I love Max's red.
Those girls are something. And W/M are doing something right there... take note, royal cohorts... I see these girls and the Spanish girls as some of the best adjusted and trained.
They all seem very confident and comfortable with their roles. I would bet they have all chosen their outfit for themselves - which I really like. So many other royal children look dressed up by adults to fit a certain image. I'd rather have this, with styles a bit all over the place but still suitable for the occasion and fitting for the event, their age and so on. Look at them playing wolleyball and looking very natural doing it. That takes skills, dressing like that. Well done WA and Max

Btw - that kind of changing weather is called april's weather in Danish. It's the same up here. The last couple of days we've had lovely, warm sunshine, rain, hail, thunder and it's been both windy and quiet. No matter what you do you're dressed badly