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Author Topic: Friso passed away  (Read 136845 times)
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« Reply #285 on: November 03, 2013, 06:07:54 AM »

None of the Danes, Swedes, Belgians, Luxes, and Spains? Sad  That's a shame.

I think so too, that is a big mess. Each house could have send somebody to represent. Idiots!

Exactly.   Yes  I think it's rather disrespectful to Bea. 

I was just about to ask. Considering Vic is Bea's godchild, I'd have guessed that she would come out to support her godmother.

They all have things to do? though I highly doubt it. People who would have more work to do turned up.

Yes, as did people who have actual jobs.  I really don't think any of the royal houses had an excuse for not sending at least one representative.  Norway sent two (and a half, if you count Ari Behn).  Where are the others? Thinking
The only thing that I can think of is that it was a deliberate choice made by Mabel and perhaps Beatrix not to invite the other royal family members. This may have allowed them to keep the invited guests to those each worked with and their friends/family.  Friso had made the choice to leave the Dutch Royal House and the line of succession upon marrying Mabel.  Bea seems to have always had a close relationship with Hassan and Savarth but they are also no longer the CPs of Jordan. The Norwegian royals are likely representing Harald as Friso's Godfather though they may be closer to Mabel then we know.

There is always the chance that private visits have been made from the other royal families since Friso's death.

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« Reply #286 on: November 03, 2013, 01:17:43 PM »

None of the Danes, Swedes, Belgians, Luxes, and Spains? Sad  That's a shame.
For the Lux, Henri and MT get a pass. Yesterday, they had a mass at the cathedral for the dead members of the family and it would have been not possible for them to attend both things. Having a mass or having the graves blessed on All Soul's Day is quite common in our region, so it was normal that they attended the mass for Henri's mother and other family members. But according to the cour, Lobster and Linus did not attend the mass, so there was no excuse for them not to attend, especially not for him as the heir. He could have attended no maater what she did on this day. Felix and Claire were either still in Japan or travelling back, Louis and the other are stil studying and 2 of Henri's siblings also attended the mass in Lux.
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« Reply #287 on: November 03, 2013, 01:29:17 PM »

I'm assuming that the other royals didn't attend because they weren't invited.

Hassan and Sarvath are very close to the Dutch RF and as Badiya lives in London with her husband it is quite possible she knew Friso and Mable on a personal level too.

I may be way off the mark here but it seems as though the royals attending had some sort of personal relationship with Friso.

Miss Marple

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« Reply #288 on: November 03, 2013, 04:03:30 PM »

I don't think that Friso cared much about that royal thing, he easily gave up his place in the succession. So he would not have wanted a "who is who" at his grave or memorial, so maybe they went with that.

Also that way they received less media attention and could focus more on their grief.
Countess of Cows

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« Reply #289 on: November 03, 2013, 04:10:06 PM »

thanks so much for the photos and links  Star  bless them, when it comes to losing somebody we love, we all feel the same pain.  Mabel made me smile with her bow, I hope she and the children have a happy future ahead.

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« Reply #290 on: November 03, 2013, 04:29:34 PM »

I do understand the wish for a memorial service after the funeral, but still when I look at the faces of the family exiting the church they all look so devastated all over again. 

I have to wonder if it really is healthy for his family, and his daughters especially, to have essentially another funeral for their husband/brother/son/father when they are hopefully already making positive strides in their grieving process. 
I have to agree with you shasta; but I guess they obviously felt they could do it.  My concern would
be for his daughters too...they need to start back to some normalcy knowing that he's gone.  And after seeing
these pictures, everyone looks very devastated except for Maxima...I'm sure it's just being caught at the
wrong time by the photographer, but if anyone was to see her, you'd think she was actually grinning or at least smirking.  What is up with that??

I have to agree. For this reason alone, I hope it is the end of these sort of events, it can't be good for the girls' healing process to be forced to constantly revisit their father's death.

