but he's there with a friend. Maybe the family is glad to have him out of the way during that circus of a wedding. I cannot imagine that it is a joyful event for the family. It also crossed my mind if Marius might be revengeful towards the "friends" who sold the horrible pitures to "Bild" paper. As he is known for violent behaviour taking revenge might get him into even more trouble. Also, being away from his criminal peer group he has no access to drugs. Maybe that is also a reason why the lawyer let him go out of the country.
He needs rest?! Poor little boy, life has been so rough lately.
If he’s in rehab, no doubt it has been. Best case scenario he went to a rehab/spa in Italy for a few days. I mean, I can understand that it would be hard for him to be in Norway given the press he has been getting, and he’s legally allowed to leave the country, but a rehab/spa in Norway would have looked better. In-patient rehab doesn't have a chance to "click" unless you give it a month - at least. And he needs in-patient rehab imo. True, but I hope he hasn’t gone to Italy for a month without finishing his police interviews first. Oh God no, I didn't mean he should rehab in Italy. He should have gone straight to inpatient rehab after being arrested, in Norway. After what he did to that young woman it's the least he could have done to show some remorse? (Not to mention work on his mental problems & addictions.) Saying "sorry my love" and flying to Italy doesn't cut the mustard.
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
He needs rest?! Poor little boy, life has been so rough lately.
If he’s in rehab, no doubt it has been. Best case scenario he went to a rehab/spa in Italy for a few days. I mean, I can understand that it would be hard for him to be in Norway given the press he has been getting, and he’s legally allowed to leave the country, but a rehab/spa in Norway would have looked better. A SPA?? You have to elaborate as I cannot even imagine your meaning here so it has to be something else than a spa you’re thinking of  I personally can’t understand why anyone (meaning him, his parents, Haakon, lawyers, advisors) would say to him “yeah - cool, go to Italy, no problem” but that’s me. Accusations about DV aside (!): he has drug and addiction issues. Why the heck is that not his primary concern right now?  Some spas are quite medical, and offer mental health therapy and detox ,and as Gemsheal says most rehabs won’t take you for less than a month. And he really better not have gone away for a month leaving the police investigation hanging!
He needs rest?! Poor little boy, life has been so rough lately.
If he’s in rehab, no doubt it has been. Best case scenario he went to a rehab/spa in Italy for a few days. I mean, I can understand that it would be hard for him to be in Norway given the press he has been getting, and he’s legally allowed to leave the country, but a rehab/spa in Norway would have looked better. In-patient rehab doesn't have a chance to "click" unless you give it a month - at least. And he needs in-patient rehab imo. True, but I hope he hasn’t gone to Italy for a month without finishing his police interviews first. Oh God no, I didn't mean he should rehab in Italy. He should have gone straight to inpatient rehab after being arrested, in Norway. After what he did to that young woman it's the least he could have done to show some remorse? (Not to mention work on his mental problems & addictions.) Saying "sorry my love" and flying to Italy doesn't cut the mustard. I totally agree!, Sadly it seems from what Larzen says that he is carousing in Italy with his friends. I really hope the Norwegian authorities put an end to this soon, I trust them to come up with a program that will help him straighten out and get him to take responsibility for what he has done,
He needs rest?! Poor little boy, life has been so rough lately.
If he’s in rehab, no doubt it has been. Best case scenario he went to a rehab/spa in Italy for a few days. I mean, I can understand that it would be hard for him to be in Norway given the press he has been getting, and he’s legally allowed to leave the country, but a rehab/spa in Norway would have looked better. In-patient rehab doesn't have a chance to "click" unless you give it a month - at least. And he needs in-patient rehab imo. True, but I hope he hasn’t gone to Italy for a month without finishing his police interviews first. Oh God no, I didn't mean he should rehab in Italy. He should have gone straight to inpatient rehab after being arrested, in Norway. After what he did to that young woman it's the least he could have done to show some remorse? (Not to mention work on his mental problems & addictions.) Saying "sorry my love" and flying to Italy doesn't cut the mustard. I totally agree!, Sadly it seems from what Larzen says that he is carousing in Italy with his friends. I really hope the Norwegian authorities put an end to this soon, I trust them to come up with a program that will help him straighten out and get him to take responsibility for what he has done, Except for the criminal actions, it's not the "authorities" job to get him a program to "help him straighten out."
He needs rest?! Poor little boy, life has been so rough lately.
