Miss Marple
So MM had to do one public engagement before she went skiing ... Interesting. The poor thingy, must be all exhausted from sitting in the library for an hour and deserves a week break now from all the stress. Does anyone take her remotely serious?
I know that Marius will be a problem for IA and Haakon, but seriously, I think MM will pose a way bigger problem first, once the king and the queen are gone. She is not in and not out. She keeps representing as if the causa Marius has never happened. What does she think? That people forget? There is a Wikipedia article stating that she has an approval rate of 25% in Norway. Seriously, Prince Andrew is more popular than that. You can just hope that Haakon and IA are more popular than that, otherwise the republic will be there before the king's funeral is over.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4078
 Virgin Islands, British
Posts: 23856
Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
So MM had to do one public engagement before she went skiing ... Interesting. The poor thingy, must be all exhausted from sitting in the library for an hour and deserves a week break now from all the stress. Does anyone take her remotely serious?
I know that Marius will be a problem for IA and Haakon, but seriously, I think MM will pose a way bigger problem first, once the king and the queen are gone. She is not in and not out. She keeps representing as if the causa Marius has never happened. What does she think? That people forget? There is a Wikipedia article stating that she has an approval rate of 25% in Norway. Seriously, Prince Andrew is more popular than that. You can just hope that Haakon and IA are more popular than that, otherwise the republic will be there before the king's funeral is over.
impressive rating for a future queen to be. does zero rating count as a rating when she's queen? G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
Miss Marple
Well, let's face it, she never once put in any heart in her job, but she gladly took the perks. She did not care a bit that Haakon had to do roughly estimated at least 90% of the engagements without her. Being Queen meant for her: perks, a lot of free time, a very privileged life. Not more. Haakon enables her to the last. Not once he seems to have put down his foot, not even when his step son raided his house in a drug party.
This man is totally unfit to be the leader of anything, even if it is a ceremonial function. He can't be king, he has no control over his house. Even his own aunt came to that assessment - years ago. He should have resigned once he married MM. If I was Harald I would absolutely reign to my last breath not having to witness what will follow.
MM was highly unsuitable and is still unsuitable and not honest. She got married, took off to London for two years (?), went to university there without graduating, taking lectures in African and Oriental studies - whatever the reason was for that. Came back, did an internship she was massively critized for as she was lacking all necessary qualifications and then she spent years pregnant, nursing, ailing, sick, flu, flipped disk ... all while she had plenty of time and was healthy enough to jet around the world, socialize with Epstein, "rescue" surrogate babys in India and then, not a week later turn up at a women's conference aiming at exploitation of women ... Now she is wondering why she was rated by only 25% as suitable? I wonder what Haakon's approval rate is?
People who gave her the benefit of doubt might have thought she is busy raising three children, but at least with Marius: Could she have raised him any worse? Drug use, no perspective, entitled, a criminal, totally immature but readily creaming off the perks royal life gave him while being "a private person" - well, a private person with a diplomatic passport and roughly at least 100.000€ pocket money a year without any useful use of it, no professional training. No, he even threw mummy under the bus by telling how she "helped him" and "warned him". He is a grave danger to all Norwegian women.
About her being sick: It has been six years since her diagnosis. Luckily she seems to be rather unharmed, she can go skiing, she can be out in the cold. We don't know to what extend she is sick or "sick". But it is clearly no co-incidence that she, all of a sudden, worked more in the past few months than in all the years before together and her diagnosis does not seem to stop her. It is manipulative to the last. She wants to go skiing? She is doing one or two engagements beforehand that it looks she is working hard. I hope that someone calls her out on it.
I remember an event MM and Haakon hosted soon after their wedding. It was one of their birthdays, can't remember which one. Instead of a flashy dinner somewhere, they hosted developmentally disabled people from the town to come over for the birthday. In each photo, MM looks stunned "I didn't sign up for this" and "who ARE these people" while Haakon looked delighted to be with them, sharing the special day. HE understood his job, at least.
The difference between them... It was just remarkable.
Yes, now she knows how to put on that big happy smile when she's in public, but it sure took a while to learn how to do it. Like Queen Mary's mother's mantra: We LOVE opening hospitals and we LOVE kissing babies (or something to that effect).
