What if there is somebody on here pretending to be someone they are not? I am referring to the person who claims to be Russophile. I know the REAL Russo and that is NOT she.
Well, Melly, now that you're here, join in the fun.
AND Russophile means "supporter or liker or lover of Russo" not Russo herself. So Russophile is someone who
likes your TRF persona.
This is cyberspace, and you don't own made-up names, sorry.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the DRF: the appalling Mary, the insufferable Fred, the brutal Christian, the vulgar Jock Donaldson .... plenty of topics for you to contribute to Miss Melly!
Warning: you will find your saccharine/sugar tendencies will diminish over time, as you enjoy the sharp wits over here, and are more and more bored by the dimwits over yonder!
Seriously, no trolling or you'll be banned for sure.
No more from me on this "topic".