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Author Topic: Prince George of Cambridge - NEWS/Photos  (Read 2025673 times)
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« Reply #6840 on: July 09, 2022, 02:17:26 AM »

I hope the Jubilee was the start of George doing more public events.  I look at how comfortable and confident Estelle is, and she's only 17 months older than him.  I know girls mature faster than boys, and I know the dynamics of Sweden are different than the UK.  But seeing how at ease she is, and how shy he is is quite a contrast. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with being shy, by the way.  I'm certainly not saying he needs to "toughen up."  But George will be King one day, presumably, and I think it would be wise for Will and Kate to start taking him to smaller events frequently.  Ease him into it; don't hide him away except for the odd football game here/movie premiere there. 

It had to have been so overwhelming for him to go from minimal contact with the public to a weekend of Jubilee events, and I hope they start acclimating him in stages, starting quite soon.  Take him to Kate's scouting events, take him to Will meeting the Lionesses; do a Victoria of Sweden style hike of a natural park with some local children...I feel like there are many ways to start gently letting him get more and more at ease and confident.

For a long time Will seemed resentful of what his role required of him, and with George already seeming a bit more reticent, it wouldn't be good for him to only have stressful interactions with the public for the next few years.  Frankly I think they missed a huge opportunity by sitting out this weekend's celebrations in Norway. 

I respectfully disagree. George needs to develop at his own pace. He’s responding to the pressure without putting on an act. He’ll be developing social skills among family and friends.

I definitely see where you're coming from, Hester.   Beer

I hope, though, that his parents realize that as nice as it would be for him to have as "normal" of an upbringing as possible, his future is really as un-normal as possible (ignoring the fact that there really is no such thing as normal). 

I think we all remember our first day on our job, when the reality of what we were expected to do really hit us.  Those of us who had apprenticeships/internships/student teaching/etc. had an easier time of it, because we at least had some experience with the role.  That's why I'd like to see him do easy, small, engagements/tag-alongs, where the numbers and the pressure is less, and perhaps the media could be limited to one or two photographers, and he could have the physical and emotional support of his parents while easing in to his future.  Think of how good it could be for him to go with Kate when she visits a farm and feeds the animals and interacts with children there.  That would be so fun, and so easy, and thus so encouraging to George.

I just think/worry that if his only experiences with people beyond his family/school are red carpet events (which have to be so intimidating with the noise and the paparazzi and the screaming cheers, etc.) or hugely important Jubilee style events, that could be so overwhelming to him and make him resent or worse fear the role he was born to fill.

I do like, though, seeing how close he is with his cousins.  That will be a source of great strength and joy for him!

 Star Cordelia Fitzgerald.

I have often thought the BRF made a mistake by not including the heir-child in more events during their growing years (this goes back to Prince Charles' young days).  I think that if one is an Heir, a gentle inclusion (while fully respecting their childhood, need for play and downtime, etc.) in certain events of the working royal, is an excellent idea.  Say, one event a month? Even a bi-monthly? Even if the heir has to lose a day or a half-day from school, that wouldn't be too bad.  

And the reason(s) I feel this way:  a) most importantly it accustoms the heir to get used to the public & media coverage.  b) guided by their parents, being included in the (monthly or bi-monthly) event, it will build self-confidence.  c) it accustoms the media to the appearance of the heir, so it's not a thousand-watt event whenever he/she appears ("oh, it's one of George's regular monthly appearances, -eh, kinda dull, not too many clicks from these now; no need to send a big crew for the coverage.")

Of course I probably wouldn't start the "heir" on this kind of appearance until he's reached the age of reason, which is certainly roughly George's age now,  ALTHOUGH I don't think Estelle of Sweden has suffered from her exposure to the media/public since she was a little mite - but she is a girl and we do tend to be more mature, quickly.  Wink  And, I do think the child has to be of an age to understand/realise there are levels of behavior that he or she has to abide.  You couldn't do a semi monthly event including a really young child, or a child who hasn't had some time to become accustomed.  
Otherwise you might end up with the Alexander Bernadotte type-of-behaviors-in-church ...

With all that said, I do think George, being a seemingly intelligent, receptive young child could be made to understand the value of semi-regular public appearances with his parents/a parent.  AND that some attendance at these types of events, would do him good.  

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« Reply #6841 on: July 09, 2022, 10:13:20 AM »

Does anyone know if it's possible to send something for George to Anmer Hall, or does it have to be sent to Kensington Palace?
Is this for his birthday? It might be a better idea or send something to a children’s charity in his name and send a letter to say that’s what you’ve done.  George already wants for nothing and is rich beyond most people’s wildest imagination.

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« Reply #6842 on: July 09, 2022, 10:37:07 AM »

Does anyone know if it's possible to send something for George to Anmer Hall, or does it have to be sent to Kensington Palace?
Is this for his birthday? It might be a better idea or send something to a children’s charity in his name and send a letter to say that’s what you’ve done.  George already wants for nothing and is rich beyond most people’s wildest imagination.

