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Author Topic: 2017 Sofia - NEWS & EVENTS  (Read 237658 times)
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« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2017, 05:55:30 AM »

This is JMHO, but I don't think Sofia will be able to wear any tiaras that have recently been worn by Silvia or Victoria. Yes, Sofia got her greasy, grubby palms on the amethysts but neither Vic or Silvia have worn that tiara in some time. Same goes for Vic's small cut steel and the four buttons. 

I think it's possible that Sof could be seen next in the six button provided Princess Christina isn't using it. That said, I don't believe she will wear the Connaught any time soon as Silvia still actively wears it; as do Vic and Madeleine.  I also include the Baden Fringe in that since it's said to be meant for the Crown Princess but Silvia also recently wore it. It's possible she will wear the larger Cut Steel next as it's known that neither Silvia or Madeleine care for it. The Cameo in my opinion isn't 'ol Sof's style and she won't want it.

I still believe Madeleine will never allow her Modern Fringe to be seen on Sofia's mop of hair and I believe that Lilian's tiara holds a special place in Vic's heart. I truly think only Estelle will wear Lilian's tiara after Vic.

I agree about the Modern Fringe, especially since it is rumored to have been gifted to Madeleine as a wedding present.  Easy to refuse Sofia's request.  Wink    Supercontent

Victoria inherited the Laurel Wreath Tiara from Lilian and I believe it is a very sentimental and beloved reminder of her special relationship with Lilian. Because of the special sentimentality I too, cannot imagine Victoria loaning it to anyone except Estelle when she is old enough.  Until then, I hope Victoria makes it exclusively hers.

not just rumored, actually confirmed this year!  Supercontent
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« Reply #76 on: February 25, 2017, 06:02:37 AM »

I also think Sofia will wear the diamond bandeau mostly because it is rarely used

Duchess of Verona

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« Reply #77 on: February 25, 2017, 08:38:38 PM »

Is that actually a tiara? I thought it was a necklace pressed into servce in the hair.

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« Reply #78 on: February 25, 2017, 09:20:57 PM »

Is that actually a tiara? I thought it was a necklace pressed into servce in the hair.

it's bandeau (small tiara-starter) I dont think Sofia with her ego ,and after the amethyst ,will go ''back'' to a smaller one


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« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2017, 09:39:37 PM »

Is that actually a tiara? I thought it was a necklace pressed into servce in the hair.

it's bandeau (small tiara-starter) I dont think Sofia with her ego ,and after the amethyst ,will go ''back'' to a smaller one

I think it's really beautiful, and I hope it never makes it to the snake's head.  It's too pretty for her, and she most likely wouldn't wear it correctly or in a flattering way.
Princess BlueEyes

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« Reply #80 on: February 25, 2017, 10:14:50 PM »

Is that actually a tiara? I thought it was a necklace pressed into servce in the hair.

it's bandeau (small tiara-starter) I dont think Sofia with her ego ,and after the amethyst ,will go ''back'' to a smaller one

I love the Diamond Bandeau!      

I too hope she turn her nose up at it and/or thinks it too insignificant. 

Unfortunately, part of me thinks she will try to find a way to wear as many different tiaras as possible to prove she belongs and/or is accepted.   Sad

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« Reply #81 on: February 25, 2017, 11:52:47 PM »

I read somewhere that the diamond bandeau is indeed two diamond necklaces that can be converted to create this style. So if somebody chooses to wear one of them, or both combined in a long necklace, she's out of luck.


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« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2017, 12:35:44 AM »

Both Vic & Madde wore it so id say Sofia will to...she seems to have researched what they wore(especially Madde) and copies.
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« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2017, 02:39:34 AM »

Both Vic & Madde wore it so id say Sofia will to...she seems to have researched what they wore(especially Madde) and copies.

You are spot on about Sofia's copying.  The way she wore the Amethyst tiara was very similar to they way Madeleine wore it in 2012.


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« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2017, 08:37:17 AM »

Both Vic & Madde wore it so id say Sofia will to...she seems to have researched what they wore(especially Madde) and copies.

