anastasia beaverhausen
For every jerk that makes fun of this kid, there needs to be people like the good lesbian cat ladies on RD standing up and saying 'leave her alone to be a kid'.
I once got a good piece of advice from someone about being 'honest' and 'just saying what others are thinking'. You don't need to be unkind to be honest. There's a difference and a wise person knows the difference. The jerk doesn't.
Too bad there are so many jerks in cyberspace who are eager to share their “honesty”. I wonder how most of them would hold up to such scrutiny?
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[quote) Btw - that kind of changing weather is called april's weather in Danish. It's the same up here. The last couple of days we've had lovely, warm sunshine, rain, hail, thunder and it's been both windy and quiet. No matter what you do you're dressed badly  [/quote] In Dutch you have a saying: April doet wat ie wil Translated someting like: April does what it wants [/quote] Out of interest, when Kingsday becomes Queensday again, will it be in December since thats when Amalia Birthday is?
Most probably not. The tradition to celebrate on the actual birthday of the reigning Monarch started with Juliana. When Beatrice became Queen, she said it would stay April 30 in memory of her mother ... plus due to the fact that on her own birthday, Jan 31st, would most probably always be bad weather.
December weather is like January weather, so it's likely they don't change for Amalia.
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 United Kingdom
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Most probably not. The tradition to celebrate on the actual birthday of the reigning Monarch started with Juliana. When Beatrice became Queen, she said it would stay April 30 in memory of her mother ... plus due to the fact that on her own birthday, Jan 31st, would most probably always be bad weather.
December weather is like January weather, so it's likely they don't change for Amalia.
Ah Thanks for the explanation.
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I am the Queen
[quote) Btw - that kind of changing weather is called april's weather in Danish. It's the same up here. The last couple of days we've had lovely, warm sunshine, rain, hail, thunder and it's been both windy and quiet. No matter what you do you're dressed badly  In Dutch you have a saying: April doet wat ie wil Translated someting like: April does what it wants [/quote] Out of interest, when Kingsday becomes Queensday again, will it be in December since thats when Amalia Birthday is? [/quote] Perhaps Amalia will do something similar as her grandmother Beatrix with regard to the date of celebrations. Juliana's birthday was 30th of april and was in general celebrated with a defilé at Palace Soestdijk. Upon acession to the throne Beatrix announced she would keep the celebrations on April 30th, in honor of her mother. Only the way the RF (Beatrix and Margriet both with husband and kids) spend the day changed. Also Beatrix's own birthday, 31 January, would not have suitable weather (fun fact 30 April is also the birthday of Juliana's son in law Pieter van Vollenhoven, husband of Margriet) WA's birthday is 27 April, easy to change the date. As you won't expect differences with regard to weather and so. But they also could have opted to choose 30 April as a kind of permanent date to celebrate the monarchs birthday. This weekend I heard about a fun contest on the radio. Who spots confused tourists in orange on 30 April. As some older tourist/travel guides still state 30 April as Queensday & orange mania in the Netherlands (besides footballmatches and other import sports events with national teams and athletes)
Since you’re in so much doubt about it that you feel like questioning the point of the board twice in this thread, perhaps you should reconsider posting here
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I am the Queen
BTW KathyMC your question reminds me of another thingy we stumbled upon at the succession by WA. Besides Queensday would become Kingsday (surely we also had to get used to it), but what to think of all those well known songs about the queen. Sometimes you really had to puzzle to make them work with king (koning) instead of queen (koningin) in them rythme wise. One Dutch comic, Andre van Duin, changed one song from: "Leve de koningin" to "Leve de koning...en Máxima"  Yeah we just got a king after about a century of queens (Wilhelmina reign ca. 58 years; Juliana reign ca. 32 years; Beatrix reign ca. 33 years - alle three abdicated)
I just want to clarify my previous statement. I am not trying to put down the good people of the Netherlands. My very closest friend lives in the Netherlands. My family came from Germany, via the Netherlands - I consider them my ancestors. The country that has the longest diplomatic relationship with the USA is the Netherlands. In fact, we just celebrated that on 4/19 - which I announced on my Facebook page. I celebrate the wonderful sense of humor of the Dutch people - their spirit and irreverence is inspirational.
