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Author Topic: Danish Royal Residences  (Read 118931 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2016, 12:25:42 AM »

Hi Everyone and Jazzy,

This is my first time posting so please be patient as need to figure this out.  I watched that documentary Jazzy is referring to.  (I do not understand a word of Danish... American Standard is my native tongue, so I was basically looking at the beautiful homes and trying to figure out what is going on.

I see two of the palaces are connected by a set of colonades (sp?) that have an overpass on the upper level.  (At least that is what I THINK I saw on the documentary....)

I have the same question another poster had.  Are all the palaces connected?  (I was thinking there may be an underpass connecting each building forming an actual octagon that your mind would naturally draw.  I was thinking this would be on the first basement level or so.  (I have though this since I first saw the Amalienborg complex, but I have not been able to find an answer concerning this.

My other question is off topic, but does anyone know the brand of bag the queen is wearing.  It has a beautiful luster to it.

Tak in advance,


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« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2016, 02:57:25 PM »

Hi Louise
I don't know if the other palaces are connected by an underpass. I haven't seen any mention of this anywhere.There could be some secret passages from one to the other for all we know. Initially, the palaces belonged to four noble families,I don't know if these families were related to each other and wished to have underground corridors connecting the four palaces.

Margrethe says in the video that they use the passage in the colonnade to go back to their palace after the new year's banquet.
I found the decor in Christian VII palace(her guest palace) so old fashioned and unattractive. All that green velvet Crap


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« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2016, 04:42:09 PM »

Hi Jazzy,

Thanks for the explanation.

I actually thought the d?cor was lovely but a bit monotone.  (Which surprised me coming from QMII...)  I thought those rooms had a warm feeling to them...  I am a lover of old things.  I have seen other parts of the Amalienborg complex in some documentary or other (again in Danish) where she and the staff were working and the halls were so narrow you would have to stand off to the side and turn your body to let someone else pass.  It was filled with hunting trophies.  Big racks from big bucks, lots of them...  So the earlier documentary I saw gave me the impression that they had a few beautiful rooms but the rest were narrow, small and logistically difficult to get to.



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« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2016, 08:25:09 PM »

Part 2 here. Has a poignant start with a painting of Henri and Margrethe in the garden. She must miss him now that he's having a  royal strop Crap!/

Ed. To add
So Margrethe pays property tax for Marselisborg since it's her private property.I didn't know that.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 08:51:46 PM by Jazzy » Logged

marie louise
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« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2016, 04:59:39 PM »

Thank you for posting the videos of the DRF palaces, I enjoyed it very much! Such a pity I couldn't understand what QM said.
She presented every room with so much grace, smiling as she showed everything......she truly is a regal lady in the best meaning of the word.

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« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2016, 04:34:11 AM »


I finally got to see part 2.  Marselisborg is lovely, it looks like a home.  She seems to love it a great deal.   I love how the house is many styles and patterns put together.  The old videos and photos that were showcased were lovely to see.  (I have never seen her with short hair before...)  I love that she does flower arrangements.  It appears she designs and does needle point as well.  I am assuming some of those painting were her own art and I though they were well done.

I have to state categorically though, there is no way I would have that statue of the couple in the middle of having intercourse in my house or garden....  No way...  The documentary kept coming back to the little version in the house and the large version in the garden like it was the centerpiece of the whole place...  No way....

I think she really loves that man (Henrik)...  I hope he gets over what has come over him and comes back home to her to stay...



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« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2016, 08:22:16 PM »


I finally got to see part 2.  Marselisborg is lovely, it looks like a home.  She seems to love it a great deal.   I love how the house is many styles and patterns put together.  The old videos and photos that were showcased were lovely to see.  (I have never seen her with short hair before...)  I love that she does flower arrangements.  It appears she designs and does needle point as well.  I am assuming some of those painting were her own art and I though they were well done.

I have to state categorically though, there is no way I would have that statue of the couple in the middle of having intercourse in my house or garden....  No way...  The documentary kept coming back to the little version in the house and the large version in the garden like it was the centerpiece of the whole place...  No way....