If he’s in rehab, no doubt it has been. Best case scenario he went to a rehab/spa in Italy for a few days. I mean, I can understand that it would be hard for him to be in Norway given the press he has been getting, and he’s legally allowed to leave the country, but a rehab/spa in Norway would have looked better. In-patient rehab doesn't have a chance to "click" unless you give it a month - at least. And he needs in-patient rehab imo. True, but I hope he hasn’t gone to Italy for a month without finishing his police interviews first. Oh God no, I didn't mean he should rehab in Italy. He should have gone straight to inpatient rehab after being arrested, in Norway. After what he did to that young woman it's the least he could have done to show some remorse? (Not to mention work on his mental problems & addictions.) Saying "sorry my love" and flying to Italy doesn't cut the mustard. I totally agree!, Sadly it seems from what Larzen says that he is carousing in Italy with his friends. I really hope the Norwegian authorities put an end to this soon, I trust them to come up with a program that will help him straighten out and get him to take responsibility for what he has done, Except for the criminal actions, it's not the "authorities" job to get him a program to "help him straighten out." Well yes but if he has done criminal actions, and is convicted, it will be their job to get him in a program to straighten him out because Norwegian justice system focuses on rehabilitation and restorative justice. As far as I understand the charges he has now (assault, vandalism, threats) each carry a potential one year sentence and if they charge him with domestic violence that could be up to six years. But it won’t be a year (or six) of being locked up in a cell, it will be time spent working on his issues and learning to be a functional member of society.
Well yes but if he has done criminal actions, and is convicted, it will be their job to get him in a program to straighten him out because Norwegian justice system focuses on rehabilitation and restorative justice. As far as I understand the charges he has now (assault, vandalism, threats) each carry a potential one year sentence and if they charge him with domestic violence that could be up to six years. But it won’t be a year (or six) of being locked up in a cell, it will be time spent working on his issues and learning to be a functional member of society.
I like this system. Putting him in jail is not going to solve this problems (drug abuse, mental health). To me, jail time will only harden an already bad demeanor and personality. He definitely needs some long-term rehab to reform his behavior. He seems like a spoiled, entitled young man with anger and mental health issues, not a petty criminal. Substance and physical abuse has some deep-seeded roots and I hope he gets some serious help, come out on the other side, a better functioning human.
I feel for Harald and Sonja - it’s been a summer of fiascos between Marius and next ML and the sham about to happen. 😔
Well yes but if he has done criminal actions, and is convicted, it will be their job to get him in a program to straighten him out because Norwegian justice system focuses on rehabilitation and restorative justice. As far as I understand the charges he has now (assault, vandalism, threats) each carry a potential one year sentence and if they charge him with domestic violence that could be up to six years. But it won’t be a year (or six) of being locked up in a cell, it will be time spent working on his issues and learning to be a functional member of society.
I like this system. Putting him in jail is not going to solve this problems (drug abuse, mental health). To me, jail time will only harden an already bad demeanor and personality. He definitely needs some long-term rehab to reform his behavior. He seems like a spoiled, entitled young man with anger and mental health issues, not a petty criminal. Substance and physical abuse has some deep-seeded roots and I hope he gets some serious help, come out on the other side, a better functioning human.
I feel for Harald and Sonja - it’s been a summer of fiascos between Marius and next ML and the sham about to happen. 😔
I dunno --I think sometimes the "scared straight" approach works better, especially for silver-spoon offenders.
Hmm well my big question here is:
What did the Royal Court advise him to do. Because IMO this looks awful so it either proves the Royal Court are having nothing to done with it whatsoever and he really is on his own as far as the staff there are concerned Or He has gone against what would be the only advice a Communications manager could offer - don’t go it looks really bad if you do Or The Royal House communication team are really rubbish at their job
If nothing else surely someone had told MM it looks awful. Yes he is an adult and may well have told her to do one he is going anyway- but yes what passport has he gone on? Who has paid for it? As far as I can tell he is a mechanic? Does he live solely off that wage or do MM and Haakon support him as well? He lives on their estate, I assume rent free?
If I was Marius you can bet my mother would be telling me if I dared go to Italy i’d find by belongings packed up ready for a forwarding address as they’d be kicking me out.
Marius is acting like this isn't a big deal which is most concerning IMO. Even more so of those around him are reinforcing that!
Scared straight works for kids who come from "good" families ie. people who have been teaching basically sound values but for whom those lessons aren't taking. In other words a kid who can recognize what reasonable and acceptable behavior in society on a very basic level is. Something they can hang their hook on. Does Marius have that hook? I don't know. You'd think but these rich and privileged people live wrapped in cotton wool and don't always connect to how we regular dopes live our lives which is based on survival. Their survival is assured anyway.
A nice, clear statement from the police about Marius’ case. They say they knew he was going to Italy, and say they are investigating serious allegations, need time to do that properly and ask for calm. Interestingly they say that the scooter case involves a scooter that was entrusted to him to repair last year and has not yet been returned despite the owner asking for it repeatedly. Also they say they have results of Marius’ blood tests and will present them to him. Original https://www-politiet-no.t..._hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
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A nice, clear statement from the police about Marius’ case. They say they knew he was going to Italy, and say they are investigating serious allegations, need time to do that properly and ask for calm. Interestingly they say that the scooter case involves a scooter that was entrusted to him to repair last year and has not yet been returned despite the owner asking for it repeatedly. Also they say they have results of Marius’ blood tests and will present them to him. Original https://www-politiet-no.t..._hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wappthis is getting bigger than ben hur  why the blood test? is marius trained as a mechanic? really? sending him to jail might make him a hardened criminal he is at a point that he could go either way...yes he has started on one road but he can change it. it might be more difficult to change later.... G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...