She is really remarkable when it comes to intellectual achievements. The graduation ceremony will be in July 23, after that she will go on to Harvard, all such prestigious universities. I hope I am right in the opinion that both Oxford and Harvard are not the kind of universities where rich kids can go without having the intellect to attend. You really have to be very good to attend those universities. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I first thought it was a mistake in confusing June with July...
Tatler hat this article about her reserves a portion of its classes for children or grandchildren or close family members of alumni, VIPs (including heads of state), mega-donors, rich and famous people or even people who work at the College (like faculty or someone who works in the Dean's office). The entrance requirements are different compared to the unknowns. I myself knew several VIP offspring when I was there in the early '10s. I remember wondering how one got in until I was told about their lineage.
Once you are accepted, Harvard will do everything in its power to make sure you graduate, because when a VIP fails out, it makes the College look bad (and threatens alumni dollars).
Harvard is not alone in this. All of the ivy league universities (and I suspect all US colleges and universities) engage in VIP selection to some degree depending on what the university hopes to gain by their admission (like more alumni dollars or fame by association). The best example is in NCAA Division I football, where some schools will overlook glaring academic deficiencies to gain a player who can help them win a championship.