I didn't think Max was smirking, for me, she had that same look with sort of pursed lips my mother has when she is trying to force herself not to cry. Perhaps she was trying to hold herself together for Wax and the girls.
I did consider that too QueenBee, that maybe she was trying to not cry and it made her mouth
look that way.
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« Reply #291 on: November 03, 2013, 06:09:17 PM »

I don't think that Friso cared much about that royal thing, he easily gave up his place in the succession...

In the video linked below, Prince Friso's friend Adam Anders talks about how important it was to Friso to be part of the royal family and how difficult the events surrounding his marriage to Mabel were for him.  Here are some quotes from Anders tribute to Prince Friso.

"He was very aware of being a part of the royal family.  I think he felt a positive but signigicant obligation as being a part of the royal family. something he was proud of but also wanted to do a good job in that role."

"The events around his marriage 'deeply upset him.' If you know Friso, a key attribute of Friso is his honesty and his integrity ... and the event surrounding his wedding challenged that in a way, in my opinion, that was unfair... that left Friso's hands tied in terms of being able to respond... there was a frenzy going on."

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« Reply #292 on: November 03, 2013, 06:27:56 PM »

They were so upset they edited their own wiki page

Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?

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« Reply #293 on: November 03, 2013, 08:06:39 PM »

I'm assuming that the other royals didn't attend because they weren't invited.


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« Reply #294 on: November 03, 2013, 08:39:11 PM »

I'm assuming that the other royals didn't attend because they weren't invited.

Hassan and Sarvath are very close to the Dutch RF and as Badiya lives in London with her husband it is quite possible she knew Friso and Mable on a personal level too.

I may be way off the mark here but it seems as though the royals attending had some sort of personal relationship with Friso.
I agree and those invited likely have a special relationship with Mabel too.

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« Reply #295 on: November 03, 2013, 08:42:01 PM »

None of the Danes, Swedes, Belgians, Luxes, and Spains? Sad  That's a shame.
For the Lux, Henri and MT get a pass. Yesterday, they had a mass at the cathedral for the dead members of the family and it would have been not possible for them to attend both things. Having a mass or having the graves blessed on All Soul's Day is quite common in our region, so it was normal that they attended the mass for Henri's mother and other family members. But according to the cour, Lobster and Linus did not attend the mass, so there was no excuse for them not to attend, especially not for him as the heir. He could have attended no maater what she did on this day. Felix and Claire were either still in Japan or travelling back, Louis and the other are stil studying and 2 of Henri's siblings also attended the mass in Lux.
All Souls Day would have been celebrated in Belgium and Spain as well. I still believe that the guests who were invited had a close relationship with Friso and Mabel so it was treated not a state occasion ie: Claus', Juliana's, and Bernhard's funerals.
Miss Marple

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« Reply #296 on: November 03, 2013, 09:48:47 PM »

 Star Thanks, I did not know that.

I don't think that Friso cared much about that royal thing, he easily gave up his place in the succession...

In the video linked below, Prince Friso's friend Adam Anders talks about how important it was to Friso to be part of the royal family and how difficult the events surrounding his marriage to Mabel were for him.  Here are some quotes from Anders tribute to Prince Friso.

"He was very aware of being a part of the royal family.  I think he felt a positive but signigicant obligation as being a part of the royal family. something he was proud of but also wanted to do a good job in that role."

"The events around his marriage 'deeply upset him.' If you know Friso, a key attribute of Friso is his honesty and his integrity ... and the event surrounding his wedding challenged that in a way, in my opinion, that was unfair... that left Friso's hands tied in terms of being able to respond... there was a frenzy going on."

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« Reply #297 on: November 03, 2013, 10:11:11 PM »

It's appropriate, I think, to invite only those who had a friendship with Friso.
The Thanksgiving Service was then very focused on Friso himself; very personal.
Mabel, I presume, would feel comforted being surrounded by people she, Friso and the girls knew.

The girls are darling - I mourn for them most - so young to have lost their father.


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« Reply #298 on: November 04, 2013, 11:04:44 AM »

Mabel has released some new (private) pictures of Friso and their family:


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« Reply #299 on: November 04, 2013, 03:56:14 PM »

Oh goodness. So very sad.
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