Miss Marple
IMO this is a typical PR photo - set in an official part of the palace not to reveal much. The public needed a photo of two happy kids and a cake and baloons and all other stereotypes - so this is what they got.
They are cute kids but all I see is a boy in silk pj's and it's a little too Playboy Mansion like for me. I'm only speaking in terms of the image not any shenanigans.
What child has birthday cake while they are still in their pyjamas? The Monaco royals have no values. Do you see them eating cake? I don't. We should worry about our own values.
It probably was a PR set up and the actual party with friends is somewhere else. I don’t see anything wrong with the photo or the reasons for it.
Plus I’m all for anyone in their PJs all day on their birthday.
I’m probably a bad parent, but when my daughter had her 7th birthday party, all the little kids decided it would be great to strip to their underwear. About 5 or 6 kids. They ran around the house and had the entire party in their panties, and at cake that way, opened presents, hit the piñata, and thought themselves hilarious. It was a sleepover. There are no pictures. I went along with it.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Wasn’t their birthday a Friday- if so wouldn’t they be in school for most the day? So a photo early morning when little kids would be excitedly opening presents etc would be only option before they came back from school. Seems more about having a photo earlier in the day than worrying they are in PJs, probably taken by a family member/close friend to be honest. Fair enough IMO
 TBH, this photo makes me sad - it looks like they're alone on a tiny "island" in the middle of a grand, very cold, impersonal space, with 2 slices of cake on a tray that a servant brought them  I really hope they actually had a much nicer, cosier celebration than what this photo shows...
Miss Marple
I think that was just the official photo release without revealing much and I am sure they did have a nice party. Due to the current circumstances they receive a lot more attention than the normal royal kids their age. Al is kind of forced to release pictures stating "nothing to see here, the kids are okay, please keep walking". IMO that he does that without revealing much of their personal environment shows that he has understood the responsibility.
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 Virgin Islands, British
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Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
It probably was a PR set up and the actual party with friends is somewhere else. I don’t see anything wrong with the photo or the reasons for it.
Plus I’m all for anyone in their PJs all day on their birthday.
I’m probably a bad parent, but when my daughter had her 7th birthday party, all the little kids decided it would be great to strip to their underwear. About 5 or 6 kids. They ran around the house and had the entire party in their panties, and at cake that way, opened presents, hit the piñata, and thought themselves hilarious. It was a sleepover. There are no pictures. I went along with it.
I wannna be invited to your party  G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
What is up with Jacques pants? Some new fashion trend? 
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What is up with Jacques pants? Some new fashion trend?  Yes, apparently “high waters” are in style 🤷♀️
Tulip of Nonsense
A new photo of the Grimaldi siblings: "Jazmin Grace Grimaldi never misses an opportunity to show her attachment to Monaco and her siblings, especially on their birthdays." http://www.noblesseetroya...dre-jacques-et-gabriella/I'm not a fan of Jazmin, but the photo is nice 
"I was given a degree by a college of unbeautiful nonsense... And I have kissed a prince in a land where men grind their wheat in the sky..." Melville Davisson Post
They are cute kids but all I see is a boy in silk pj's and it's a little too Playboy Mansion like for me. I'm only speaking in terms of the image not any shenanigans.
What child has birthday cake while they are still in their pyjamas? The Monaco royals have no values. LOL😎
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1259
 United States
Posts: 13549
A new photo of the Grimaldi siblings: "Jazmin Grace Grimaldi never misses an opportunity to show her attachment to Monaco and her siblings, especially on their birthdays." http://www.noblesseetroya...dre-jacques-et-gabriella/I'm not a fan of Jazmin, but the photo is nice  Prince Jacques is not looking directly at the photographer and the camera.