The operation was sucessful, the King was awake during the operation, he will stay in the hospital for 2-3 days and will be on sickleave until awhile after easter.
His doctor met the press, he said:
Video of the press meeting King was in good health before the trip, they always evaluate his health before private and official trips, they had also checked the local hospital and found it was of good quality.
The local hospital did everything right
It is always serious when a person of almost 90 years old is admitted with an infection, therefor he wanted to travel down and see for himself, it was a very long trip and three flights (He does not seem like someone who likes to travel as much as the King

The King and Queen had booked their return on a comercial flight, the doctor said that was considered not safe, and that it was needed a medical flight and was greatful to the SAS-crew and military personal for their professional help, it was a very good return (Yes a private plane is more comfterble than three flights

The pacemaker will not affect his public duties after the sick leave.
The King is back in his room, awake and has started training (walking and so on)
He repeats that it is always serious when someone who is so old gets sick, and the pacemaker was considered necessary for the return flight.
They do still not know what kind of infection it was, they have treated it with a broad dose of antibiotics who was sucessful.
It seems to me that if dr Bendz had met the press in Malaysia, maybe alot of speculation and criticsm would have been avoided, he answered to everything they have been criticised for in a very calming and educational way.