Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Princess Louise and Prince Aymeric of Belgium,
Princess Maria Chiara of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Prince Nicolas of Belgium - in Saint-Tropez. These two are all over other royals like a bad rash.
What bothers me about the Barbie twins is that they never look like relaxed kids their age.
Here the Belgian royals are dressed casually because... it's summer holidays in St. Tropez.
The Barbie twins are dressed to walk in a tacky runway show. They always are. Even when they were 12 years old.
Pumps and party dresses for a daytime outing in the summer. I know they get it from their mom, but I would like to see them rebel away from whatever their mom has been teaching them.
The girls are young and pretty, and I hate seeing them gussied up all the time. They look older than they are.
I'm sure they would look nice and fresh-faced if they toned down the makeup and wore cotton shirts, jeans, and flat sandals.