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Author Topic: 2017 Sofia - NEWS & EVENTS  (Read 237730 times)
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« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2017, 09:13:47 PM »

 I dont think that Sofia did not have opportunities in her life both her sisters have studied-and appart some instances genneraly they dont media-hore a lot- and her parents seem to have a pretty middle class normal job, what when wrong with Sofia?

One of the best things about Sweden is that everybody, no matter from what family one comes from, has the same opportunities to study. Schools are free, school meals are free etc and even university is free and you can get a cheap loan to cover your housing expenses, books etc for your years at uni. Everyone who choses not to study does it because they don't want to, not because they can't. They are either not interested in studying, are not smart enough or have already found a way to earn money from day one without having to live a life with little money for 5 more years.

In Sofia's case I'm pretty sure that the main reason was that she had found a well paid(?) job (or at least a job that paid her bills and that she got a lot for free that others have to pay for) as a nude model and she was living her life like there was no tomorrow, but knowing that she would eventually end up marrying a rich man or study and get a normal job.

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« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2017, 09:31:27 PM »

 I dont think that Sofia did not have opportunities in her life both her sisters have studied-and appart some instances genneraly they dont media-hore a lot- and her parents seem to have a pretty middle class normal job, what when wrong with Sofia?

One of the best things about Sweden is that everybody, no matter from what family one comes from, has the same opportunities to study. Schools are free, school meals are free etc and even university is free and you can get a cheap loan to cover your housing expenses, books etc for your years at uni. Everyone who choses not to study does it because they don't want to, not because they can't. They are either not interested in studying, are not smart enough or have already found a way to earn money from day one without having to live a life with little money for 5 more years.

In Sofia's case I'm pretty sure that the main reason was that she had found a well paid(?) job (or at least a job that paid her bills and that she got a lot for free that others have to pay for) as a nude model and she was living her life like there was no tomorrow, but knowing that she would eventually end up marrying a rich man or study and get a normal job.

that was what I mean  I  abstractly know that the swedish educational system is rather good and I knew that although the normal appearing her parents have serious issues -who in their right mind live their underage daughter to go alone for a seminude/nude photoshoot-but is rather interest that they left/push Sofia to that type of career but their other one to a criminology with a master? phd?

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« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2017, 01:34:25 AM »

Her parents gave their permission for her soft porn photoshooting while she was 16 yo. They are the first to be accused.

Seriously, can anyone imagine giving their 16 year old daughter (or son) permission, if not encouragement, to go to Thailand to shoot bondage photos?  That is on the parents.

However, her steady stream of selfish, manipulative, uneducated, sex whore choices made since then are on her Dead

Her outside is plain, especially in her more recent years, but her insides are toxic, delusional and absurdly narcissistic.  If this woman represents royalty, I'm royally unimpressed 

In my country, they'd be thrown in jail and would have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives if they did that here.  They are, to use the American legal definition, sex offenders for their action.  The exact same thing can be said for the photographer and anybody who published those photos while knowing she was younger than 18. 

And they absolutely deserve that label for their horrible decision.  I don't care if Sofia was 16.  I don't care if she threw a fit and demanded that they allow her to do this.  It's sick and wrong on so many levels. 

I wouldn't ever allow them to be around any grandchildren, if I was their in-law.  I certainly wouldn't allow them to babysit the grandchildren.  They should be screaming from the mountaintops that they made a mistake and that it was wrong. 

In addition to that, Sofia herself has no room to whine about internet "bullying" when she herself published a blog where she did nothing but bully others.  She's nothing but a hypocrite; her parents are nothing but trash.  I don't feel one single ounce of sympathy toward her or her parents.

Boo-frigging hoo, Hoefia.  You certainly didn't think about the fact that you were a bully and that you chose to live in the public eye.  Poor little trashy "princess".  She needs to take a close look at herself before she makes stupid statements like this.
Passing Stars

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« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2017, 02:05:50 AM »

I wouldn't ever allow them to be around any grandchildren, if I was their in-law.  I certainly wouldn't allow them to babysit the grandchildren.  

She's nothing but a hypocrite; her parents are nothing but trash.  I don't feel one single ounce of sympathy toward her or her parents.
Star Pixiecat

When I consider how much thought goes into every decision my husband and I make in regards to our children... Who in their right mind would allow grandparents, that escorted their 16 yo daughter out of the country to sexually excite men via bondage images, spend ANY time with grandchildren???  Unimaginable  Dead 
Princess BlueEyes

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« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2017, 03:05:53 AM »

Her parents gave their permission for her soft porn photoshooting while she was 16 yo. They are the first to be accused.

Seriously, can anyone imagine giving their 16 year old daughter (or son) permission, if not encouragement, to go to Thailand to shoot bondage photos?  That is on the parents.

However, her steady stream of selfish, manipulative, uneducated, sex whore choices made since then are on her Dead

Her outside is plain, especially in her more recent years, but her insides are toxic, delusional and absurdly narcissistic.  If this woman represents royalty, I'm royally unimpressed 

In my country, they'd be thrown in jail and would have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives if they did that here.  They are, to use the American legal definition, sex offenders for their action.  The exact same thing can be said for the photographer and anybody who published those photos while knowing she was younger than 18. 

And they absolutely deserve that label for their horrible decision.  I don't care if Sofia was 16.  I don't care if she threw a fit and demanded that they allow her to do this.  It's sick and wrong on so many levels. 