Wouldn’t get past security no matter what it is. Nutters can put chemicals in anything. There’s also the risk of mold. Sending things to a child without prior parental permission is a no-go. So that’s three grounds: don’t do it. Plus the sender might go on a low-level alert list.
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« Reply #6843 on: July 09, 2022, 01:19:38 PM »

Does anyone know if it's possible to send something for George to Anmer Hall, or does it have to be sent to Kensington Palace?
Is this for his birthday? It might be a better idea or send something to a children’s charity in his name and send a letter to say that’s what you’ve done.  George already wants for nothing and is rich beyond most people’s wildest imagination.

Wouldn’t get past security no matter what it is. Nutters can put chemicals in anything. There’s also the risk of mold. Sending things to a child without prior parental permission is a no-go. So that’s three grounds: don’t do it. Plus the sender might go on a low-level alert list.
People write to the Royal Family all the time.  I'm not suggesting for a minute any correspondence would ever get to a family member.  They usually just get one of those "TRH asked me to thank you for your kind words" card from their office.

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« Reply #6844 on: July 09, 2022, 02:04:11 PM »

Does anyone know if it's possible to send something for George to Anmer Hall, or does it have to be sent to Kensington Palace?
Is this for his birthday? It might be a better idea or send something to a children’s charity in his name and send a letter to say that’s what you’ve done.  George already wants for nothing and is rich beyond most people’s wildest imagination.

Wouldn’t get past security no matter what it is. Nutters can put chemicals in anything. There’s also the risk of mold. Sending things to a child without prior parental permission is a no-go. So that’s three grounds: don’t do it. Plus the sender might go on a low-level alert list.
People write to the Royal Family all the time.  I'm not suggesting for a minute any correspondence would ever get to a family member.  They usually just get one of those "TRH asked me to thank you for your kind words" card from their office.

Interesting corro might! But definitely no objects.
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« Reply #6845 on: July 10, 2022, 02:52:12 PM »

George is at the tennis with his parents.;t=WD0zirPd58iW4ns7c6uZSg

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« Reply #6846 on: July 10, 2022, 04:09:52 PM »

I’m so glad they brought him! I love that they’ve been slowly introducing him to more events and Kate was really lovely in this video, introducing him to everyone. I didn’t realize that it was William at first and was like who is that bold man hugging George??? Then I realized it was his dad LOL. Such a sweet, down to earth family.

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« Reply #6847 on: July 10, 2022, 04:16:48 PM »

From all of the pics he seems to love it. He is into it with Wimbledon faces and all.


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« Reply #6848 on: July 10, 2022, 04:56:55 PM »

I’m so glad they brought him! I love that they’ve been slowly introducing him to more events and Kate was really lovely in this video, introducing him to everyone. I didn’t realize that it was William at first and was like who is that bold man hugging George??? Then I realized it was his dad LOL. Such a sweet, down to earth family.

I had the exact same reaction and wondered why a random man dared to kiss George on the cheek. 

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« Reply #6849 on: July 10, 2022, 05:15:24 PM »


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« Reply #6850 on: July 10, 2022, 05:21:29 PM »

George must play tennis to understand the game as he does. It’s a great sport. After I saw the mystery man was Will, I was surprised he gave two kisses to Kate…that’s usually reserved for someone you haven’t seen in a while, not someone you woke up with that morning. But hey two kisses better than none!

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« Reply #6851 on: July 10, 2022, 05:23:41 PM »

Haha Wimbledon faces yes I love it Aubiette. He is a very cute kid I wonder if he is interested in theater or drama he might have fun with that. Charles liked being a performer when he was at Cambridge if I remember correctly. He may be playing tennis since his mom is into it and doesn't she play when at Anmer isn't that one of the things they do there?
Lady Liebe

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« Reply #6852 on: July 10, 2022, 05:32:51 PM »

Haha Wimbledon faces yes I love it Aubiette. He is a very cute kid I wonder if he is interested in theater or drama he might have fun with that. Charles liked being a performer when he was at Cambridge if I remember correctly. He may be playing tennis since his mom is into it and doesn't she play when at Anmer isn't that one of the things they do there?

Nice to see them easing George in to royal duties, and wise to start with events he'll like.  I wonder what went on with the picture in the last row second from right. He's not happy and red in the face to boot.

When George was younger I remember reading that he was having tennis lesson at Anmer. Kate probably started him off herself.

Both HM and Charles liked to act inter younger years, and I would think a bit of acting ability comes in handy to a royal now and again.

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« Reply #6853 on: July 10, 2022, 05:37:42 PM »

I’ve read he plays Tennis and receives lessons. Also read that Roger Federer gave him a lesson.

Gigantic Member

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« Reply #6854 on: July 10, 2022, 06:57:51 PM »

Haha Wimbledon faces yes I love it Aubiette. He is a very cute kid I wonder if he is interested in theater or drama he might have fun with that. Charles liked being a performer when he was at Cambridge if I remember correctly. He may be playing tennis since his mom is into it and doesn't she play when at Anmer isn't that one of the things they do there?

Nice to see them easing George in to royal duties, and wise to start with events he'll like.  I wonder what went on with the picture in the last row second from right. He's not happy and red in the face to boot.

When George was younger I remember reading that he was having tennis lesson at Anmer. Kate probably started him off herself.

Both HM and Charles liked to act inter younger years, and I would think a bit of acting ability comes in handy to a royal now and again.

I know it's more Edward and Sophie's domain at the moment, but I wonder if one day George may be interested in patronising the Real Tennis Club at Hampton Court?
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