More than 15 years ago I once did a group camping trip through part of Ireland (we were with 9 in total, incluiding the tour guide). In general a fantastic country and especially fantastic inhabitants. For example, when we visited a local pub, we were carried away by Irish people in an Irish dance through the pub. An enthusiastic lady tried to teach us the movements. And we often had hilarious and warm conversations. We started just south of Dublin, crossed Ireland straight to Galway, then towards Killarney (including the lovely Ring of Kerry area), half an arc across the south of Ireland to Cork (whiskey tasting among others) and from there to Dublin (including Temple Bar of course; Guinness Brewery and Trinity College). After that we took the boat back to Wales (that area was also included in this trip). I truly enjoyed Wales and Ireland!
These days I am "captivated" by the Northern Irish series 'The Derry girls'. Since I don't have access to Channel 4 or Netflix, I have to make do with what I find online (especially Youtube). Currently I got a friend with Netflix so far that he has now started with the series. I already got quotes from the first episodes via Whatsapp.
Derry Girls is a sitcom created and written by Northern Irish writer Lisa McGee and produced by British production company Hat Trick Productions. It is set in Derry, Northern Ireland, during The Troubles in the 1990s. Erin (Saoirse-Monica Jackson), her cousin Orla (Louisa Harland), their friends Clare (Nicola Coughlan) and Michelle (Jamie-Lee O'Donnell), and Michelle's English cousin James (Dylan Llewellyn) navigate their teen years during the end of The Troubles in Derry, where they all attend a Catholic girls' secondary school. Erin lives with her father Gerry and mother Mary, her baby sister Anna, Mary's younger sister Sarah, Sarah's daughter Orla, and her maternal grandfather, Joe. James is Michelle's cousin; his mother Cathy left Derry for England to have an abortion but gave birth to him and raised him in London. She sends him back to Derry to live with Michelle and her mother Deirdre when she is going through a divorce.Source: girls is hilarious! Although they speak really fast sometimes!
If anyone is feeling anxious or worried or even if you just want to chat, please, please, do not come crying to me. - Siste pr Michael

Oh yeah, Sister Micheael has such great comments!
As mentioned before I have recommended the series to a friend of mine, even as I have just seen parts of it via Youtube and such. He ordered the series on Netflix and confessed he had binge watched the 2 current seasons in less then 2 days. In the meantime I was send several quotes from the series

“You Will Go Far In Life, Jenny, But You Will Not Be Well-Liked.”
"Sadly I Am Unable To Come On This One As I Despise The French.”
“Well I Think It's Safe To Say That We All Just Lost A Bit Of Respect For You There, Clare.”
“Every Year, I Sit Backstage Listening To The Singers, And It Really Makes Me Realize Just How Talented The Professionals Who Recorded These Tracks Were.”
“What’s Happening? Am I Dead? Is This My Wake? Am I In Hell?’
Father Peter: Now, back to similarities. Yes?
Michelle: Ah, protestants are richer.
Father Peter: OK, so that's another difference. And I'm not sure that's actually... I mean, is that true?
Sister Michael: I would say so.
Janet Taylor: Yeah, I suppose that's fair enough.
Father Peter: Yes, great. Off you go.
Jon: Catholics really buzz off statues and we don't so much.
Sister Michael: I do enjoy a good statue, it has to be said.
Sister Michael: Now, what else was there? Yes. Sadly, Sister Patrick has decided to leave us. She's returning to her missionary work, educating the heathen inhabitants of a primitive and savage place.
Miss Mooney: She's taking a teaching post in Belfast, Sister.
Sister Michael: Precisely. The Board of Governors promised me that her replacement would arrive today, but as usual they were talking out of their...
Sister Michael: OK, just a couple of things. Firstly, I'd like to introduce Mae Cheung. Can you make yourself known, please, Mae? Miss Cheung's family have recently moved here to Derry so I hope you'll all make her feel very welcome. It's bound to be a bit of a culture shock, Mae. Things are done... differently in this part of the world. But I'm sure you'll soon feel as at home here as you did back in your beloved Donegal. Announcement from Jenny Joyce and the dance committee. "The school social event of the year is fast approaching, but before you don your glad rags... and boogie on dow..." I'm sorry, I simply cannot read this.
Sister Michael: I want to sit here.
Michelle: What? Why?
Sister Michael: Well, you're just such wonderful company, girls, what with your stimulating conversation and your razor sharp wit.
Erin: Really?
Sister Michael: No, not really. The woman next to me is eating an egg and onion sandwich and the smell of it is enough to turn an Orange march.
Choir: [all sing] I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes Doo, doo, doo-doo, doo Love is all around me And so the feeling grows Doo, doo, doo-doo, doo It's written in the wind It's everywhere I go...
Michelle: Sweet Jesus.
Choir: So if you really love me Come on and let it show...
Sister Michael: Did I not ban this one?
Miss Mooney: Let me see. Endless Love, The Power Of Love, What You Need Is Love, How Deep Is Your Love? It Must Have Been Love, I Want To Know What Love Is, I Will Always Love You. No, Sister, you didn't.
Choir: Cos on my love You can depe-he-hend...
Sister Michael: Put it on the list. Wonderful, girls. Lovely stuff.
Sister Michael: Feckin' weirdo!
Father Peter: OK, so I see a few familiar faces out there. As some of you may know, I took a bit of a sabbatical last year.
Michelle: Do you mean when you shacked up with a slutty hairdresser, but then she dumped you?
Sister Michael: Miss Mallon, please! Raise your hand if you want to ask a question. [Michelle raises her hand]
Father Peter: OK, I think we should just move on.
Sister Michael: The hairdresser certainly did.
Father Peter: OK, so this is just a little exercise I like to kick off with.
Sister Michael: Ugh, give me strength.
Erin: You don't understand, sister. Ms. De Brún, she touched us.
Sister Michael: What?!
Erin: She made us think, she made us feel.
Sister Michael: [sighs] Oh, thank God. That would be all I need.
Erin: You can't sack her! You just can't!
Sister Michael: Miss Quinn, you appear to be under the misapprehension that you can address me as though you are my equal. I suggest you rein it in and take a seat.
Sister Michael: Part of the reason I became a nun - free accommodation.