I wouldn't ever allow them to be around any grandchildren, if I was their in-law.  I certainly wouldn't allow them to babysit the grandchildren.  They should be screaming from the mountaintops that they made a mistake and that it was wrong. 

In addition to that, Sofia herself has no room to whine about internet "bullying" when she herself published a blog where she did nothing but bully others.  She's nothing but a hypocrite; her parents are nothing but trash.  I don't feel one single ounce of sympathy toward her or her parents.

Boo-frigging hoo, Hoefia.  You certainly didn't think about the fact that you were a bully and that you chose to live in the public eye.  Poor little trashy "princess".  She needs to take a close look at herself before she makes stupid statements like this.


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« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2017, 06:06:44 PM »

Star Star back at you, ladies. 

The more I think about that decision her parents made, the less I can understand it.  It's one thing to let your teen get a nose piercing or tattoo, or to let her go to a party where you know parents won't be home.  It's another thing to allow them to be photographed for p*rn in the one country in the world that is absolutely notorious for child sex trafficking.  I don't care if her aunt accompanied her or not.  It's the sickest, most disgusting decision they've ever made and there is absolutely no justification for it.  Those parents belong in jail, not in a place of honor as the in-laws of the King and Queen of Sweden.
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« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2017, 02:30:33 AM »

what in the world is she wearing

a fur jacket with a designer purse and jogging pants?

jacket by TI MO

purse by DOLCE & GABBANA


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« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2017, 02:46:21 AM »

Oh my the sugars are getting really crazy:

I've never even seen her curtsy.   Thinking  I've seen everything else from her (and I've certainly never seen her do anything that can be described as graceful) but I've not seen her curtsy.
I've never seen her curtsey either, but I'm sure she has a lot of experience getting on her knees  Angel

 Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2017, 05:15:17 AM »

Her parents gave their permission for her soft porn photoshooting while she was 16 yo. They are the first to be accused.

Seriously, can anyone imagine giving their 16 year old daughter (or son) permission, if not encouragement, to go to Thailand to shoot bondage photos?  That is on the parents.

However, her steady stream of selfish, manipulative, uneducated, sex whore choices made since then are on her Dead

Her outside is plain, especially in her more recent years, but her insides are toxic, delusional and absurdly narcissistic.  If this woman represents royalty, I'm royally unimpressed 

In my country, they'd be thrown in jail and would have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives if they did that here.  They are, to use the American legal definition, sex offenders for their action.  The exact same thing can be said for the photographer and anybody who published those photos while knowing she was younger than 18. 

And they absolutely deserve that label for their horrible decision.  I don't care if Sofia was 16.  I don't care if she threw a fit and demanded that they allow her to do this.  It's sick and wrong on so many levels. 

I wouldn't ever allow them to be around any grandchildren, if I was their in-law.  I certainly wouldn't allow them to babysit the grandchildren.  They should be screaming from the mountaintops that they made a mistake and that it was wrong. 

In addition to that, Sofia herself has no room to whine about internet "bullying" when she herself published a blog where she did nothing but bully others.  She's nothing but a hypocrite; her parents are nothing but trash.  I don't feel one single ounce of sympathy toward her or her parents.

Boo-frigging hoo, Hoefia.  You certainly didn't think about the fact that you were a bully and that you chose to live in the public eye.  Poor little trashy "princess".  She needs to take a close look at herself before she makes stupid statements like this.

 Star Pix.

it still makes me think how on earth did Snakey get to marry the golden goose?

was there no secuirty check up on her background?

No check up at all??

G Crap

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
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« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2017, 08:53:20 PM »

According to the tabs she was seen drinking champagne when out with CP. so, likely no baby on the way Champagne (yet)

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« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2017, 03:04:59 AM »

what in the world is she wearing

a fur jacket with a designer purse and jogging pants?

jacket by TI MO

purse by DOLCE & GABBANA

Those are some fancy looking earrings too.
She must have got dressed in the dark.
Maybe she thought she was putting on those horrid oversized black trousers.
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« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2017, 11:10:53 AM »

what in the world is she wearing

a fur jacket with a designer purse and jogging pants?

jacket by TI MO

purse by DOLCE & GABBANA

Those are some fancy looking earrings too.
She must have got dressed in the dark.
Maybe she thought she was putting on those horrid oversized black trousers.

I really can't say a thing or two about her trousers as I can't see them properly (or the earrings). I hate to say this but the jacket and the bag aren't too bad.  Secret I probably wouldn't have chosen pink (sort of looks like combining winter season jacket with a spring/summer bag) but it's a nice bag. I might have chosen a coat like that...  Secret  Shocked I think I better go and wash myself now.

Imperial Majesty

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« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2017, 08:46:03 PM »

Someone on tumblr was asked what they think of Sofia and this was their response:

"She?s not one of my all time favorite royals, but I like her. She seems very genuine and I don?t think she really sees herself as a ?princess.? She married the man she loves and this just happens to come with it."
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« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2017, 08:47:32 PM »

Someone on tumblr was asked what they think of Sofia and this was their response:

"She?s not one of my all time favorite royals, but I like her. She seems very genuine and I don?t think she really sees herself as a ?princess.? She married the man she loves and this just happens to come with it."

 Laugh bounce Laughing Laugh bounce Laughing  Even more proof that most of Tumblr consists of 13 year old fangirls who aren't very smart.

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« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2017, 09:05:11 PM »

I liked her jacket and I don't think that it's a missmatch with her jeans BUT the bag and the earrings are totally  irrelevant.

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