I'm sure she's a nice girl and I'm glad he's been clean for a couple years but she is going to be his personal nursemaid for the rest of his life if they last that long. Heroin and crack aren't easy drugs to kick for good and if you have the money (and I'm doubting he has a real job) there's so much opportunity for failure. She can't watch him 24-7.
Does anybody know who Alexandra Knatchbull is dating? There is a photo of her on her facebook page with a guy but no ID. Her father is Norton Knatchbull, Lord Brabourne , Earl Mountbatten's grandson and cousin of the DOE and Charles. She appears regularly at the Windsor Horse Show and was at Linus and Lobster's wedding . She was said to be whom the Queen wanted Willnot to marry. She is allegedly being groomed to take over Broadlands since her brother Nicholas is a(former?) drug addict. Any info on her? I know you able Dishers will be able to dig the info up.
She and will would have suited. They are both toothy  Their offspring would be terrifying! 
Does anybody know who Alexandra Knatchbull is dating? There is a photo of her on her facebook page with a guy but no ID. Her father is Norton Knatchbull, Lord Brabourne , Earl Mountbatten's grandson and cousin of the DOE and Charles. She appears regularly at the Windsor Horse Show and was at Linus and Lobster's wedding . She was said to be whom the Queen wanted Willnot to marry. She is allegedly being groomed to take over Broadlands since her brother Nicholas is a(former?) drug addict. Any info on her? I know you able Dishers will be able to dig the info up.
She and will would have suited. They are both toothy  Their offspring would be terrifying!  With huge chompers  
Lady Alice
Well, then we know where W's chompers came from, eh?
Well, then we know where W's chompers came from, eh?
They're such equestrians in both hobby and looks that I figured his chompers came from a noble steed 
esther angeline
Will's and Alex's kids' orthodontic bills would have been more than the economies of Developing counties. 
Lady Adelaide
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 04:29:07 PM by Lady Adelaide »
Queen Sofia's hair is the same shade as her dress???
How interesting that Charles has been asked to give the bride away. I suppose there is still bad blood between Alexandra and her father for his weird antics in the Bahamas. Looks like Penny is ok with keeping up appearances she looks great btw. Did Nicholas ever marry that African nurse? He looks good too but you never know what is under the surface with addicts. Bride looks lovely and happy that is all that matters. Nice to see this side of the family again. Yes I think Sofia has a mauve rinse to her hair.
I was thinking about this topic --is there a Mountbatten topic? Must start in the morning...  I LOVE the dress! The simplicity is perfect for her tall, slender shape. I think the tiara is kind of lost in the veil, though.
Lady Alice
That's quite the high-falutin' guest list!
Pretty neat to see Charles give the bride away.
The Daily Fail strikes again --it refers to her "two sisters." As far as I know, she had *one* sister who died of cancer at the age of 11 or so. What a thing to get wrong.
Lovely wedding dress.
Sofia's hair dresser needs to find a different rinse for her hair. That purple tinge is not attractive.