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Author Topic: Koningsdag 2018  (Read 32965 times)
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« Reply #60 on: April 30, 2018, 11:09:01 PM »

According to the fashion blogger, named in the following article (in Dutch) all three A's wore something from their mothers closet on Kingsday. Also included her tweet about it.


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« Reply #61 on: April 30, 2018, 11:39:30 PM »

I really feel like body shaming anyone, much less a child, is such poor form and truly despicable. Can we please stop??

Kins, you have my support.

Results of studies on cyberbullying:

Are we at RD cyberbullying adults with our snark and dishing or is cyberbullying restricted to the youth?  Confused

Since you’re in so much doubt about it that you feel like questioning the point of the board twice in this thread, perhaps you should reconsider posting here Huh? 
No harm, no foul in the questions I asked, Maria. The first was answered very well by yourself so I had nothing to add to it. I assumed cyber bullying applied to the youth since they are most likely to be impressionable and are often not in a position to defend themselves. The second question had not occurred to me before the discussion on the AAAs because adults can defend themselves and invite criticism based on their behaviour. So it's my no-filter question based on random musings. Peace Hug


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Probably don't know what timezone I am in.

« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2018, 11:48:28 PM »

I think the girls are beautiful and seem happy and full of life which IMO is most important.

Children these days have so much pressure and now access to so much negative information thanks to the internet. I hope all three girls have strong support and know to ignore the malice driven comments of strangers on the internet. I have a feeling their parents are good about giving them the confidence and guidance they will need.

My best friend is in ND this past week and has thoroughly enjoyed all the festivities  Banana

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« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2018, 12:06:32 AM »

I think the girls are beautiful and seem happy and full of life which IMO is most important.

Children these days have so much pressure and now access to so much negative information thanks to the internet. I hope all three girls have strong support and know to ignore the malice driven comments of strangers on the internet. I have a feeling their parents are good about giving them the confidence and guidance they will need.

My best friend is in ND this past week and has thoroughly enjoyed all the festivities  Banana

Good for your friend! For me it was again a year that I missed most of it, due to personal circumstances

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« Reply #64 on: May 01, 2018, 10:37:46 AM »

Amalia in Natan. Even my husband (no sense of fashion what so ever) asked me what Amalia was wearing. And then told me that whoever told her she looked good in it needed their head examined. He then mused: "the fabric is too stiff, if it was loose it would look pretty good".
Both my daughters have more or less the same body shape as Amalia, they will never be dainty girls. They had to learn how to dress the body they HAVE not the one they think society thinks they need to have.

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« Reply #65 on: May 01, 2018, 11:11:23 AM »

I think it's super cute that all three girls wore something from their mothers closet, and the youngest even recycled a lace dress from the middle one for the official photoshoot.

The question here is rather whether Amalia should wear Natan - if she starts with him that early, there's no hope. She should rather chose from the Taminiau side.

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« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2018, 01:34:59 PM »

At Lellobeetle, those who fought in Market Garden and related are still remembered in large events in several Dutch cities and regions. For example the re enactment of the drop of soldiers by parachute on the so called Ginkelse heide. Also large celebrations, with many (mostly British) veterans in Arnhem about ' a bridge too far'. That specific bridge that after rebuilding is named after the British commander: John Frost brug (brug = bridge)

Yes, I know that, my friend. I have been told that in a long conversation with another of my Dutch friends. He sent me many wonderful pictures of the memorial and educated me about the re-enactment and so forth.  Again, that just makes me love the country even more.  

In that same vein - I read in a biography that every time King Baudouin visited the US, he always tried to work in a visit with World War 2 veterans who were in the American unit that helped liberate their family, after they had been moved from Belgium to a much more dangerous location within Germany. He never ever forgot those who had risked their lives to help his family and the people of Belgium. Just another example of why he's my favorite.

Thanks for that fact about Baudoin (Boudewijn as I mostly know him, Dutch/Flemish form of his name). I didn't know about that.

Recently a book with negative, downgrading remarks about Wilhelmina during WWII was published in the Netherlands. This got many counter reactions and protests.

Also there was and is commotion about the Dutch commemoration day/moment. As you would probably known this is on May 4th in the Netherlands. Among others with placing (remembrance) wreaths at several remembrance monuments/places (well known is the national one at the Dam monument in Amsterdam, were there is also a wreath placed by the monarch) and a 2 minute silence nationwide at 8 o'clock in the evening (incl. traffic and public transport). For a few years now a group states there is something wrong with it (sometimes accusing of racism/discrimination or not icluding groups of people such as the Indonesian people) and call for to abolish the remembrance. Or as some put a request through digital media to disturb the (national) remembrance with loud sounds and noise. Off course many Dutch are opposite to this.

