Wow on the acropolis, Omar. It’s always stunning. It just looks gorgeous all the time, but snow? So incongruous and so beautiful. That picture made my morning.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Wow on the acropolis, Omar. It’s always stunning. It just looks gorgeous all the time, but snow? So incongruous and so beautiful. That picture made my morning.
I'm so happy it did this!
There are nice people everywhere. What a great story. Warmed my cold, cold heart. :-)
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Hello dishers! This is what I found on internet: A mural from egyptian tomb, 3500 B.C., a man walking his two dogs. 
A photo from Balcan Wars (October 8th, 1912 - July 18th, 1913). A father visiting his son, in battlefront somewhere in Serbia. Staggering and heartbreaking.  Here's the link with the coloured image - I took the original one from the comments' section
Cordelia Fitzgerald
You know we all (well, all of us of a certain age  ) wanted that giant floor piano from the movie "Big" when we were younger...what a great way to live out those childhood dreams while getting a little more exercise!
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 5137
Posts: 21629
Only the idea that day and night the subway-station in front of your house or office is assaulting your ears with random piano-notes makes this a bit problematic...
anastasia beaverhausen
Only the idea that day and night the subway-station in front of your house or office is assaulting your ears with random piano-notes makes this a bit problematic...
Well, I think anything that gets people moving is a great idea. Especially here in the US where people seem to think it’s okay to sit 16 hours a day. Actually anywhere near a subway station is bound to be noisy.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 5137
Posts: 21629
True. I once read an interesting article on making the stairs more popular at subway stations and the author raised an interesting issue: Very often the stairs are wide (to accommodate easy mass evacuation) but almost endless. We have all seen those endless flights of stairs looming like the Mount Everest in front of you. And just like the Himalaya once you are climbing, it is either holding out till the end or give up and go back down. They are daunting and intimidating and people are afraid, that if something happens (either you yourself fall or someone else does) it might lead to a really nasty mass accident. So a lot of newer stations try to break up those long flights and make smaller sections, have access to escalators/ elevators on middle sections, so someone can choose to do part stairs, part escalator depending on ones level of fitness. They are trying to have little "rest areas" so that you can pause and get your breath back without being pushed along etc. I think those are great ideas.
Incredible! Thank you LittleThunder! 
Have you ever concidered to learn greek? Do you learn greek? Do you think it's hard? Well, I just noticed this video about foreigners who live in Greece permantly and their experiences learning the greek language. I found it very entertaining and I also learned that in Aegina there is a conciderably big community of foreigners who permantly live there. Here it is: