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Author Topic: If Diana were alive today...  (Read 32253 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2013, 05:08:54 PM »

We would be a republic.

She was dense, self absorbed and basically selfish. An uncaring mother and dim witted to believe her own publicity.

I have to disagree that Diana was an uncaring mother. From photos/video, I got the impression she truly loved being a mother and it was the 'bright spot' in her otherwise fairly miserable life.
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« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2013, 07:42:35 PM »

We would be a republic.

She was dense, self absorbed and basically selfish. An uncaring mother and dim witted to believe her own publicity.

I have to disagree that Diana was an uncaring mother. From photos/video, I got the impression she truly loved being a mother and it was the 'bright spot' in her otherwise fairly miserable life.

I don't think she was the worst mom on earth, but she talked about all her personal problem with William who was a child at this stage. The interview and going public was not good for her kids, either.

I agree that she looks affectionate in pictures. But I really disliked that when she finally landed a man after Charles, she paraded around with Dodi on this pink yacht is Saint Tropez - both of the (rather young) boys were with her and watching her PDA - with a man who was still engaged to Kelly Fisher at this stage.

The night she died was the last night she had - due to the custody agreement she had half of the boys summer holidays and she had not seen them for four weeks. Instead of coming home early to London that evening - she chose to spend the night with Dodi in Paris - with a fatal outcome.

All this makes me think she was "average" - maybe. After both of the boys were in bording school she did not see much of them, anyway.

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« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2013, 10:07:58 PM »

We would be a republic.

She was dense, self absorbed and basically selfish. An uncaring mother and dim witted to believe her own publicity.

I have to disagree that Diana was an uncaring mother. From photos/video, I got the impression she truly loved being a mother and it was the 'bright spot' in her otherwise fairly miserable life.

I don't think she was the worst mom on earth, but she talked about all her personal problem with William who was a child at this stage. The interview and going public was not good for her kids, either.

I agree that she looks affectionate in pictures. But I really disliked that when she finally landed a man after Charles, she paraded around with Dodi on this pink yacht is Saint Tropez - both of the (rather young) boys were with her and watching her PDA - with a man who was still engaged to Kelly Fisher at this stage.

The night she died was the last night she had - due to the custody agreement she had half of the boys summer holidays and she had not seen them for four weeks. Instead of coming home early to London that evening - she chose to spend the night with Dodi in Paris - with a fatal outcome.

All this makes me think she was "average" - maybe. After both of the boys were in bording school she did not see much of them, anyway.

That's not true, by the time things started heating up between Diana and Dodi both William and Harry were already in Scotland with their father not on the boat. She only got to see them on holidays or when she visited them at school so her time with them was precious.

The reason why she didn't see them for 4 weeks is because  it was Charles' turn to have them. Diana was supposed to get them back on August 31st and spend the first week of September with them. Her flight back to London was scheduled for that day but as we all know she died in the early hours of Sunday August 31st before she could return back home and meet her sons. She was young and enjoying the last day of her life.

She was a good mom imo. Yeah she made mistakes like a majority of other moms but that doesn't make her a bad one. We're all entitled to our opinions but our opinions means nothing compared to William and Harry's. They organized a concert in her memory Harry publicly called her the best mother in the world and both men have said they wish they had more time with her. I remember that Diana had bought Harry a Playstation for his birthday the day before she died but she didn't get a chance to give it to him due to her death.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:14:48 PM by devin22 » Logged
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« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2013, 10:24:49 PM »

I personally think she was a good mother, but then again what is the definition of one? I consider myself a good mother since I never in my mind, abused my kids, but I would put the majority of women into category of 'good mother', since most love their kids and do the right thing by them. Diana was in a situation none of us can really relate to I guess. Here she was stuck with a man who didn't love her, in an establishment which had come to deem her a 'threat' of sorts, and were trying to IMO undermine her at many angles, yet on the other hand she was adored by millions, and followed and chased wherever she went. How can you not be affected by that, and not become self absorbed? I think most people would. I admit I would. If you read accounts written by so called friends since her death, she was certainly selfish and vain, used to getting her own way, but then she was treated that way from the beginning by everyone wishing to suck up to her as such. It would have been confusing at the very least. I don't think Diana was academic in any way, and she herself admitted that, but dense? Not sure about that either. I never met her personally so I can't make a judgement on that fairly. Others who did know her call her anything but. She had that special something that will always be remembered, and by all accounts, it would appear her children did adore her, even if her ex husband and his family did not.