Here is an illustration of why I have such a love of the people of the Netherlands. This is from the New York Times obituary of Queen Wilhelmina:
"Although celebration of the Queen’s birthday was forbidden by the Nazis, it was commemorated nevertheless. When churchgoers in the small fishing town of Hizen rose and sang one verse of the Dutch national anthem, Wilhelmus van Nassauwe, on the Queen’s birthday, the town paid a fine of 60,000 guilders."
My uncle took part in operation Market Garden - the D day invasion to free Europe. His plane was damaged and was not able to fly high enough while troops parachuted out. This was very fortunate, because the German soldiers were shooting the soldiers as they descended to the ground. My uncle jumped so low that he fell too quickly with his chute only partially deployed. This saved him. His leg was broken and a brave Dutch family in the city of Nijmegen took him in and hid him in their home until he could hook back up with ally troops.
I don't ever want that fighting spirit to leave the great people of the Netherlands. I just wanted to speak out about the folks on social media who expressed negative thoughts on the body of a young lady in the middle of the tough transition from youth to young adulthood.
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I am the Queen
At Lellobeetle, those who fought in Market Garden and related are still remembered in large events in several Dutch cities and regions. For example the re enactment of the drop of soldiers by parachute on the so called Ginkelse heide. Also large celebrations, with many (mostly British) veterans in Arnhem about ' a bridge too far'. That specific bridge that after rebuilding is named after the British commander: John Frost brug (brug = bridge)
At Lellobeetle, those who fought in Market Garden and related are still remembered in large events in several Dutch cities and regions. For example the re enactment of the drop of soldiers by parachute on the so called Ginkelse heide. Also large celebrations, with many (mostly British) veterans in Arnhem about ' a bridge too far'. That specific bridge that after rebuilding is named after the British commander: John Frost brug (brug = bridge)
Yes, I know that, my friend. I have been told that in a long conversation with another of my Dutch friends. He sent me many wonderful pictures of the memorial and educated me about the re-enactment and so forth. Again, that just makes me love the country even more. In that same vein - I read in a biography that every time King Baudouin visited the US, he always tried to work in a visit with World War 2 veterans who were in the American unit that helped liberate their family, after they had been moved from Belgium to a much more dangerous location within Germany. He never ever forgot those who had risked their lives to help his family and the people of Belgium. Just another example of why he's my favorite.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 2425
Posts: 44945
I am the Queen
At Lellobeetle, those who fought in Market Garden and related are still remembered in large events in several Dutch cities and regions. For example the re enactment of the drop of soldiers by parachute on the so called Ginkelse heide. Also large celebrations, with many (mostly British) veterans in Arnhem about ' a bridge too far'. That specific bridge that after rebuilding is named after the British commander: John Frost brug (brug = bridge)
Yes, I know that, my friend. I have been told that in a long conversation with another of my Dutch friends. He sent me many wonderful pictures of the memorial and educated me about the re-enactment and so forth. Again, that just makes me love the country even more. In that same vein - I read in a biography that every time King Baudouin visited the US, he always tried to work in a visit with World War 2 veterans who were in the American unit that helped liberate their family, after they had been moved from Belgium to a much more dangerous location within Germany. He never ever forgot those who had risked their lives to help his family and the people of Belgium. Just another example of why he's my favorite. Thanks for that fact about Baudoin (Boudewijn as I mostly know him, Dutch/Flemish form of his name). I didn't know about that. Recently a book with negative, downgrading remarks about Wilhelmina during WWII was published in the Netherlands. This got many counter reactions and protests. Also there was and is commotion about the Dutch commemoration day/moment. As you would probably known this is on May 4th in the Netherlands. Among others with placing (remembrance) wreaths at several remembrance monuments/places (well known is the national one at the Dam monument in Amsterdam, were there is also a wreath placed by the monarch) and a 2 minute silence nationwide at 8 o'clock in the evening (incl. traffic and public transport). For a few years now a group states there is something wrong with it (sometimes accusing of racism/discrimination or not icluding groups of people such as the Indonesian people) and call for to abolish the remembrance. Or as some put a request through digital media to disturb the (national) remembrance with loud sounds and noise. Off course many Dutch are opposite to this.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 09:06:27 PM by Principessa »
