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Author Topic: 2017 Sofia - NEWS & EVENTS  (Read 237722 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2017, 03:57:56 PM »

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 04:33:12 PM by Maria, Reason: Good find but the pic isn\'t SFW » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2017, 04:00:29 PM »

I saw another interesting meme about Sofia on Royal-Confessions. But as it included the nude US pictures of Sofia, I will not post it here.

The corresponding text is:
"..?Im a Swedish, and I cannot accept Sofia. My friends in school pretty much have a running joke about a fantasy that a reality star/women who posed naked became a Princess. Seriously, what is CP thinking?! And please, she is not even THAT hardworking!!? - Submitted by Anonymous"

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« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2017, 04:06:43 PM »

I didn't knew Carl Syphillis & Snakey were married that long already  Wink Grin


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« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2017, 04:08:15 PM »

Oh my the sugars are getting really crazy:

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« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2017, 12:48:39 AM »

Oh my the sugars are getting really crazy:

I've never even seen her curtsy.   Thinking  I've seen everything else from her (and I've certainly never seen her do anything that can be described as graceful) but I've not seen her curtsy. 
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« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2017, 01:50:04 AM »

Didn't Sofia curtsey to the King and Queen at her wedding? I sort of remember a discussion here at the time about different styles of curtseying.
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« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2017, 01:50:30 AM »

Oh my the sugars are getting really crazy:

I've never even seen her curtsy.   Thinking  I've seen everything else from her (and I've certainly never seen her do anything that can be described as graceful) but I've not seen her curtsy.
I've never seen her curtsey either, but I'm sure she has a lot of experience getting on her knees  Angel

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« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2017, 02:53:46 AM »

Here's a gif of her curtsey at the wedding.


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« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2017, 03:45:29 AM »


Even though people change, some things will never go away. Funny how the SRF did not state that Sofia was a model and her involvement in that reality show. Seems to me that they are trying to wipe away her past. Sofia can be a Princess, but her past will never go away. People will see it on the internet and the negative comments will never stop.


Even though people change... She never changed - she's still the same trashy person who still keeps with her bullying of V&M.

Funny how the SRF did not state that Sofia was a model... Sofia was never a model, but did soft pornography. She never had the appearance or personality to be, or try to be one.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 03:50:41 AM by JessDawn » Logged

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« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2017, 02:20:35 PM »

Princess Sofia about the terrible hatred on the internet

"To marry a prince is not just sparkle of glamour.
 Princess Sofia has been ridiculed, scorned and attacked online.
- I shut down my social media, because there was too much hatred, she says. "

Oh boo hoo, "the so-called net trolls made every effort to smear the princess"...  Roll Eyes  Cry Laughing Isn't it awful, everyone didn't instantly love her and it made her sad. After all, everything she has done is so endearing isn't it. She won't win people over by playing the victim.


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« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2017, 04:02:43 PM »

Yup too much hatred, I won't disagree. I remember when I first found out all the fora about royals it was the time around their engagement and I was thinking that despite her past, if I were in her shoes I would feel horribly to read all this stuff about me. HOWEVER, she totally deserves it because she's unsuitable for her role as a princess. She's useless, unable to show respect, unable to seriously get involved with a project, a threat for children she's close to (cough*underage girls in "sexy" clothes walking in front of boys*cough), a liar (being part of an anti-bullying campain while she chooses to forget her blog), uneducated, not having done anything important on her own and always, ALWAYS, shadows CP - the born royal - in public (being at the centre of the photograph, talking to press etc) and ignores the protocoll. And to all of these, I don't even mention she bullies and coppies Madeleine. Sofia I hope you'll read this and you'll hide yourself in a galaxy far, far away because it's crystal clear that you can't and don't want to change.

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« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2017, 07:33:49 PM »

IMO, Sofia does nothing to endear herself to the people of Sweden. She doesn't apologize for anything she's done in the past and lives her life without regrets or excuses. While this may be the way to deal in normal circumstances, but in her elevated position as part of the Royal Family, sometimes, you have to be humble in your dealings with people. I think this is why Victoria and Daniel are beloved by the people. Victoria, while born into Royalty, is much more in tune with her station and the way she works and deals with people. Sofia acts like everyone should acknowledge her and privilege to be around her but what can you expect from someone who has very little education, partied her way through and used every means possible, especially her sexuality to get what she wants out of life. Carl Philip is no better. While he seems like a nice guy, he has no real grasp of what he can do by impacting the world around him. Instead, he walks around completely inlove and blind to this woman who he has now made a part of his family. IMHO, He needs a real job to substantiate who he is and impact the lives of the people of Sweden.

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« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2017, 08:16:06 PM »

what is her natural hair color? I dont know if its the lighting but she strikes me more likable here than with the fake black or the atrocious obre she does!
Is rather insulting to the rial victims or subber bullying or generally any bullying that a bullie plays the victim! I dont think that Sofia did not have opportunities in her life both her sisters have studied-and appart some instances genneraly they dont media-hore a lot- and her parents seem to have a pretty middle class normal job, what when wrong with Sofia?

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« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2017, 08:24:11 PM »

Her parents gave their permission for her soft porn photoshooting while she was 16 yo. They are the first to be accused.

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« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2017, 08:58:35 PM »

Her parents gave their permission for her soft porn photoshooting while she was 16 yo. They are the first to be accused.

Seriously, can anyone imagine giving their 16 year old daughter (or son) permission, if not encouragement, to go to Thailand to shoot bondage photos?  That is on the parents.

However, her steady stream of selfish, manipulative, uneducated, sex whore choices made since then are on her Dead

Her outside is plain, especially in her more recent years, but her insides are toxic, delusional and absurdly narcissistic.  If this woman represents royalty, I'm royally unimpressed 
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