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Author Topic: Carl Philip & Sofia - 2017 News & Events  (Read 289891 times)
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« Reply #780 on: December 22, 2017, 09:14:18 PM »

Aren't pregnancies that close together really rough on the body though? There is a woman at work who had three really close together and admits she has zero muscle tone in her stomach.

Sof was always going to trend towards her mother's form, but I didn't think it would happen this fast. Unless the plan all along was to bust out a brood of kids and go for the divorce in a few years' time and get Alex of DK-like status. If that doesn't happen then I imagine we will be treated to years of ill-fitting shapewear, amusing corsetry attempts, and bad fashion choices two sizes too small.

My sister had 2 within 12 months.  She said it took way longer for her body to bounce back plus she got hit extra hard with postpartum depression.  It took a few years to get everything worked out.
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« Reply #781 on: December 23, 2017, 01:31:21 AM »

Sofia's dress is by Hugo Boss:

There's no way you can convince me that guy doesn't have a substance abuse problem. He's been in a steady decline since he met the snake. And she looks hideous, as usual. The hair, omg the hair Dead And yeah, way to destroy a perfectly nice dress by cinching up the waist, brilliant! She's not going to age gracefully at all imo.

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« Reply #782 on: December 23, 2017, 01:41:14 AM »

Perhaps that is why the guy in uniform at the left look so intense and so at Carl Syphillis

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« Reply #783 on: December 23, 2017, 02:13:20 AM »

I wonder if she was trying to create the illusion of a waist with that belt?


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« Reply #784 on: December 23, 2017, 02:23:41 AM »

The dress comes with the belt but it is removable and she should have removed it! That color is too bright for her pale skin (and she def looks pregnant but I really hope she isn't)

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« Reply #785 on: December 23, 2017, 02:29:16 AM »

The dress comes with the belt but it is removable and she should have removed it! That color is too bright for her pale skin (and she def looks pregnant but I really hope she isn't)

That dress is even ugly on the model.  The loose waist and string belt are just not a pretty combination.  I like the red version, but she needed a much better bra.  Whatever she was wearing underneath just made her look like her breasts are at her waistline.  A better bra might have made a difference from the neck down.

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« Reply #786 on: December 23, 2017, 04:07:18 AM »

The dress comes with the belt but it is removable and she should have removed it! That color is too bright for her pale skin (and she def looks pregnant but I really hope she isn't)

That dress is even ugly on the model.  The loose waist and string belt are just not a pretty combination.  I like the red version, but she needed a much better bra.  Whatever she was wearing underneath just made her look like her breasts are at her waistline.  A better bra might have made a difference from the neck down.

actually...I like the red dress and the no string would have made her appear super duper wide. At least there's some illusion of a waist! Compared to the horrible fit of that coat on her, the dress is good! I like the coat too, just not worn with that belt directly under her boobs. I bet marie of denmark would look amaaaazing in this outfit!

Her girls need to be hiked about 4 inches higher, she's wearing her bosom at Old British Royalty level at the moment. No 30 something woman should wear her boobs at elbow height. I can't believe she's pregnant again so soon! That's so horrible for a woman's health. I think she's just got a whole lot of baby weight or her figure has er, redistributed, and she's not wearing flattering clothing for her new shape. I mean you can't fight genetics forever, can you? Both of her parents are quite rotund.
Princess BlueEyes

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« Reply #787 on: December 23, 2017, 06:04:47 AM »

The dress comes with the belt but it is removable and she should have removed it! That color is too bright for her pale skin (and she def looks pregnant but I really hope she isn't)

That dress is even ugly on the model.  The loose waist and string belt are just not a pretty combination.  I like the red version, but she needed a much better bra.  Whatever she was wearing underneath just made her look like her breasts are at her waistline.  A better bra might have made a difference from the neck down.


Why is it that many royal woman spend a fortune on clothing but when it comes to getting a good, supportive, well-fitting bra they will not spend the money?

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« Reply #788 on: December 23, 2017, 06:15:50 AM »

The dress comes with the belt but it is removable and she should have removed it! That color is too bright for her pale skin (and she def looks pregnant but I really hope she isn't)

That dress is even ugly on the model.  The loose waist and string belt are just not a pretty combination.  I like the red version, but she needed a much better bra.  Whatever she was wearing underneath just made her look like her breasts are at her waistline.  A better bra might have made a difference from the neck down.


Why is it that many royal woman spend a fortune on clothing but when it comes to getting a good, supportive, well-fitting bra they will not spend the money?

I will never understand it.   Star
Sondra Finchley

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« Reply #789 on: December 23, 2017, 09:17:47 AM »

Im guessing she's gone up a few sizes in bras and either doesn't know the new size and is guessing OR is still trying to wear cutsy underthings with that rack and cutsey things NEVER have the wide supportive straps you need. Sorry gf, that's just life.

Also, coats like she had with the tie never look good on anyone with a large front because its another bunch of material just under your chest so it makes everything look like one big wall.

I wonder if CP has something along with his dyslexia that necessitates some pharmaceutical help cause he looks really rough here. Those are some dark circles around his eyes that he didn't have at the Nobels (where he looked pretty clean and normal)

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« Reply #790 on: December 23, 2017, 03:38:04 PM »

how much help do they have at home/  nannies,cooks,cleaners,etc
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« Reply #791 on: December 23, 2017, 05:33:27 PM »

Im guessing she's gone up a few sizes in bras and either doesn't know the new size and is guessing OR is still trying to wear cutsy underthings with that rack and cutsey things NEVER have the wide supportive straps you need. Sorry gf, that's just life.

Also, coats like she had with the tie never look good on anyone with a large front because its another bunch of material just under your chest so it makes everything look like one big wall.

I wonder if CP has something along with his dyslexia that necessitates some pharmaceutical help cause he looks really rough here. Those are some dark circles around his eyes that he didn't have at the Nobels (where he looked pretty clean and normal)

I think he's heading in the direction of cousin Fred-a drunk and/or illicit drug user.  He certainly looks like it in recent years. 
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« Reply #792 on: December 23, 2017, 08:01:22 PM »

been lurking this site for a while finally decided to make an account.
About Sofia I don't think she's pregnant. She's just turning into her mother.

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« Reply #793 on: December 23, 2017, 08:05:32 PM »

been lurking this site for a while finally decided to make an account.
About Sofia I don't think she's pregnant. She's just turning into her mother.

Welcome  Champagne

I agree, I don't think she's pregnant either.
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« Reply #794 on: December 23, 2017, 08:22:26 PM »

been lurking this site for a while finally decided to make an account.
About Sofia I don't think she's pregnant. She's just turning into her mother.

Welcome!  Star

I sincerely hope she's not pregnant again. 
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