Thanks for all these pictures. I still get confused with all the palaces and official residences.
I know Prince Charles and family live in Clarence house, but what is the rest of the St James's Palace is used for?
And when they have appartments in SJP, why do Willy and Waity move to Kensington Palace?
Lancaster house is

St James's is closed to the public.
The Palace mainly consists of;
Apartments for Princesses Anne, Alexandra and Beatrice.
Administrative offices, the awards and decorations (MBE, Knighthoods etc) department is at St James's
Military accommodation for the officers and soldiers who guard the Palace
The offices of Charles, William, Kate & Harry
The offices of William and Kate are at St James's I think because they will eventually live at Clarence House and so it means continuity for their office. And there might not be adequate space for an office at KP. That's just speculation as I really don't know.