You are spot on about Sofia's copying.  The way she wore the Amethyst tiara was very similar to they way Madeleine wore it in 2012.

Every single time she copies one of her sisters-in-law, she fails miserably and looks like the cheap knock-off version.  Every time.  It's almost comical, despite the fact that she looks completely pathetic.

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« Reply #85 on: February 26, 2017, 12:10:25 PM »

When you see these pics at the same time it's obvious that Sofia did her hair herself or that her hairdresser should be focusing on what he is good at and leave the tiara hairdos to professionals who have a more developed eye for these kinds of more difficult jobs. 

It's a shame for the wonderful tiara and the beautiful and expensive dress when the hair looks like she had a quick shower and put it up in a loose ponytail to dry.

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« Reply #86 on: February 26, 2017, 09:22:48 PM »

Both Vic & Madde wore it so id say Sofia will to...she seems to have researched what they wore(especially Madde) and copies.

You are spot on about Sofia's copying.  The way she wore the Amethyst tiara was very similar to they way Madeleine wore it in 2012.

Remembered M's outing as well immediately when I saw S's tiara placement. But M had (has!) the perfect tiara hair for such placements.. I just cannot believe, after all this time, how and why S doesn't take up proper advice and a serious hairdresser who does Vic's and Mad's fab hair. Whenever I see those two I get jealous I don't have a tiara and such events to attend, because they always so so fabulous! And then Sof comes along and looks like she decked herself out in a cheap makeover show.. With that awful and harsh middle parting, no volume and clashing jewels and clothes...

I did however like her pink dress, which was clearly copying Madde's fab gown, but still imo one of her better outings..

PS I meant these with "pink dress"



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« Reply #87 on: February 26, 2017, 09:56:29 PM »

Both Vic & Madde wore it so id say Sofia will to...she seems to have researched what they wore(especially Madde) and copies.

You are spot on about Sofia's copying.  The way she wore the Amethyst tiara was very similar to they way Madeleine wore it in 2012.

Every single time she copies one of her sisters-in-law, she fails miserably and looks like the cheap knock-off version.  Every time.  It's almost comical, despite the fact that she looks completely pathetic.

Completely agree!! Even with the pink dress noted by Olya and others, when you see the two dresses side-by-side, Sof's dress looks cheaper, simpler, and like the clear knock off. But the tiara hair copying with the amethyst tiara is really the worst...sooooo obvious and so badly done! She (and every other royal/famous person) needs to give up the center part, too - it's really only flattering on, like, .001% of people!

Anyway, hair aside, she really just needs to find her own style and stick to it. She needs to stop borrowing Vik or Maddie's clothing, and stop copying their style...she just doesn't measure up and then, IMO, it makes her look even worse than she might have done in the first place because, when the inevitable comparison comes, she'll lose.


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« Reply #88 on: February 26, 2017, 11:13:28 PM »

These two pics show just how wrong Sofia gets it. Madde's hair looks beautiful with the tiara, Sofia's hair looks like the tiara was an afterthought and they just plunked it on the back of her head as she is walking out the door.
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« Reply #89 on: February 27, 2017, 10:53:18 AM »

If I slip into my generous mode, I'd argue that Sofia simply steals from the best, which is not a bad idea in most respects. If I go less generous, I'd argue that she's ridiculous to try and copy Madeleine because she's bound to look "less than" in comparison.

Madeleine is the most beautiful born royal of her generation and Sofia, even on a good day, will never be able to top that. Comparing the two amethyst pictures, Madeleine's hair is ridiculously perfect with the tiara simply being the glittery icing on the already flawless cake. Sofia (and her hair) looks cheap, flat and dull. Her face is hard, angular and I cannot unsee the warts.

Now, some of it, Sofia can't help. She doesn't have Madeleine's beauty but very very few people do. There's nothing wrong with that. The main problem is that Sofia's inner ugliness reeks through. Even wearing a stunning tiara, she looks cheap and unpleasant because that's what she is.

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