Baby Member
Reputation: 3
Posts: 24
Genetically impossible - and please, will believe intelligent, educated medical experts/scientists/biologists/geneticists over Karen on the internet who googled some dumb site. IMPOSSIBLE, dear. Please go back to school and learn something?  OMG, you’re right. The National Institutes of Health is total garbage.
Board Helper
It's very well known - and was openly revealed by a royal family member years ago.
You don't get dark brown eyed children from light blue and green eyes. Genetically impossible.
It's not what I am saying - but what I have heard in many circles. It's common knowledge, allegedly.
Nonsense. Blue-eyed parents and green-eyed more so can have brown-eyed children.
Princess MS
It's very well known - and was openly revealed by a royal family member years ago.
You don't get dark brown eyed children from light blue and green eyes. Genetically impossible.
It's not what I am saying - but what I have heard in many circles. It's common knowledge, allegedly.
Nonsense. Blue-eyed parents and green-eyed more so can have brown-eyed children. My brother has blue eyes 👀 but his children don't... and he is their father....
Baby Member
Reputation: 3
Posts: 24
Seriously, Princess, if you cannot grasp basic genetics and biology, then an intelligent, educated human being like me and others cannot help you. Please get a basic education and then respond in a non-embarrassing way, shall we? Pity children being born to clueless parents, too. Yikes.
Think is, your idol Kate is NO true mother -that is VERY obvious, and spoken about in high circles: royal, noble, political and diplomatic, and others. It's VERY obvious that a quartet of heirs have NO ROYAL BLOOD. NONE. (allegedly)
Very obvious to see, and an obvious stain on the lineage of MY ancestors. So many apparent lies and deceptions, allegedly.
Princess MS
Seriously, Princess, if you cannot grasp basic genetics and biology, then an intelligent, educated human being like me and others cannot help you. Please get a basic education and then respond in a non-embarrassing way, shall we? Pity children being born to clueless parents, too. Yikes.
Think is, your idol Kate is NO true mother -that is VERY obvious, and spoken about in high circles: royal, noble, political and diplomatic, and others. It's VERY obvious that a quartet of heirs have NO ROYAL BLOOD. NONE. (allegedly)
Very obvious to see, and an obvious stain on the lineage of MY ancestors. So many apparent lies and deceptions, allegedly.
Seriously, Princess, if you cannot grasp basic genetics and biology, then an intelligent, educated human being like me and others cannot help you. Please get a basic education and then respond in a non-embarrassing way, shall we? Pity children being born to clueless parents, too. Yikes.
Think is, your idol Kate is NO true mother -that is VERY obvious, and spoken about in high circles: royal, noble, political and diplomatic, and others. It's VERY obvious that a quartet of heirs have NO ROYAL BLOOD. NONE. (allegedly)
Very obvious to see, and an obvious stain on the lineage of MY ancestors. So many apparent lies and deceptions, allegedly.
I have no particular interest in the British Royal Family and as you clearly have no background on me or my family then I suggest you follow your own advice.... peddle your views elsewhere
Baby Member
Reputation: 3
Posts: 24
Hester, don't be the usual uneducated, idiotic sugar. Genetically impossible, girl. Maybe get something called an education before you spout as a know it all? You really know very little.  It's not true because Hester on the internet says so?  The level of stupid and lazy-minded in some places. Yikes. I think you need to take a little break.
Baby Member
Reputation: 3
Posts: 24
Bored now......
Well, as your “alleged” fake mother and her “alleged” fake heirs currently live in a palace, with loads of wealth, basking in the glow of their royal titles and currently enjoying massive popularity at home, I’d say the only one who has won here, is Catherine.
You, on the other hand, sit behind a computer screen with literally nothing else to do with your life than to try to get a rise out of posters on royal forum. You aren’t able to get the details of this board correct, as Harold and his wife are decidedly off topic and their mere presence here is not tolerated.
Your posts aren’t even inflammatory as we have dealt with trolls far more interesting than you. Trolls that were actually able to defend their troll like positions. You simply call people stupid like a five year old child caught out on the playground. I find you a bit boring actually. You haven’t even brought up new arguments as the Cambridge tin hats have been on about a surrogate for years. On the rating scale of trolldom, you’re sadly at 3/10. Do better.
I’d also like to see your proof of your alleged royal relations as I can spout off as well about mine and so can others. Though people with actual royal blood, even a smidge, do tend to be far more discreet than the likes of you spouting off about your .3%.
Now, please do allow the door to hit you on the ass as Maria bans you.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 2425
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I am the Queen
It's very well known - and was openly revealed by a royal family member years ago.
You don't get dark brown eyed children from light blue and green eyes. Genetically impossible.
It's not what I am saying - but what I have heard in many circles. It's common knowledge, allegedly.
Nonsense. Blue-eyed parents and green-eyed more so can have brown-eyed children. The first rules you learn about eye-color are simple. But in reality, as shown by scientific studies and such, is that the inheritance of eye color isn't that simple. It is much more complex. For example when following the simple rules I had the chance to have blue or (blue)grey eyes. As my father has grey(blue) eyes. My mother has brown eyes, but her parents had respectively blue and brown eyes. So she is expected to have an allel for blue and one for brown. All my siblings and I have brown eyes, variating in intensity. This would be expected if we all inherited the brown allel of my mother, which is in general dominant. But when you look good at my eyes, you will notice a mix of brown and dark green. Depending on the light and the angle when looking into my eyes, they will look more brown or more green. I always thought to have brown eyes, untill a hairdresser advised to color my hair red because of my green eyes/ the green in my eyes....... As we do not have green eyes in the family line it is unknown where I got the green from. Some think it is a kind of mix of my fathers greyblue eyes with the brown or such. It shows you that eye color isn't that simple.
cottesmore girl
Mini Member
Reputation: 140
 United Kingdom
Posts: 280
Now that is interesting...thank you. My blue eyed husband and myself (blue eyed) have a brown eyed daughter. I've often wondered how this is possible. I have a biology A level and 'know' about these things! In her teenage years I used to think she was swapped at birth...but as she was born in Singapore and, that week, the only European child to be born on he ward,I figured that was impossible. So now I know that she does indeed get the attitude from me!! 