Luckily, when they are little, the bones heal really fast, as in 4-6 weeks. I say that as someone who shattered her lower leg in her 50s. Not a fun time at any age, but quickly over when they are little.
ps can I just say that time stood still when we had the Duke's shoulder vs Vail mountain, CO....which was only 7 months before disaster struck me. Also plates and screws for him followed up by an intractable DVT from calf to groin.
But did you decorate his cast, that’s what I want to know. ;-) Wait , do you even get a cast with a broken shoulder?
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Luckily, when they are little, the bones heal really fast, as in 4-6 weeks. I say that as someone who shattered her lower leg in her 50s. Not a fun time at any age, but quickly over when they are little.
ps can I just say that time stood still when we had the Duke's shoulder vs Vail mountain, CO....which was only 7 months before disaster struck me. Also plates and screws for him followed up by an intractable DVT from calf to groin.
But did you decorate his cast, that’s what I want to know. ;-) Wait , do you even get a cast with a broken shoulder? more likely plates, screws and a sling - occasionally put a forearm cast on to help with upper arm traction in the early days (but that treatment probably went out with the ark)
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Luckily, when they are little, the bones heal really fast, as in 4-6 weeks. I say that as someone who shattered her lower leg in her 50s. Not a fun time at any age, but quickly over when they are little.
ps can I just say that time stood still when we had the Duke's shoulder vs Vail mountain, CO....which was only 7 months before disaster struck me. Also plates and screws for him followed up by an intractable DVT from calf to groin.
But did you decorate his cast, that’s what I want to know. ;-) Wait , do you even get a cast with a broken shoulder? LOL, now I envision and envy the Duke's fabulously embellished cast - rhinestones and tiara-like, he must have dazzled the orthopedic surgeons...
Cordelia Fitzgerald
Luckily, when they are little, the bones heal really fast, as in 4-6 weeks. I say that as someone who shattered her lower leg in her 50s. Not a fun time at any age, but quickly over when they are little.
ps can I just say that time stood still when we had the Duke's shoulder vs Vail mountain, CO....which was only 7 months before disaster struck me. Also plates and screws for him followed up by an intractable DVT from calf to groin.
But did you decorate his cast, that’s what I want to know. ;-) Wait , do you even get a cast with a broken shoulder? LOL, now I envision and envy the Duke's fabulously embellished cast - rhinestones and tiara-like, he must have dazzled the orthopedic surgeons... Am I remembering correctly that the Duchess used to embellish figure-skating costumes? If so, the Duke must have been the most festive and fancy patient on the block!
Duchess of Verona
I still do! I just finished one over the weekend. Sadly, the Duke had nothing cast wise to embellish, just lots of titanium internal fixation.. Unfortunately, they sent us home to NY on day 3 post surgery and he ended up with quite the DVT. Completely occluded from ankle to groin, like a cork in the bottle. Said I "A friend of mine just had one of these and they snaked it out the same day". "no, no" said the vascular surgeon. "we prefer to treat it medically in case a piece breaks off. Over the next few months, it will gradually go away on the anti-coagulants." Said I "Can you please run a clotting panel." "No, no need". 3 Month check = 1% improvement. 6 month check = no further improvement. Said I "Ok, we tried it your way, can you please set up the the snake". "No, no. We would have had to do that in the first 2 weeks". Dead, cold silence. Then "You mean when I asked you to? Can you now please run the clotting panel I asked you to?" Turns out he does have a familial clotting insufficiency. I HATE doctors who refuse on principal to check things you ask about, just because they are the DOCTOR and you are the lowly patient.
Cordelia Fitzgerald
| was that clot resolved?? My goodness what a nightmare on top of an already dreadful situation.
Also, I've been reading that Gabriella "sprained her leg" at school after falling while playing. Poor thing, sometimes (so I've heard) sprains can be worse than breaks. I've never seen a cast for a sprain, but then she's a little, active girl, so this may be the best way to ensure it stays immobile.
7 already! Wow! I hope they're able to see their mom today.
“And she will keep coming back to life, over and over again, because beneath the skin of this gentle human lives a warrior unstoppable.” - Annabelle M. Ramos
Duchess of Verona
| was that clot resolved?? My goodness what a nightmare on top of an already dreadful situation.
Also, I've been reading that Gabriella "sprained her leg" at school after falling while playing. Poor thing, sometimes (so I've heard) sprains can be worse than breaks. I've never seen a cast for a sprain, but then she's a little, active girl, so this may be the best way to ensure it stays immobile.
Sorry to be late responding, this slipped by me at the time. The DVT is now permanent. He will be on blood thinners forever. I really am furious with the vascular surgeon who declined to address it surgically when it initially occurred.. Quelle surprise, he has subsequently left the practice and the hospital involved.
Board Helper
Those are unbelievably sad birthday photos. The balloons have been set up as a photo op backdrop. They aren’t there for a family celebration. Those poor kids. Horrible, just horrible (and, I’m afraid, very Monaco-glitz).
They are cute kids but all I see is a boy in silk pj's and it's a little too Playboy Mansion like for me. I'm only speaking in terms of the image not any shenanigans.
Board Helper
They are cute kids but all I see is a boy in silk pj's and it's a little too Playboy Mansion like for me. I'm only speaking in terms of the image not any shenanigans.
What child has birthday cake while they are still in their pyjamas? The Monaco royals have no values.
Ya, my first thought was, I hope they were able to have some little chums there for a birthday party, or at least some family members to celebrate with. I hope the coming year is kind to them.