I think she really loves that man (Henrik)...  I hope he gets over what has come over him and comes back home to her to stay...


You are welcome Louise and marie louise.I too enjoyed the documentaries-
From the Marselisborg doc:
 Yes she did needlepoint for those cushions and was explaining that she took an aerial perspective of the area.  She has also painted their Chateau in Cayx and one of those paintings was on the wall.She is very specific about how things should be and re-arranges them to suit herself. Henrik also llikes re-arranging the living room. That castle is open to the public when the royals are not in residence and as you could see people scratch notes to her in the rose garden. I don't know how that works, i.e  does the gardener /landscapper supervise that Thinking. Frederik lived in one of the houses(coach house? on the grounds when he was at ?rhus uni. Margrethe lived in the dorms. Both mother and son feel connected to ?rhus.

To me she looks frail and lonely. I could see that she misses Henri and was feeling pretty nostalgic and reflective. Maybe thats why they kept showing that erotic sculpter that Henri made and presented to her? Thinking


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« Reply #37 on: March 20, 2016, 09:31:11 PM »


Henrik made that!?  Himself?  I did not know he was artistic, that is good work, even if I do not like the erotic nature of it.  I can see her sentimental attachment to it.

She looks frail to me to in both documentaries as well.  I like documentaries a lot.

I was wondering what was going on with Fred in those shots.  I though for a minute he had a room up in the attic but the carriage house make more sense.



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« Reply #38 on: March 21, 2016, 03:29:39 AM »

I thought the tour of Marlselisborg was sad.  Like she was remembering more than guiding ( I don't speak Danish).  In fact it was like a beautiful, poignant foreign film with artistic camera angles, starring both a lonely and alone elderly lady.  She almost looked closed to tears in places.  I feel sorry for her.

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« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »

THE last two installments
Dronningens slotte - Fredensborg Slot

Dronningens slotte - Gr?sten Slot (4)

esther angeline

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« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2016, 04:45:55 AM »

Thankyou Jazzy,  wish they had English sub titles. Wink. The Queen is very articulate and is very knowledgable about her homes.  Many of these scenes are filled with poignancy and she often seems very much alone with her ghosts.

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« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2016, 10:38:23 PM »

Thank You Jazzy!

I just saw the installment about Fredensborg Slot.  I have not seen the fourth instalment yet but this palace is the most beautiful in my own opinion.  This palace also has an octagonal theme as well.  The ball room does a good job of reflecting this.

Now I know were that modern family portrait is of the entire family is.  I do not like it...  at all...  but Daisy seemed to love musing about it.  I read an article about this a while back, but it was not real to me that artist was using a 19th century family portrait as his template till I saw the actual painting which is also in the same palace.  (Still that modern painting is disturbing...  even if it does capture various family members essences...)

Those dachshunds are the biggest, most unusual looking dachshunds I have ever seen.  I am not so sure they are dachshunds, maybe a dachshund basset mix.  I don't know.

The attention to detail is beautiful and Hey!  I understood a word or two of Danish while I was listening.

Thanks Again,


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« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2016, 11:04:27 PM »

Thankyou Jazzy,  wish they had English sub titles. Wink. The Queen is very articulate and is very knowledgable about her homes.  Many of these scenes are filled with poignancy and she often seems very much alone with her ghosts.

I was thinking the same thing about the subtitles.  There have been a couple of Danish documentaries that I really wished would have had subtitles because they seemed really interesting.
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« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2016, 08:53:11 PM »

The structures of the building is truly magnificent!
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« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2016, 05:38:31 PM »

A bit off topic, sorry...  Confused

Yesterday, when the Danish politicians were running in and out of the Royal Palace, I - by pure chance of course  Whistle - had an opportunity to take a peek into a front yard of the residence. Well, disappointed.  Sad Old walls covered with flaking paint that badly in the need of renovation was all I could see...  Blink Better luck next time!


"I was given a degree by a college of unbeautiful nonsense... And I have kissed a prince in a land where men grind their wheat in the sky..."
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