At Lellobeetle, those who fought in Market Garden and related are still remembered in large events in several Dutch cities and regions. For example the re enactment of the drop of soldiers by parachute on the so called Ginkelse heide. Also large celebrations, with many (mostly British) veterans in Arnhem about ' a bridge too far'. That specific bridge that after rebuilding is named after the British commander: John Frost brug (brug = bridge)
Yes, I know that, my friend. I have been told that in a long conversation with another of my Dutch friends. He sent me many wonderful pictures of the memorial and educated me about the re-enactment and so forth. Again, that just makes me love the country even more. In that same vein - I read in a biography that every time King Baudouin visited the US, he always tried to work in a visit with World War 2 veterans who were in the American unit that helped liberate their family, after they had been moved from Belgium to a much more dangerous location within Germany. He never ever forgot those who had risked their lives to help his family and the people of Belgium. Just another example of why he's my favorite. Thanks for that fact about Baudoin (Boudewijn as I mostly know him, Dutch/Flemish form of his name). I didn't know about that. Recently a book with negative, downgrading remarks about Wilhelmina during WWII was published in the Netherlands. This got many counter reactions and protests. Wow - that's crazy. Wilhelmina was such an inspiration to the Dutch resistance with her midnight radio transmissions from London. I hate when authors come along years later and want to revise history and knock the efforts of people who lived through extraordinarily tough times.
I think most peopke are smart enough to tell the difference between dishing about the actions of an adult and their choices and the bodyshape of a teenager.
Not everyone is going to have the body of Leti in Spain. Look at Max and look at Queen Bea. Both tall women of average weight and shape (ie: not thin, not fat, healthily in the middle). Look at her baby photos and pictures of her as a very young child and you will see a round face even when. That is Amalia’s DNA. She is going to be tall and have meat on her bones. And I am sick of people expecting her to be something her body will never be - very slender. And she also never chose for this to be her life - she was born the future queen. She is not someone who has actively don’t to become famous. She is a kid who basically got forced into the public eye.
I think Amalia is a pretty girl and I am not just saying that - she has a pretty face, seems to have a nice attitude and seems self assured, diplomatic, and unpretentious, she has beautiful shiny hair, nice skin and a lovely smile.
I hate body shaming. Even when dishing on adults, I have tried to stay clear of criticising aspects of their appearance they can not help, such as their body type.
I might say “I wish Carl-Phillip would wash his hair” but that is a grooming issue, not something he can’t help. I might say “I wish Silvia and Mary would lay off the very unnatural plastic surgery” but plastic surgery is a choice they have made as adults, not something in their DNA. I might even say “I wish MM would learn to dress in a more flattering way for her body type” because I see nothing wrong with her body as is it, she just doesn’t wear styles that flatter her body. You can look good at any size and shape IF you dress in flattering clothes and the royals have money and resources to always be well dressed. But I like to steer clear of shaming people for looking older (of course someone will look older in 2018 than 2000) and suggesting someone needs to lose weight because they do not have the body type of Heidi Klum.
 i did not come to play with you hoes, i came to slay bitch.
I must say, this forum (RD) has been unanimous in its disdain of body shaming. So, we are of one mind, as far as I've always seen during my time here. Anyway, back to regularly scheduled programming...  One of these days I'd love to make it to a Koningsdag to party with my Dutch friends. I would have given a lot to go to the last Koninginnedag. I know that must've been a great day.