She definitely flew under the radar, I had no idea she was in AUS.
Luarentien seems such a normal, hard-working woman - there is a certain Duchess

who should take note of what being normal as a royal really means...
Well, even most Dutch had no idea she was in AUS

Indeed Laurentien comes across as hard working woman and mother. But in the past there were hilarious parodies of her. Among others because or way of speaking, her eye brows etc.
I'm familiar with the eyebrows (who could miss them?) but I've never heard her speak. Does she have a peculiar voice?
IMO in the past she had a sort of upper class way of speaking. I would describe it as if she has a hot potato in her throat.
In the past Laurentien gave me the impression of a wannabe, a sort of social climber. But over the years she gained more sympathy. And I think she is a genuine nice and caring person.
Video about the engagement of Laurentien and Constantijn : early 2000 Laurentien was portrayed (about two times) in the popular Dutch talkshow Kopspijkers (which has been running on the Dutch public television from 1996 to 2005.) The following picture you will see "Laurentien" in Kopspijkers on the right:

The look she had in Kopspijkers is apparently based on Laurentien's outfit at her civil marriage to Constantijn: