Perhaps she wanted to keep a bit of a gap as her "signature look" a la Madonna. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
That mole has a little nub on it that makes it look like a superfluous third nipple. On her cheek. *shudder & barf*
She has the gap because of the lip tie. I will never for the life of me understand why her parents didn't have this corrected when she was a baby. It's a simple procedure that most parents will have done for their babies when they're young. The procedure takes about 10 minutes and there is no downtime at all. It's not surgery. A lip tie can interfere with the baby's ability to eat and breastfeed. Perhaps that's part of Hoefia's problem-she didn't get enough nutrients as a child and it affected her brain. Seriously though, it's not like they don't fix lip ties in Sweden.
She's stupid if she doesn't have that lip tie corrected. Braces will help close the gap, but ultimately it won't stay closed for long if the lip tie remains. that mole is nasty. It's gigantic, it looks like a wart, and it serves no purpose at all. Again, a simple, five minute procedure to remove it that has no recovery time at all. She's a total moron.