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Author Topic: Queen Letizia News  (Read 889384 times)
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« on: June 05, 2014, 04:50:39 PM »

Since American pink press is just "discovering" Letizia, there are a lot of online articles about Letizia, more than specific articles on Felipe actually.  I'm opening a new thread so it doesn't clog up the abdication thread. Here is a really funny one in an Louisiana (Louisiana!) news site:

Kate Middleton, No Competition for Spain’s Princess Letizia

Written by  Sarah Whalen //   Thursday, 05 June 2014 08:31 //  Kate Middleton
Princess Letizia

Do you feel those soapy suds and warm water trickling down your neck?
London’s newspaper, The Mail, is trying to brainwash you.
The Mail is trying to make you feel better about Kate Middleton being a British royal.
Do you feel better? Or are those just soapsuds in your eyes?
The Mail is trying to make you think that Kate Middleton is the equal or better of Spain’s Princess Letizia, the sexy, brainy bombshell who married Crown Prince Felipe and is now slated to become Spain’s new queen by virtue of the just-announced abdication of Felipe’s father, the long-ruling King Juan Carlos.
Don’t let the soap bubbles get into your eyes!

 "She’s the slim, chic brunette from a modest background who became a princess. Remind you of anyone?" asks The Mail.

We are supposed to answer, "Why, Spain’s Princess Letizia reminds us of Great Britain’s Kate Middleton."
That is, provided that the brain-washing shampoo and rinse are doing the job.
But all it takes is just one look away from the brainwashing to see that Princess Letizia is nothing like Kate Middleton.
For one thing, Letizia is WAY more sexy than Kate Middleton.
For another thing, Letizia is WAY more attractive than Kate Middleton.
Letizia can smile without grimacing.
Letizia can stand in receiving lines for hours without pressing anything to her crotch.
Letizia doesn’t open her mouth wide enough to trap flies.
Letizia’s locks are, well, not blond, but not exactly brown, either. Her hair is always well cut, trimmed and elegant.

Honestly, there’s no competition like The Mail suggests in its title, "Get ready for some serious competition, Kate!"
Letizia is WAY smarter than Kate Middleton, and WAY more poised. Letizia also held a full-time job with people to whom she was NOT related. She was an accomplished news reader and journalist long before meeting Prince Felipe.
And, most importantly, Letizia’s stylish and often pencil-style skirts stay DOWN in public.
And not always, but usually, Letizia’s skirts are either below or just skimming her knees.

Yes! Princess Letizia is frequently photographed, but she is not known for her "hiney" shots. She does not require the services of a "man in grey" whose main function appears to be to follow Kate Middleton and try to batten down her billowing skirts as they rise higher and higher over her butt. "Elle" Magazine recently reported that "Kate Middleton’s Butt Might be Getting a Bodyguard," but that’s old news. Kate’s butt has actually had a bodyguard for quite some time. It’s just hard for man in grey to keep grabbing the royal behind in public, even as the guards try to block any view of Middleton’s bum by throwing their bodies in front of the flapping skirt.

As far as we know, Letizia doesn’t traipse about naked on balconies in Provence.
Letizia likely wears underwear or at least something underneath. But even if she doesn’t, Letizia’s behind has never made the front pages. Letizia usually wears her skirts stylishly tight, and tight skirts are sexy without flapping around and showing us everything.

Read the rest here:
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 10:22:05 PM by Maria » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 05:05:42 PM »

Thank you LaPrincess!  What a great article....Finally someone ballsy enough to put what we at RD already knew, in print.  This is just fantastic! 


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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 08:10:39 PM »

Thanks, LAP  Star , I loved every word of this. So: which one of our American dishers wrote it?  Jumping

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« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 01:10:43 AM »

Another article defending Letizia and this one is on UK Yahoo. This one even posted photos to rebut the accusation that Letizia is cold and arrogant.

Princess Letizia: Why The Future Queen Of Spain Is A Little Bit Great

"Letizia Ortiz, you might have heard of her.

She's about to be the Queen of Spain.
Cool, huh?

Well, we think so, but apparently that's not a viewpoint shared by much of the media.

Since the abdication of King Juan Carlos on June 2, after 39 years reigning over Spain, newspapers and magazines have gone into a frenzy, discussing the pros and cons of Letizia as future Queen.

Largely, they have focussed on her fashion, comparing her style, outfit by outfit, to our own Kate Middleton, as if it's a battle that needs a victor.
But even more unkindly, many have landed on the "skeletons in her closet" as means of undermining her character.

We've seen headlines that cite the "scandal" of her previous divorce, rumours about her nosejob and lines about the "alleged abortion that [mars] her reputation."

It seems that there's something about being Royal that opens you up to a battering ram of criticism and speculation.

Well, pooh pooh to that!

Instead of chastising Princess Letizia for having a past that, let's be honest, is actually pretty standard, we've decided to focus on all the reasons she's a little bit great."
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 01:19:27 AM by Laprincess » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 01:43:42 AM »

The "Move over Kate" type of article even reaches NPR (National Public Radio usually focuses on more serious news):

Move Over, Kate Middleton, For Spain's 'Middle-Class Queen'


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« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2014, 07:04:34 AM »

It's gratifying to see writers working for news outlets (some serious) we didn't think were paying any attention to the SRF write articles about Leti that indicate they've been observing her for a long while - not just the last few days.

