I think it looks awful on both of them - not sure which is worse!
Eugenie might win the prize as the "what can you do with a bin-bag"
It is a struggle with post-baby clothes but surely something different would have been better on her, Beatrice definitely looked better
Still rehashing the event... I'm surprised by the following absences: Mette Marit, P&P Michael of Kent or ANY Kents, Yugoslavs. Maybe MM didn't want to bump in to her bestie's ex-husband Kyril of Bulgaria.
The wedding is making more sense to me as I see who the groom's godparents were. This really wasn't a royal wedding in the classic sense which makes it more understandable that the bride is not being presented at least by the family as "Princess Nina of Greece" which explains the wiki page fight. Also the royals who showed up for the groom are his godparents. The dress code is odd and feels more almost come as you'd like. Some men wore morning suits and others wore suits like the ladies in glam evening gowns and also nice dresses. From the pictures it looked like they entered the church in the daytime the exited in early evening the sun was definitely going down so between the daytime ceremony and the obvious nighttime reception people might not have been on the same page with the clothing choices. Those two bridesmaids are very beautiful young ladies.
Countess of Cows
 Thank you so much Lady L!  WoW in the baptism pic, Bene is looking sharp, I saw her before D and I wouldn't have known Elena. Thanks so much for sharing it  jmo Bea was one of the best dressed and really looked beautiful. Tatiana from Monaco did good too, simple, tasteful and put together, heck it even looks like Andre bathed  Disappointed in the other Greek Tatiana, she's usually so well dressed, surprised she wasn't in my top 3.
"I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies." Pietro Aretino
I would rather be hated for something I am, than loved for something I am not. -Bob Marley
If I'm not mistaken Eugenie is wearing the same dress the bride wore for the 2nd ceremony (a wrinkled mess) in black to the wedding. Isn't that the same dress?
Sharp eye, let's see: Nina Flohr at the 2nd celebrations of their (civil) marriage in 2020:an ivory dress, by Peter Pilotto.  Eugenie at the religious wedding of Nina Flohr & Prince Philippos of Greecea black dress, by Peter Pilotto   Oh yeah, indeed the same dress, only a different color (and size probably). I don't like the dress oneither of them. The dress is not designed well and pulls in the wrong places.  for CoC for her sharp eyes! The dress is poorly designed. Even the model looks bad in it!
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Cordelia Fitzgerald
The issue with a lot of the things she has worn IMO is fit/finish and accessories - the dress the day before the wedding was okay (well the sleeves were a crime) but needed to be longer to the floor and without those shoes.
The civil service outfit wasn't bad bar the shoes and white tights.
The Friday day outfit would have been better in a darker colour without the pockets IMO.
The outfit for the lunch hosted by Constantine would have been better with a shorter skirt or kept with a longer one in a different material.
I suspect the problem is she has relied on it being Chanel and so "reassuringly expensive" which in her minds means it must look good.
Ralf, I had been wondering why she was so badly dressed since she's the daughter of a billionaire and so presumably used to luxury labels, but this phrase "reassuringly expensive" makes perfect sense!
Cordelia Fitzgerald
If I'm not mistaken Eugenie is wearing the same dress the bride wore for the 2nd ceremony (a wrinkled mess) in black to the wedding. Isn't that the same dress?
Good catch!! Looks less-than-flattering on both of them. Didn't this designer do Eugenie's wedding dress?
Lady Liebe
If I'm not mistaken Eugenie is wearing the same dress the bride wore for the 2nd ceremony (a wrinkled mess) in black to the wedding. Isn't that the same dress?
Good catch!! Looks less-than-flattering on both of them. Didn't this designer do Eugenie's wedding dress? Yes. But why she bought this dress cannot be explained, unless she didn't try it on first. Frankly, at first glance I thought it might have been something she borrowed from Sarah, because it the kind of fugly thing Sarah is known for.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
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Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
If I'm not mistaken Eugenie is wearing the same dress the bride wore for the 2nd ceremony (a wrinkled mess) in black to the wedding. Isn't that the same dress?
Good catch!! Looks less-than-flattering on both of them. Didn't this designer do Eugenie's wedding dress? Yes. But why she bought this dress cannot be explained, unless she didn't try it on first. Frankly, at first glance I thought it might have been something she borrowed from Sarah, because it the kind of fugly thing Sarah is known for. I'll have a go. I think Nina may be a billionaire's daughter, but she does not seem (to me) to have had much exposure to being in the media as her now inlaws are or have grown up in. She did what she liked with all the freedome that much money provided. from the photos I've seen of her on the net, she didn't come across as a fashion conscious or a coat hanger she is now going to be scrutinised to the 'th degree and it'll be interesting to see how she can and will deal with it. Her 'weight' will be picked up on, her hair, her clothes...oh no baby yet...oh girl baby...when is the boy coming then...etc etc... It can get merciless... I think she is more into her 'husband' then he is into her...just going by their body language, JMO, tho'... G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
Cordelia Fitzgerald
If I'm not mistaken Eugenie is wearing the same dress the bride wore for the 2nd ceremony (a wrinkled mess) in black to the wedding. Isn't that the same dress?
Good catch!! Looks less-than-flattering on both of them. Didn't this designer do Eugenie's wedding dress? Yes. But why she bought this dress cannot be explained, unless she didn't try it on first. Frankly, at first glance I thought it might have been something she borrowed from Sarah, because it the kind of fugly thing Sarah is known for. I'll have a go. I think Nina may be a billionaire's daughter, but she does not seem (to me) to have had much exposure to being in the media as her now inlaws are or have grown up in. She did what she liked with all the freedome that much money provided. from the photos I've seen of her on the net, she didn't come across as a fashion conscious or a coat hanger she is now going to be scrutinised to the 'th degree and it'll be interesting to see how she can and will deal with it. Her 'weight' will be picked up on, her hair, her clothes...oh no baby yet...oh girl baby...when is the boy coming then...etc etc... It can get merciless... I think she is more into her 'husband' then he is into her...just going by their body language, JMO, tho'... G  Good analysis, Geta.  When you write it out like that, it makes me think of Stephanie of Luxembourg and her struggles to find what works for her figure/how she (still) doesn't realize that expense = flattering.
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Apparently the bride has been wearing Chanel for all these events. Now we *really* feel Uncle Karl's loss.
I wonder what Chanel herself would say about the bride's choices this past weekend. "Mademoiselle" certainly wasn't shy about voicing her opinions.
To be fair the dress is perfect for that dance, though i do think outside of that dance my original comments stand - and those shoes 
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jerry4, Thank you for showing the dance! Philippos and Nina dance very well together. I could see them on The Lawrence Welk Show.
Don't know. Getting a little tired of seeing Nina in white. Maybe it's wedding fatigue. Bea looked glowing, and didn't Annemarie look gorgeous in that blue dress?