Very sad and tragic news. I also thought immediately of Letizia.
A journalist of the Dutch De Telegraaf has given an interview and said the family knew of Ines's mental health issues, Maxima even had her over in the Netherlands to live with them, found her a job and therapy, I don't know how long Ines was in the Netherlands and when that was, in any case she obviously returned as she was living again in Buenos Aires before her death. Also rumours that Ines had paranoia and anorexia (over the years).
Ines studied psychology at the university of Belgrade apparently, and supposedly wrote her thesis on suicide amongst men & women ("Inés studeerde psychologie aan de universiteit van Belgrado. Saillant detail is dat ze een proefschrift schreef over zelfmoord bij mannen en vrouwen. Máxima zou haar zusje aangeboden hebben om in Amsterdam te komen wonen om haar studie psychologie voort te zetten. Van 2009 tot 2011 werkte Inés bij de VN in Panama.") seems that WA & Max are on their way to Buenos Aires, how long Max will stay isn't clear, WA is expected back in time for his tour of the Baltic countries.