And they've reached the same conclusions about her that we have here on RD.
She doesn't need a PR firm. Seems to me after she becomes queen, she will burst on the international scene because there are all these journalists who have been in the closet following her. Until now, they had little reason to publish articles about her.

I did not see similar articles about Max or Mathilde when they became queen. You think you might've seen more about Max because of her flamboyant personality.

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« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 07:11:19 AM »

Queen-in-waiting Letizia steps into brighter spotlight

"And not just in Spain. American media are thrilled to have another compelling royal to cover. They’re blaring headlines about glamorous Letizia, 41, comparing her to look-alike beauty Duchess Kate and discussing her style (very chic), her background (middle-class), and her past (a career as a TV anchor, and a previous marriage and divorce)."


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« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2014, 07:14:48 AM »

Thank you LaPrincess!  What a great article....Finally someone ballsy enough to put what we at RD already knew, in print.  This is just fantastic! 

Sarah Whalen writes for BayouBuzz, she has been writing scathing articles about Kate for years!  Laugh bounce
Google some of the old articles, she really has it out for Kate...

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« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2014, 07:49:27 AM »

It's gratifying to see writers working for news outlets (some serious) we didn't think were paying any attention to the SRF write articles about Leti that indicate they've been observing her for a long while - not just the last few days.

And they've reached the same conclusions about her that we have here on RD.
She doesn't need a PR firm. Seems to me after she becomes queen, she will burst on the international scene because there are all these journalists who have been in the closet following her. Until now, they had little reason to publish articles about her.

I did not see similar articles about Max or Mathilde when they became queen. You think you might've seen more about Max because of her flamboyant personality.

First, I think her journalist background really catches the media's attention. She's their peers at one time. Of course they have more respect for a former journalist than a do-little Waity. I think that's why the serious press is taking note of Letizia.

Second, as I've said it before, Letizia has the "look" that would turn American media's head. Some posters on the DM site said she looked like Cindy Crawford (as I said years ago when she first came onto the scene) and one poster on another site said she looked like Julia Roberts.

American media has a bias toward the BRF. They don't have much affinity toward the SRF. It takes a promotion to queen for them to have a reason to write about Letizia. Rania got no attention before becoming queen either. But after her becoming queen, she definitely caught global media's attention. But a Spanish queen is easier to embrace than a Jordanian one for Americans. I think Letizia may gain more attention than Rania does going forward.

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« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2014, 07:53:04 AM »

I really don't get why they are comparing Leti to Waity, rather than to Mathilde or to Max. I know the English speaking press don't realise any country but the UK has a royal family, but still...


Cool your jets, everyone

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« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2014, 07:57:54 AM »

I really don't get why they are comparing Leti to Waity, rather than to Mathilde or to Max. I know the English speaking press don't realise any country but the UK has a royal family, but still...

You answered your own question: American media and Americans don't know any royal princess other than Waity. Waity is the only reference point. 
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« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2014, 08:15:02 AM »

Thank you LaPrincess!  What a great article....Finally someone ballsy enough to put what we at RD already knew, in print.  This is just fantastic!  

Sarah Whalen writes for BayouBuzz, she has been writing scathing articles about Kate for years!  Laugh bounce
Google some of the old articles, she really has it out for Kate...

I was laughing out loud reading the article.  The woman truly has a wicked sense of humour  

<<<She does not require the services of a "man in grey" whose main function appears to be to follow Kate Middleton and try to batten down her billowing skirts as they rise higher and higher over her butt. "Elle" Magazine recently reported that "Kate Middleton’s Butt Might be Getting a Bodyguard," but that’s old news. Kate’s butt has actually had a bodyguard for quite some time. It’s just hard for man in grey to keep grabbing the royal behind in public, even as the guards try to block any view of Middleton’s bum by throwing their bodies in front of the flapping skirt.>>>

<<<Queen Sophia had hoped for a dynastic marriage for her son. Not necessarily with a foreign princess, although she likely would have embraced such a union. But there is no doubt that Sophia had higher hopes for her son than the likes of Letizia, who seemingly came out of nowhere.
Like an asteroid.>>>>>

<<<And then, King Juan Carlos fell off that damned elephant, or the elephant fell on him, and it all went to hell.>>>>

Lady Alice

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« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2014, 08:33:26 AM »

If a king falls off an elephant in the savannah and nobody hears it, does it make a noise?

Laprincess, what a treasure of an article. Thank you!  Hug


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« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2014, 09:02:04 AM »

If a king falls off an elephant in the savannah and nobody hears it, does it make a noise?

Laprincess, what a treasure of an article. Thank you!  Hug

You're welcome.  That quote is my favorite too. That woman is seriously funny and irreverent. 
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« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2014, 10:41:34 AM »

Some aspects of the Spanish media may think that Letizia's divorce and career are negatives but I think on a wider scale a lot of international outlets would disagree.

Despite the fact she has never courted the media I think a lot of them will take interest in her, partly because she is one of their own, but also on a more basic level she "represents" the modern working woman in many countries.

Plus here in the UK we're saddled with a useless princess who seems to have the intelligence of a doorknob. By contrast Letizia is a woman with style, personality and flaws. That makes her very appealing to the press.



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