MOst dutch can speak german to some extent, however Wimlex doesn't speak it one iota better than any other dutch, which considering his father and mother is odd.
The DoE spend some time at a school in Germany and likely some of his vacations, however I don't think german came quite as natural as people (a tad germanophob) believe.
Sophia's mother was german too I think, and she can speak some german, but not to the extent that she could hold an entire conversation. However her english is absolutely perfect.
Yes, her mother was a Hanoverian princess and she sent Sofķa to school in Germany, so there was a time when she must have spoken it well.
Christina speaks Spanish, Catalan, English, French and Greek fluently
I doubt that she speaks Greek fluently. Kbart already said it (it was Cristina, not Elena), but Cristina spent a semester in London living with Alexia and learning Greek.
For example, I know (there is a youtube video about it) that P. Maxima talks in Dutch, Spanish and English to the Triple A girls. Made me curious about other multilingual families.
the Luxembourg's speak their mother's native Spanish (each to a different extent)
I think the Grand Ducal Court website only mentions Spanish as a language spoken by the eldest two. I know that Guillaume even did an intership in Madrid.
We already have a thread about this, so bitterbluehart would you mind asking Maria to merge them?
The previous thread is here: