He needs a Camera Hungry Eyes section here!
Countess of Cows
I don't know this couple at all but he gives me a creepy vibe.
"I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies." Pietro Aretino
I would rather be hated for something I am, than loved for something I am not. -Bob Marley
I don't know this couple at all but he gives me a creepy vibe.
Well he certainly does now give a creepy vibe. I certainly wouldn't leave my billions with him. LOL!
First thing I noticed too. Why no engagement ring, pretty sure she has one. Kumar is looking a bit smug imo.
Smug was the first thing I thought too. Ick.
She's wearing a ring on her index finger, which makes me wonder if: A) she's having second thoughts and has decided to wait another 5 years. B) the ring is on her index finger because it's too big for her ring finger, and poor Matt, in his unemployed state can't afford to have it resized.
I don't think the ring on her forefinger is her engagement ring. Wasn't it some kind of central stone?
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 Virgin Islands, British
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Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
She's wearing a ring on her index finger, which makes me wonder if: A) she's having second thoughts and has decided to wait another 5 years. B) the ring is on her index finger because it's too big for her ring finger, and poor Matt, in his unemployed state can't afford to have it resized.
eitherway, she's dragged her fertiliser handbag to this public event. she is marked. she is telling one and all, to go jump. she's keeping him. yup. enjoy the ride. G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
Maybe he promised to behave!
A few days ago the DM had an article on Theo, basically copying a Hello article, that the wedding is on for this autumn. No dates, nothing new, so I wondered if it was actually a rehash of the last time they said the wedding "will take place" at _____.
A few days ago the DM had an article on Theo, basically copying a Hello article, that the wedding is on for this autumn. No dates, nothing new, so I wondered if it was actually a rehash of the last time they said the wedding "will take place" at _____.
I read that they will marry in Athens.
She's getting married!!! September 28, Athens!
I hope the wedding gown will be to die for 😍 I'm curious about the tiara, hopefully not Daisy's daisy tiara. She has worn it before but I think it's childish, so I hope she will be given some serious bling!
I think it will be the Khedive scroll tiara, since it's been a tradition for the female descendants of Ingrid to wear it. However, I still take this new wedding date with a grain of salt.
I think it will be the Khedive scroll tiara, since it's been a tradition for the female descendants of Ingrid to wear it. However, I still take this new wedding date with a grain of salt.
I googled the tiara and it's beautiful! I had just looked in the official site of the royal family and I didn't see any official announcement, I was on my phone half-asleep and now I cannot remember where I saw the news, but I believe it's true because this time we have a specif date, while on the past we were only getting "this summer" or "next September". I read the ceremony will be held on the Metropolis of Athens.