This pisses me off. My great-grandfather would cry about things he saw in Ww2 but the people of the Netherlands he could not praise enough.
People from other countries can stay there and support whatever they want or join in the celebrations of their nrew country.
Example, Cinco de Mayo in Texas. Nothing to do with non Hispanic Texans really  but we sure whoop it up and party like it is
Princess MS
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« Reply #67 on: May 01, 2018, 02:11:53 PM »

Amalia in Natan. Even my husband (no sense of fashion what so ever) asked me what Amalia was wearing. And then told me that whoever told her she looked good in it needed their head examined. He then mused: "the fabric is too stiff, if it was loose it would look pretty good".
Both my daughters have more or less the same body shape as Amalia, they will never be dainty girls. They had to learn how to dress the body they HAVE not the one they think society thinks they need to have.

I agree - my sister and I had a similar shape when we were younger - then she had bad morning sickness and never really recovered afterwards. So she is underweight 25 years on and I am not. So I agree about dressing for what works for you.  As for Natan - why anyone would wear those clothes is beyond me Huh??? They IMO are ugly on most people I have seen them on - Does the RF of Netherlands, Belgium, Lux and anywhere else not have mirrors ? They sure have the money to do better - the local High Street would have more sympathetic options

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« Reply #68 on: May 01, 2018, 06:32:47 PM »

Amalia in Natan. Even my husband (no sense of fashion what so ever) asked me what Amalia was wearing. And then told me that whoever told her she looked good in it needed their head examined. He then mused: "the fabric is too stiff, if it was loose it would look pretty good".
Both my daughters have more or less the same body shape as Amalia, they will never be dainty girls. They had to learn how to dress the body they HAVE not the one they think society thinks they need to have.

I agree with this. I have a similar body shape to this family - pictures of Max around the time of her engagement and wedding is basically MY body, except I am shorter and my boobs are bigger. I will never have the body shaped deemed "ideal" by society.

I think you can look good at any size/shape, but you need to dress in what flatters your body type. There are a lot of things in shops that look cute on the hanger, but I know they will not work on MY body and were designed for someone else. Sometimes I have to look harder for things that suit me in a world where strapless and midriff tops are super in fashion and I am woman who has large breasts and a softer stomach, but I can find them. But putting on those clothes makes me look terrible when really, my body may not be perfect, but is fine.

i did not come to play with you hoes, i came to slay bitch.

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« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2018, 07:02:14 PM »

@estellesBows. Definitely. I have a big chest( now that made  me self conscious as a teenager!) but i know to keep away from high round necked tops as it just makes me look worse.

I think Amalia is brave to have even gone to the celebrations knowing what happened the previous year.  Plus she probably had one hell of it pep talk from the parents. Hopefully she escapes the clutches of Natan and maybe supports emerging designers or even mixes high street with designer clothes when she takes on official duties.

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« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2018, 10:53:21 PM »

@estellesBows. Definitely. I have a big chest( now that made  me self conscious as a teenager!) but i know to keep away from high round necked tops as it just makes me look worse.

I think Amalia is brave to have even gone to the celebrations knowing what happened the previous year.  Plus she probably had one hell of it pep talk from the parents. Hopefully she escapes the clutches of Natan and maybe supports emerging designers or even mixes high street with designer clothes when she takes on official duties.

This is why I am not so worried about her. She has a strength that many people much older than her do not have. She went last year and was treated in the most disgusting manner. What does she do this year? Gets back out there again with a smile on her face and has a good time with her family.

This girl is going to make a fine Queen one day......but god yes, may she avoid the curse of Natan.

i did not come to play with you hoes, i came to slay bitch.

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« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2018, 09:55:23 PM »

I cannot understand why Alexia is dressed like a woman in her 60's. Seriously.

I’m not the biggest fan of the outfit, but she’s right in that awkward stage to dress - too old for “kids” clothes, but still a bit too young for “women’s” clothes. But unlike a certain other family, at least th I se girls are always in clothes that are clean and in good condition and seem to fit properly.
TBH, I think the girls all wear "recycled" outfits: CA and Alexia look like they raided their mother's wardrobe and poor baby Ariane was again decked in hand-overs from the big sissies.
Seriously I am almost sure, that Maxima had worn CA's top before (and those atrocious Steph pants) and Alexia's lace skirt would have looked fab on her mother (however I am pretty sure Maxima would have chosen a different top) the black/dark navy lace skirt with the whitish silk blouse looks much too adult for Alexia.

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« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2018, 09:57:36 PM »

I cannot understand why Alexia is dressed like a woman in her 60's. Seriously.

I’m not the biggest fan of the outfit, but she’s right in that awkward stage to dress - too old for “kids” clothes, but still a bit too young for “women’s” clothes. But unlike a certain other family, at least th I se girls are always in clothes that are clean and in good condition and seem to fit properly.
TBH, I think the girls all wear "recycled" outfits: CA and Alexia look like they raided their mother's wardrobe and poor baby Ariane was again decked in hand-overs from the big sissies.
Seriously I am almost sure, that Maxima had worn CA's top before (and those atrocious Steph pants) and Alexia's lace skirt would have looked fab on her mother (however I am pretty sure Maxima would have chosen a different top) the black/dark navy lace skirt with the whitish silk blouse looks much too adult for Alexia.

According to the fashion blogger, named in the following article (in Dutch) all three A's wore something from their mothers closet on Kingsday. Also included her tweet about it.

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