And Carina seems to be carving out a successful and happy life for herself as an England-based children's author.
Is she no longer with Gustav??
They are still together. She has established her writing career and a life outside Berleberg, which really is a very remote area of Germany. My own opinion is that they are very comfortable with each other and that their interests lying in different ways doesn’t alter that. Gussie has his land and the work that his father really established; Richard brought back bison to the area, for instance, and with his degree in forestry did much to preserve the natural environment. Gussie is doing the same and with the S-W-B and S-W-H likely to merge once Gussie shuffles off the mortal coil, I can see him working with his cousin to ensure that the next generation has the much-vaunted “time and treasure” to continue renewing their largest asset, the land