No order yet from chuckie?

how long do they take to get made any way?
It might have been a tight turn around to have one done for the coronation tbf. The late queen's ones were all hand painted onto ivory so I imagine it takes a while and thats once Charles gets round to thinking about it.
TBH I'm not the biggest fan of the way the BRF do their Royal Family Orders - the ribbons are awful IMO. I'd much prefer maybe just a simple diamond cypher for the women to wear but that is just me.
I think Charles' orders will all be painted onto glass, as was Catherine's order from HLM. If I am remembering correctly it took quite awhile to get right. This may be part of the hold up.
Charles is quite artistic himself so he may have something interesting for us - Queen Victoria's order was a cameo, and something along those lines might suit better. Less of a contrast between the young Queen Elizabeth and the far older King Charles.