Miss Marple
To sum up: She was never ever good to use the ressources she had. While her three siblings managed to manoevre themselves into meaningful careers she got even stuck doing her high school diploma and instead of leading a typical student life: little money, shared flat, some wild parties, but studying with an aim she only did parties, wrong partners, drugs.
Then fortune kissed her once more and sent her Haakon, her meal ticket. This is exactly what he is. Enables her and Marius a carefree life. Instead of trying to pay him and the Norwegians back - she opted to do as little as possible. She had taken drugs herself, she had been a single mom, her dad was an alcoholic, she lived in underprivileged parts of Oslo. There is no crown princess in whole Europe who had experienced poverty and social problems closer than she did. What did she do? Work as little as possible. She can't connect to the work. So she tries to avoid it. She could have been a difference. But she did not even try.
There are so many people out there who have taken a wrong turn at some point in their lives and yet have managed - through their own efforts - to give their lives a new direction. Maybe that's the mistake: Haakon tried to do it for her. She has done all these people a disservice because she is now being cited as an example: All those resources - completely wasted. She has shown the critics: not only were they right, it got even worse than they feared.
I’m not sure how exactly her lung function works, but I am in Creston Colorado ( 2.4 m/ 8000 feet elevation) right now. Visiting my daughter, my granddaughter and daughters husband. I wouldn’t say I’m a Olympic material but I definitely do over 10,000 steps a day at work and exercise when I can on days off and I feel like I’m strong, but I can hardly talk and breathe at the same time here so the fact that she can be in really cold weather , exercise and seemingly be fine means that she’s hopefully doing a lot better
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4078
 Virgin Islands, British
Posts: 23856
Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
I remember an event MM and Haakon hosted soon after their wedding. It was one of their birthdays, can't remember which one. Instead of a flashy dinner somewhere, they hosted developmentally disabled people from the town to come over for the birthday. In each photo, MM looks stunned "I didn't sign up for this" and "who ARE these people" while Haakon looked delighted to be with them, sharing the special day. HE understood his job, at least.
The difference between them... It was just remarkable.
Yes, now she knows how to put on that big happy smile when she's in public, but it sure took a while to learn how to do it. Like Queen Mary's mother's mantra: We LOVE opening hospitals and we LOVE kissing babies (or something to that effect).
MY FAVOURITE MEMORY OF mm IS WHE I remember an event MM and Haakon hosted soon after their wedding. It was one of their birthdays, can't remember which one. Instead of a flashy dinner somewhere, they hosted developmentally disabled people from the town to come over for the birthday. In each photo, MM looks stunned "I didn't sign up for this" and "who ARE these people" while Haakon looked delighted to be with them, sharing the special day. HE understood his job, at least.
The difference between them... It was just remarkable.
Yes, now she knows how to put on that big happy smile when she's in public, but it sure took a while to learn how to do it. Like Queen Mary's mother's mantra: We LOVE opening hospitals and we LOVE kissing babies (or something to that effect).
My favourite memory of MM has to be when she attened a poverty forum years ago, you know make poverty history kinda forum, ans she was decked out in all the expenmsive labels. humility all the way!! tone deaf. always. G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
All of them are foolish and one time or another including Kate—- so I don’t like them at all, but let’s see what she tries to do for her daughter, especially
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4078
 Virgin Islands, British
Posts: 23856
Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
All of them are foolish and one time or another including Kate—- so I don’t like them at all, but let’s see what she tries to do for her daughter, especially
yup. ITA  but more importantly, what she will do about her wayward first born son. G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
I’m not sure how exactly her lung function works, but I am in Creston Colorado ( 2.4 m/ 8000 feet elevation) right now. Visiting my daughter, my granddaughter and daughters husband. I wouldn’t say I’m a Olympic material but I definitely do over 10,000 steps a day at work and exercise when I can on days off and I feel like I’m strong, but I can hardly talk and breathe at the same time here so the fact that she can be in really cold weather , exercise and seemingly be fine means that she’s hopefully doing a lot better
Her lung disease isn't something that will get better. There's no cure, and I believe there's no treatment. It simply progresses until the lung stops functioning. So maybe someday she'll get a lung transplant.
It's been awfully quiet lately. Leah Behn hasn't been posing anywhere, ML and the conman are quiet... even Marius is quiet. Weird. I wonder if someone put their foot down at last.