Qui sera le prochain à abdiquer ? => Royals : who will abdicate next ? Many answers to the question I was first to post it here when Juan Carlos made his official abdication speech : who's next ? "Dans un sondage en 2013, 75% des Norvégiens se prononçaient contre une abdication de leur roi. Pourtant le très populaire Harald, 77 ans, pourrait y être poussé par une santé défaillante. Depuis dix ans, le prince héritier Haakon a dû jouer plusieurs fois le régent, quand son père était hospitalisé." In Norway, 75 % were against King Harald abidication in 2013, but the king has health issues and Haakon had to replace him many times as a regent.'ll translate more later ;-)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 01:53:39 PM by Marie »
Je suis Charlie
"Margrethe II de Danemark - A 74 ans, et après 42 ans de règne, Margrethe est toujours aussi populaire. Sa famille aussi. La monarchie n’est pas remise en question. En outre, les souverains danois n’abdiquent pas. Et si elle fume beaucoup, la reine du Danemark reste très active. Sauf surprise, le prince héritier Frederik devrait donc succéder à sa mère à sa disparition." MII, 74, queen of Denmark reigns for 42 years and is still very popular. Her famille as well. No one questions the monarchy. Danish monarchs de NOT abdicate. And even if she smokes a lot, the Danish queen is still very active. So, without surprise, the crown prince Frederic should succeed his mother the day she disapears (dies).
Je suis Charlie
Ok, this is completely off topic, but thank you, Marie, for both doing the original French text and then the translation underneath... Ah, if only my French was better and less rusty...
You are so welcome, dear Harley ! If you continue to read all that I'm posting, will chat in French soon you'll see ! Thank and one back to you ! Here is a bonus : Why Juan Carlos abdicates ? 5sorry, I don't have time to translate it)... right now.
Je suis Charlie
IMO it would have to be Harald, just because Marge and Liz won't. But the Norwegian routine isn't that strenuous, I bet he keeps going. Would stink for IA to be CP so young.
I wonder how long Henri plans to go... there's a tradition of abdication there.
GD Jean was 79 when Henri became GD, so let's hope that we have another 20 years of GD Henri + MT. I think it's time for CG to step down but didn't Silvia say that they want to give Victoria more time with her fmaily ? I don't think that Liz is ever going to abdicate. Daisy and Harald? Not so likely, Harald might if he has health problems but I can't see Daisy giving up power. So my guess would be Lichtenstein (isn't the CP doing most of it anyway?).
I don't see the Lux abdicate any time soon, either !
Je suis Charlie
Things aren't getting better for CG but they seem to have stopped getting worse. I bet he sticks it out. I'm sorta dying for the dishing myself
Lady Adelaide
As much as I would like Carl Grumpy to abdicate, I'm not expecting it to happen any time in the near future.
Victoria's family is still in progress and I doubt her father would hand over his duties to her while her child is still a toddler. CG said a while ago that he's planning on being the Head of State for many years to come and Victoria has also made similar remarks in the past so I think we have to count them out for now.
My guess is on Liechtenstein.
Most Exalted Member
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^^^Hans Adams and Alois are "job sharing" right now so I wouldn't be surprised if there is an abdication.
I'd put my money on Harald because of his recurring health issues. Would be a pity, on so many levels, but I think he's earned a retirement with his Sonja.
I didn't think J-C would abdicate so clearly I know nothing!
Remember when we thought these next few years would be boring because all the CP weddings were over?
Baby Member
Reputation: 10
Posts: 30
I hope E II abdicates soon. i don't want to see C&C on the throne really, but it could be entertaining, you know. E II has zero fun factor for me, but lizards stay strong. And these 2 oddities in Sweden could also move away. I like Daniel, he's cute with his glasses and and ties and so on. Nice bum too, they could make another baby.