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Author Topic: Friso passed away  (Read 136841 times)
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« Reply #315 on: November 06, 2013, 05:19:09 PM »

They are so close they bought a house there...

and didn't there was a story about Bea preaching to Putin?

quite the legacy for the 3 A

Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?


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« Reply #316 on: November 06, 2013, 06:56:43 PM »

Technically it was a slap. They really had thought that Maxima had paved their way. After all Maxima's father was much closer involved into organized crime, they had lied about it and were caught and they still got married with all the fanfare. It was almost same same but this time the decision was polar opposite. 

If that's the case, that's a weird reasoning. With Maxima and W-A it was about her father, not the bride, and there was a grand ole drama. And Friso and Mabel thought, "oh well, we can lie to the Prime Minister then because Maxima got away with it?" I would have expected a bigger drama considering it dealt with the bride of (at that time) the third in line (after C-A).


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« Reply #317 on: November 07, 2013, 10:21:06 PM »

Good point Draadje, but I assume that since Mabel's connection was somewhat circumstantial never really 100% proven, while Maxima's father was a member of that dreadful government for a fact, and a lie is a lie, they thought they would get the same wriggle room. After all Friso was only the third in line and his brother was already married, already had one child and more could well be expected.

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« Reply #318 on: November 08, 2013, 01:47:09 PM »

Of course they were far worse. But at the end it was her father's decision and not Maxima's, while it was Mabel herself who had associated with twilighty characters.

I agree and think that is the difference. It's not fair to hold Max responsible for the decisions and actions of her father. Max was a child at the time her father was involved in this regime, it's not her fault in any way.


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« Reply #319 on: November 08, 2013, 01:57:45 PM »

Oh well corruption runs in the family, so the present generation could no stay behind!!

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« Reply #320 on: November 08, 2013, 04:02:20 PM »

Oh, I have missed you, winx. 

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« Reply #321 on: August 16, 2015, 10:08:32 PM »

Last week it was 2 years since Friso died.
I'm sure the girls and Mabel are taken care of by the family. I hope they're doing as well as possible.
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« Reply #322 on: August 16, 2015, 10:23:04 PM »


Oh, that poor family! I feel so sorry for them!

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« Reply #323 on: August 16, 2015, 10:32:51 PM »

Last week it was 2 years since Friso died.
I'm sure the girls and Mabel are taken care of by the family. I hope they're doing as well as possible.

I pray that his family is feeling grief less often and less painfully. That good memories out-weigh the pain and suffering. off loss.
I hope the family stay focused on supporting each based in love.


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« Reply #324 on: September 16, 2015, 10:04:42 AM »

Sunday night during their last concert in the Netherland this tour U2 made a tribute to deceased prince Friso.

Fans of the Irish band who were present at the concert wrote about the tribute on Twitter. The song Every Breaking Wave would have been special for Friso.

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf  King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were also at the concert. Bono, the frontman of U2, visited the commemoration for Friso in November 2013.  He is supposedly good friends with Mabel, the widow of Friso.

Friso died in August 2013 from the effects of a skiing accident.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2015, 10:12:05 AM by Principessa » Logged

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« Reply #325 on: February 28, 2017, 04:43:13 PM »

ski village Lech commemorates the accident of Prince Friso

The parish church of St. Nikolaus in the Austrian Lech paid attention to Prince Friso last Sunday. Five years the (second) son of Princess Beatrix was  when skiing off-piste in the outskirts of Lech hit by an avalanche. Of that accident, he never recovered and a half year later, in the summer of 2013, Friso passed away.

On a side altar in the old church building is a picture of the prince, flanked by a candle and a card bearing the word who he was and why his picture is here.

The Dutch royal family has not turned its back Lech after the tragic accident.

King Willem-Alexander has this weekend perched with his family, after earlier Princess Beatrix made her appearance. Monday morning, the royal family also holds the annual photo session for the Dutch and European media.

Mayor Ludwig Muxel Lech said earlier this month that after five years the shock of the death of Prince Friso is "still deep" . Friso came to the village since childhood, like his brothers Willem-Alexander and Constantijn, and had friends and acquaintances in the small village community.

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« Reply #326 on: February 14, 2022, 11:54:13 AM »

Loosely translated as:

'Friso ski found, finder wants to give it to Oranjes'

One of the skis that Prince Friso wore in his fatal accident in 2012 seems to have been found quite some time ago. In a conversation with the AD, ski manager Michael Manhart says that he found a bent ski more than two years ago in the area near the Austrian Lech while hunting chamois. That was not far from the place where Prince Friso was now buried by an avalanche almost ten years ago, when he was skiing off the slopes with his friend Florian Moosbrugger.

Manhart understood from Moosbrugger that the ski that was bent must have belonged to Friso. It is not clear how Moosbrugger is so sure that it is Friso's ski. Manhart initially left the ski behind. "I thought he belonged in that place," he says in the AD.

Not long after, he heard that people from the village had also stumbled on the ski during a trip and had taken it with them. "Then I told them: it's not a souvenir, just give it to me."

Manhart wants to offer the ski to the royal family when they come back to Lech. As manager he is responsible for many of the snow facilities in the ski area around Lech. His nickname is Schneepapst, or 'Snow Pope'.

Not in showcase
The Oranges did not go skiing last year because of corona, but Manhart expects them to come back soon. From his position, he is then always in contact with the security officers of the royal family, including to establish radio connections.

"I will tell their bodyguards that I have found the ski and that I would like to give it to Friso's relatives." If they don't appreciate that, Manhart wants to destroy the ski. "I don't think it's an object to put in a glass display case."

Prince Friso's fatal skiing accident will be ten years ago next week. On February 17, 2012, the prince went skiing off the slopes with childhood friend Moosbrugger, after a lot of snow had fallen in the previous days. The danger of avalanches at that time was high, 4 on a scale that runs to 5.

Prince Friso was buried under a layer of snow of tens of centimeters due to the avalanche. Unlike Friso, Moosbrugger wore a so-called avalanche airbag. As a result, he kept his head above the snow and was able to free himself. The signal from a beeper Friso himself was carrying allowed him to be located, but it took about 25 minutes to free him.

Wisdom afterwards
The prince was able to resuscitate, but very serious brain damage had occurred. He was first nursed in Austria and later transported to a hospital in his hometown of London. In July 2013 he was transferred to Huis ten Bosch, where he died on 12 August of that year. All this time, since the accident, the prince has not regained consciousness.

Manhart says in the newspaper that the accident still haunts him. "For ten years I have wondered how it is possible that such an experienced skier as the Prince went skiing outside the slopes without an airbag. I still can't figure it out." Wisdom, he says, often comes later. "That certainly applies in this case."
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« Reply #327 on: February 14, 2022, 03:02:06 PM »

Sadly, it was a very very preventable accident and two little girls, Mabel, a grieving mom and two brothers + many other relatives are still paying the price for that stupid decision.
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