Hanzo: yes, at the very least he was among the most dangerous and destructive people in history.
But here's the difference....unlike some others we know of eg Hitler, th
ere are still lots of people who think Mao was kind of cute and they have memorabilia of his that they show off.
Remember when Prince Harry was (rightly IMO) attacked for wearing a swastika?
He deserved the attacks as far as I am concerned, but one commentator did point out that there would not have been the same uproar if he had worn Mao memorabilia - not because anyone thinks Harry is a communist
but because among the leftist intelligentsia it's somehow "OK" if a mass-murderer also called himself a communist.
And in fact, as you said, plenty of commentators dispute what Jung Chang has said about Mao in her new book.
Please do see that film and let us have your opinion!!!! You'll see how dreadful a fate it was to be the number 3 or 4 wife, especially if you didn't give birth to a boy.
Your are absolutely right! I travled China with a friend of mine and we were buying some presents home. They sell in tourist shop bags with Mao's potrait, she bought It because she thought It was cool and I told her It was terrible and at the end she threw It away. I think she was ignorant and didn't know his history.
I see what you are saying but I don't feel It where I live. Communism is really vilified where I live which sometimes makes me sad. I'm not a Communist but If It wasn't for Communism I would never have been born (I wrote the story on RB forum)
It's truth that many in the left don't see him in a very negative way It's all comeing to ignorance and turning a blind eye.
As for how misreable Chinse women used to be was also the practice of feet binding. Have you ever seen the size of these shoes? price Christian could fill them next year. Just another example of how men are making woman cripples over the centuries when planting in their minds that It's beutiful and desireable, the same goes for corset and nowdays skinney clothing sizes.
As for the movie I'l have keep my fingers crossed since the local dvd store has mainly new movies.