Baby Member
Reputation: 10
 United States
Posts: 8
Wasn't this the same women who threw a party for her friend who was a convicted sex offender and when the media asked the court about it those idiots said that it happened a long time ago and it shouldn't affect the present. Stupid people I hope the citizens of Sweden don't fall for her crap and get called out on it.theyre insulting people's intelligence with this BS.
Lady Lurker
Mini Member
Reputation: 78
 United States
Posts: 213
Sofia, just shut up. SHUT UP.
I wonder if she will ever be confronted about the incongruity of all of this. She sold her body to get where she was.
I'm sure Sophia thinks what she did was Female empowerment. Her choice to use her body. Her edge to get ahead. Sir Ian McKellen recently mentioned women use sex to get rolls and that they were not victims! (I don't agree, but different convo) has been going on so long that Producers probably DO think there is nothing wrong with their actions.
They probably think she was some innocent victim. 
writing angry fauxminist letters in the Lesbaru
Sondra Finchley
Reading these statements it sounds like they don't know what the hell they are saying (as usual) - really bandwagon-y and trying to stay relevant about something recent in the news. Swedish journalists would have played the MeToo thing up as well and asked them this question. Looks like they read about it on their phones and went over the top on some adjectives. Additionally, Swedish journalists aren't the most probing type and never would have called her (or him) out on their hypocrisy (which is a shame). So as a result you get these total airballs of vacuous statement all the time in the Swedish press.
Oh my, Sofia preaching against objectification of women?!?!? What a disgusting hypocritical liar!!! And what an idiot CP is!! Who marries the stripper and has her past whitewashed to the point that she has the guts to preach like a two-bit version of Nordic Mother Theresa? This is intolerable, the Swedes should send the pig king, his daughter in law and her lazy empty headed husband to work. To do real work I mean. A 40-hour week ( and no, I mean week, not a 40-h six month work period, as they are used to doing)
Baby Member
Reputation: 26
Posts: 44
Of course it means more if it comes from Sofia than any other royal. After all, Sofia is the one who have been involved in things that is one reason #metoo is needed. Like magazines and photos that shows women as objects for men to drool over. She is a great rolemodel and the perfect picture for #metoo. If you mean as a defense for the offenders, not the victims.
I'd like to think that the writer doesn't know about all of the disgusting things she's said over the years. If not, she needs to look at Sofia's comments regarding rape victims ("They should work on their self esteem so they will be better able to say no"), and her blog post about using men to get drinks, trips on a boat, and access to VIP sections in clubs. If she knows about all of this and still means what she says, then I have no words.
Sparkles and Sofia remind me a lot of each other in the using men to get things category. She finally did get a good part when her husband worked on Suits.
Lady Lurker
Mini Member
Reputation: 78
 United States
Posts: 213
Sparkles and Sofia remind me a lot of each other in the using men to get things category. She finally did get a good part when her husband worked on Suits.
Only difference; if Sophia were to star in a series it would have to be called MATS
Sparkles and Sofia remind me a lot of each other in the using men to get things category. She finally did get a good part when her husband worked on Suits.
Do keep Meghan in her own section 
Sondra Finchley
It really bothers me that every time something regarding use of ones body to get something else or sexual harassment or whatever, "self esteem" pops up coming from Sofia. Someone needs to tell her that self image, self esteem, selfishness, and sexualization may all start with the same letter but mean very opposite things.
Sparkles and Sofia remind me a lot of each other in the using men to get things category. She finally did get a good part when her husband worked on Suits.
I respectfully disagree. Nobody in the current European royal families has stooped as low as Sofia. I think that she is unbeatable in that respect. 
Passing Stars
Sparkles and Sofia remind me a lot of each other in the using men to get things category. She finally did get a good part when her husband worked on Suits.
I respectfully disagree. Nobody in the current European royal families has stooped as low as Sofia. I think that she is unbeatable in that respect.   Happy New Year  and I agree. Her rabid narcissism brings her to a one of a kind status of puke 