esther angeline
 Oh dear, those two have actually managed to do the dirty deed? like rabbits, my dear like rabbits  Oh Peeds! What have you done to my brain?  I am going to have to stick head in the toilet and flush to get rid of those ghastly images ! 
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I am the Queen
Well now they are married they are finally allowed to have sex. But oh dear, not for fun, they have to produce children (for the catholic church).
I am born in a catholic family, and raised (mostly) catholic, but I often get the creeps from the very very very devoted catholic. Well those who pretend to be very devoted.
Can't see the pics 
Advice to my Brother on his wedding day
Never say
I know you do I've had better Did you say something
Can't see the pics  Aagh... Sorry. Maybe this will work:   Katie looks mighty pleased with herself in this photo.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1893
 United States
Posts: 13780
The last one is a nice family photo. We don't see GD Jean very often.
Apparently the Children of the Corn are living in Luxembourg. I wonder if they live on one of the family's properties, or if they have their own place. I also wonder if MA's kids get royal privileges/protection when they're in Lux. 
I hope that the Lux people do not have to pay for their security and that they so not get money from the taxpayer. I mean, they are not even in line for the throne. And why should they live in one of the residences? There are only Berg (where Henri and MT live), Fischbach (where GD Jean lives) and the Palais in Lux city (where Henri works and where they have official audiences). Henri's brothers got their own places, so I assume that they either live in a place owned by their mother or by their grandfather but not in one of the official residences
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Reputation: 1893
 United States
Posts: 13780
I hope that the Lux people do not have to pay for their security and that they so not get money from the taxpayer. I mean, they are not even in line for the throne. And why should they live in one of the residences? There are only Berg (where Henri and MT live), Fischbach (where GD Jean lives) and the Palais in Lux city (where Henri works and where they have official audiences). Henri's brothers got their own places, so I assume that they either live in a place owned by their mother or by their grandfather but not in one of the official residences
Does the Grand Ducal family own various properties around the country?
I read that Fischbach is owned by them but there is no confirmed information about their other properties. I assume that they own more than just Fischabach but that's that's just my personal opinion.
I hope that the Lux people do not have to pay for their security and that they so not get money from the taxpayer. I mean, they are not even in line for the throne. And why should they live in one of the residences? There are only Berg (where Henri and MT live), Fischbach (where GD Jean lives) and the Palais in Lux city (where Henri works and where they have official audiences). Henri's brothers got their own places, so I assume that they either live in a place owned by their mother or by their grandfather but not in one of the official residences
I totally agree. I hope they're not receiving one single benefit from the taxpayer. I don't know all that much about this family. Does MA have a residence/apartment in one of the palaces? I know that Princess Benedikte of DK has her own place inside one of the palaces, and that her family stays there when they're in DK. I was wondering if the situation was similar in Lux. I thought that I read years ago that a lot of the family live at Fischbach, and was wondering if this was the case with Imre and Krazy. It's total BS if they're living in a taxpayer funded place that includes security. I would think that this family has several residences but if they're owned by the state, then K&I (and anyone else who isn't in line for the throne) shouldn't be living in them.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1893
 United States
Posts: 13780
I hope that the Lux people do not have to pay for their security and that they so not get money from the taxpayer. I mean, they are not even in line for the throne. And why should they live in one of the residences? There are only Berg (where Henri and MT live), Fischbach (where GD Jean lives) and the Palais in Lux city (where Henri works and where they have official audiences). Henri's brothers got their own places, so I assume that they either live in a place owned by their mother or by their grandfather but not in one of the official residences
I totally agree. I hope they're not receiving one single benefit from the taxpayer. I don't know all that much about this family. Does MA have a residence/apartment in one of the palaces? I know that Princess Benedikte of DK has her own place inside one of the palaces, and that her family stays there when they're in DK. I was wondering if the situation was similar in Lux. I thought that I read years ago that a lot of the family live at Fischbach, and was wondering if this was the case with Imre and Krazy. It's total BS if they're living in a taxpayer funded place that includes security. I would think that this family has several residences but if they're owned by the state, then K&I (and anyone else who isn't in line for the throne) shouldn't be living in them. Perhaps M-A and C-C have purchased some properties around the country in order to house their growing...tribe, clan, um family.  Let's see if C-C and M-A have 5 kids and their children each have 5 plus then....uh-oh.
There's a saying, two ugly parents make a beautiful baby. If that's true then this kid is going to be gorgeous 
There's a saying, two ugly parents make a beautiful baby. If that's true then this kid is going to be gorgeous  That would be a nice change for the Hapsburgs who have all been ugly as hell from jump, the only Hapsburg that was good looking (IMO) was Philip II of Spain and his personality obliterated the hotness. But who knows DNA might decide to be kind to this ankle biter, god knows with its parents its going to need all the good fortune it can get.