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Author Topic: BOOK Once Upon A Time  (Read 7479 times)
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« on: February 19, 2016, 11:41:28 PM »

The huge book (877 pagees by J. Randy Taraborrelli  2003     Once Upon A Time

shows Gracy Kelly from start to her death & her relationships with Rainier, her co-stars, her family, and the upbringing of their three children.................she was in charge of Caroline & Stephanie, but Rainier was totally in charge of Albert since birth...................the palace, the people of Monaco, the politics, the church,her charities, her friends....................
and Monacco's relatives (would not wish any of them on my fondest non-friends........
her 12-carat engagement ring, their homes,her fantastic jewelry (wonder what ever happened to her engagement ring??)
Caroline always thought SHE should rule from age 3 or she use to bite Albert and hurt him..................
actually the entire book is very interesting....different view unhappy Grace was and how fragile as well as strong.....................showed Rainier in an interesting light.............everything was for the betterment of Monaco and how he went about various fights, including getting Onassis (sp) OUT of Monaco...took is many years

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« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 09:44:55 AM »

Hi Lynda,
This book is one of my favorites. I think because it was honest in how it describes Grace's difficulty in adjusting to her new life...the "what have I done moments" and Rainer's genuine desire to make her happy.  Both of them seemed really real and, while flawed, still likeable. I loved how it described their new closeness in the years just before her death...and I felt so sad knowing it wouldn't last. A really good read.

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« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 09:40:51 PM »

Hi Lynda,
This book is one of my favorites. I think because it was honest in how it describes Grace's difficulty in adjusting to her new life...the "what have I done moments" and Rainer's genuine desire to make her happy.  Both of them seemed really real and, while flawed, still likeable. I loved how it described their new closeness in the years just before her death...and I felt so sad knowing it wouldn't last. A really good read.

Thank you ShastaDaisy........I thought I was the only one who would read such a huge book........very glad I did sooo much was "explained"
 wonder what happened to all of Grace's MONEY as well as her 112+-carat engagement ring.........
.........It shows a entire new light on Caroline (not very good) and on Albert---just trying to make things better...............If Grace had 134 titles, does Charleene also have 134 titles?
Had no idea that Roc Angel had 60-acres...all beautiful
Christian deMassy also had a big blow up hours before she died..he has lead a very interesting adult life..........
Is Caroline still living in the villa that her parents gifted her on her marriage to Philippe Junot?

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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 09:56:56 PM »

I think her engagement ring remains with the family and was displayed as part of the 'Grace' exhibit a few years back.

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« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 01:17:34 AM »

I read this book and I liked it a lot, we learn a lot about the life of the princees Grace and the Kelly family and the princely family.
Her ring was shown at the exhibition of Princes Grace
Charlene has also the 134 titles as she is married with Albert.

Princess Caroline is always living in the villa Saint Martin ,  near the palace.
We saw again Fran?ois de Massy, he sat near Melanie De Massy during the christening of the twins, we saw him at the  ceremony of the 10 years of the reign of Albert, he was at the national fest , Albert and specially Charlene is very close to his cousins
This year, Christian De Massy divorced for the third times

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« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2016, 12:05:34 PM »

I am actually reading this book atm 😊. It's a long read but very interesting.
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« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2016, 03:23:42 AM »

I am actually reading this book atm 😊. It's a long read but very interesting.

Another interesting book was published recently: "My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco" by Joan Dale, a personal long time friend of Pr. Grace, who writes from a completely different viewpoint than most of the other books about Grace which I have read.  It is definitely a "pro-Grace & Ranier" book, which seeks to talk about what it was like behind the scenes when she would travel with the couple on cruises and trips, visit with them at their country estates, attend parties with them and bolstering the view that their marriage was a good one, not bad as many others have written.  There are many black and white photos (of poor quality) which I have never seen before. A few of the photos have Grace wearing some of her jewels.  I wish they were full color so you could see them better, as I don't believe a complete view of her jewelry collection has even been shown.  Alas, the photos are of poor quality.  Dale writes that she was like a sister to Grace -- she looked like her, dressed similar, did their hair similar and enjoyed similar things & shared confidences.  I think she is loyal to Grace & Ranier and wants people to see them in a different light, which is ok with me, since so many others are eager to tear them down.  The book also describes the lavish parties that went on at that time period.  Much more lavish than what you get today.  On balance, it's a good book and well worth reading for Grace fans. 

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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2016, 06:45:46 PM »

We know Caroline got all of her mothers jewelry, but what did  Stephanie get?  Did Albert get any of her jewelry?

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« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2016, 11:47:48 PM »

Why? did Rainier not give the three Casiraghi children of Caroline titles.............

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« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2022, 10:45:14 PM »

The title of the book Once Upon A Time seems most appropriate because Grace went from being a young lady and actress to a royal princess. It is like a script from a fairy tale.
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