- for the first time since WWII a Dutch monarch held a speech at the national remembrance (May 4, 2020) - WA, who held this speech, refered to his great grandmother Wilhelmina, with regard to the Holocaust
"...Maar er is ook die andere realiteit. Medemensen, medeburgers in nood, voelden zich in de steek gelaten, onvoldoende gehoord, onvoldoende gesteund, al was het maar met woorden. Ook vanuit Londen, ook door mijn overgrootmoeder, toch standvastig en fel in haar verzet. Het is iets dat me niet loslaat...."
"...But there is also that other reality. Fellow humans, fellow citizens in need, felt abandoned, heard insufficiently, insufficiently supported, if only in words. Also from London, also through my great-grandmother, yet steadfast and fierce in her resistance. It is something that does not let me go...."