Not really, what she said was is
- “I had been fending for myself for years, and I felt overwhelming that suddenly everyone seemed to have an opinion about me. I had a good life." - I did not need to be rescued by a prince of Denmark ", she underlined, according to remarks taken in the American tabloid" People", adding:" I was not not prepared for the attention to be so negative. There have been a few stupid articles. I wondered if the game was worth the candle.”
It's not that she didn't want to marry a prince, but more the question if she was prepared to deal with all the public shit that she would to deal with, once she married him.
Any independent, and self-sufficient women would ask herself the same question. A very healthy question, I might add.
And I don't get, why we are warming really old stuff, to keep the discussion going why the Schack's moved to Paris.
Your link has nothing to do with this thread!