esther angeline
Diamnd And again MW, I will  you when I can. And thankyou for starting this thread. If I had my druthers, I will make the whole RD a picture thread!
esther angeline
This thread helps me think that Princess Marina brought up her children the best of the Royals. Decorum and no apparent scandal in life, in addition to the Queen, and Prince Richard of Gloucester, these Kents have maintained the royal style and duty of old. The common thread is that all of them were children during the time of Queen Mary, who was a stickler for protocol.
Isn't it amazing to see the link , age and time between Prince Michael and his grandmama, she was born 1867 and Michael in 1942 , and that is some time span and that must be one of his favourite pictures. Lady Ella is so much like her aunt Alex, and I do hope that Ella marries really well !
I can acually see a small likeness between the childhood picture of Edward Kent and Nikolai of Denmark!
I so agree, Esther! Princess Marina seems to have raised the best mannered and pleasant royals. One of the pics of Alexandra looks ALOT like Harry!
She was such a beautiful young lady, thanks again for all the old pictures Miss W. 
In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, it prolongs the torments of man. F.Nietzche
Diamond Lil
Prince and Princess Michael of Kent on their wedding day... 
Diamond Lil
Princess Alexandra and Princess Anne... 
The Kents are such a lovely family. I am including every Kent in that statement. Alexandra is a lovely woman and she always comes across as so graceful. The Duchess of Kent is a great woman, and having been through a lot in her years (including a stillbirth and other health problrms) she is still so lovely. I know she does not wish to be an HRH anymore, but it is lovely when she makes appearances at Royal gatherings.
I understand Edward and Katherine had asked to divorce several years ago but because of the number of divorces in the family at the time, the Queen said no. Is that correct?
"All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever." Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte.
Baby Member
Reputation: 10
 United States
Posts: 57
Prince Michael is one sexy old guy, imo.  I totally agree! he reminds me of someone I know....somebody on who I have a huge crush 
I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine. Pride & Prejudice
Micro Member

Reputation: 28
 United States
Posts: 169
The Kents are such a lovely family. I am including every Kent in that statement. Alexandra is a lovely woman and she always comes across as so graceful. The Duchess of Kent is a great woman, and having been through a lot in her years (including a stillbirth and other health problrms) she is still so lovely. I know she does not wish to be an HRH anymore, but it is lovely when she makes appearances at Royal gatherings.
I understand Edward and Katherine had asked to divorce several years ago but because of the number of divorces in the family at the time, the Queen said no. Is that correct?
I think she does not want to divorce because she is devoted catholic. At least this is what I have read in the past. Edward wants to divorce her as they don't live as a family anymore but she does not agree.
Tulip of Nonsense
Prince Michael is one sexy old guy, imo.  There is a true tsar! I always liked him... 
"I was given a degree by a college of unbeautiful nonsense... And I have kissed a prince in a land where men grind their wheat in the sky..." Melville Davisson Post