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« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2013, 11:16:51 PM »

The writers and editors of the DM would be running more ridiculous stories. Tongue

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« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2013, 11:22:33 PM »

Aint that the truth

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« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2013, 12:36:27 AM »

I think there is a big difference between being a "uncaring" mother and being a flawed mother who makes a few mistakes but ultimately loves her children and cares deeply for them. Diana wasn't the perfect mother, no parent is perfect no matter how well intentioned, but I get the impression she truly loved her sons and did the best job she knew how to do, like the majority of parents in the world.

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« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2013, 09:02:58 PM »

Has anyone seen the controversial documentary 'Unlawful Killing' by Keith Allen? I'd love to read your thoughts on this film.

Here's a link to the film:

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2013, 05:05:32 PM »

Sorry--what I meant to say was, what if Diana had been 19 in 2010, and we had met her in this era of extreme public exposure and royal message boards? Would we be critical of her the way we are of Mary and Kate? (I tend to think/hope not, because Diana had more good qualities than Mary or Kate ever will, but then again, it's human nature to place people on pedestals and then knock them off...)
IMVHO yes the public would be just as critical. It's just so much easier to share opinions with a worldwide audience. Diana like her royal peers would also be subjected to a public who could easily take their own photos of her shopping, drinking coffee, jogging etc...and then share them instantly to world. She'd be commented upon in the same way.

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2013, 08:55:39 PM »

It's likely that these would be "dish worthy" topics for Diana at 19:  academic record, lack of continued education,  finishing school, the transparent skirt photo, cleavage showing at first evening engagement with Charles,poor posture, weight,  the "shy Di" looks and camera hungry eyes photos. In summary nearly everything we dish on for other royal ladies would be topics for Diana too.  Wink
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« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2013, 10:17:26 PM »

It's likely that these would be "dish worthy" topics for Diana at 19:  academic record, lack of continued education,  finishing school, the transparent skirt photo, cleavage showing at first evening engagement with Charles,poor posture, weight,  the "shy Di" looks and camera hungry eyes photos. In summary nearly everything we dish on for other royal ladies would be topics for Diana too.  Wink
I agree. There was something likeable about her though, and she didn't come across in the beginning as vain and arrogant. She NEVER flaunted herself as Mary does, and worked harder than Kate I am sure. It would be interesting however, and it is probably fortunate that Diana had her day all those years ago rather than now. The internet wasn't around when she first appeared either, no social network, etc, which all makes a difference IMO.

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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2013, 10:37:57 PM »

It's likely that these would be "dish worthy" topics for Diana at 19:  academic record, lack of continued education,  finishing school, the transparent skirt photo, cleavage showing at first evening engagement with Charles,poor posture, weight,  the "shy Di" looks and camera hungry eyes photos. In summary nearly everything we dish on for other royal ladies would be topics for Diana too.  Wink
I agree. There was something likeable about her though, and she didn't come across in the beginning as vain and arrogant. She NEVER flaunted herself as Mary does, and worked harder than Kate I am sure. It would be interesting however, and it is probably fortunate that Diana had her day all those years ago rather than now. The internet wasn't around when she first appeared either, no social network, etc, which all makes a difference IMO.
I agree christina. The advent of 24/7 internet access, social network and other technology has changed how we perceive our public figures and other people in general. To be honest I'm not sure that it is for the best.

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« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2013, 04:21:56 AM »

I think the problems she had early in life would be far worse, and who knows what sort of unsavory characters would be playing a role in her life? I see her as a fragile, damaged, and incredibly vulnerable woman, who, despite her ability to manipulate her public image, made and would continue to make some very poor choices in her confidants, and I am using that term in its classic euphemistic meaning.

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« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2013, 05:28:27 AM »

I think the problems she had early in life would be far worse, and who knows what sort of unsavory characters would be playing a role in her life? I see her as a fragile, damaged, and incredibly vulnerable woman, who, despite her ability to manipulate her public image, made and would continue to make some very poor choices in her confidants, and I am using that term in its classic euphemistic meaning.
Can imagine someone like James Hewit taking advantage of modern technology to air the more private moments he spent with Diana as a "tribute to their love." 
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« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2013, 06:00:26 AM »

I think the problems she had early in life would be far worse, and who knows what sort of unsavory characters would be playing a role in her life? I see her as a fragile, damaged, and incredibly vulnerable woman, who, despite her ability to manipulate her public image, made and would continue to make some very poor choices in her confidants, and I am using that term in its classic euphemistic meaning.
Can imagine someone like James Hewit taking advantage of modern technology to air the more private moments he spent with Diana as a "tribute to their love." 
So can I, and it boggles the mind  Dead This is certainly not a Diana era, and that is sad considering she would only now be 51, hardly old. The world has changed dramatically since her death
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