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Author Topic: Queen Maxima’s younger sister Ines died of apparent suicide.  (Read 37924 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2018, 08:20:58 PM »

Good that both Max and Wax are on their way to Argentina, Max needs all the love and support she can get st this tragic time. From what I have read, Ines studied at the university of Belgrano, probably some private university named after one of Buenos Aires’s neighborhoods.

That is more likely than Belgrade, Belgrano is in Argentina (in Buenos Aires actually) and I suppose the Telegraaf either mixed sth up or made a typo...

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« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2018, 10:16:54 PM »

Is Ines a half sister? She was a lot younger than Maxima.
Just read an article about the sad coincidence of sisters of either queens or crown princesses who committed suicide.
Letizia's sister, Queen Sonja's sister and now Maxima's sister.
 The article wondered if being in the shadow of a sister, who became queen was the catalyst.. Well, grasping at straw...

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« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2018, 10:31:24 PM »

Is Ines a half sister? She was a lot younger than Maxima.
Just read an article about the sad coincidence of sisters of either queens or crown princesses who committed suicide.
Letizia's sister, Queen Sonja's sister and now Maxima's sister.
 The article wondered if being in the shadow of a sister, who became queen was the catalyst.. Well, grasping at straw...

Grasping indeed... Didn't know that Sonja suffered the same fate as Letizia and Maxima, very sad.

Ines was Maxima's only "full" sister, with their dad's 2nd wife: they had 2 sons & 2 daughters. With his 1st wife he had 3 daughters (Max's half-sisters).

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« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2018, 12:50:53 AM »

this is very sad,
feel sorry for Maxima she lost her dad and sister in very short time;


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« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2018, 07:05:41 AM »

My grandfather committed suicide when I was 17. I was sleeping right in the next room and my housekeeper woke me up saying he has drank an entire bottle of bathroom cleaner. Only my sister and I was home at the time, we took him to hospital but he struggled to hold on and died after 2 days in ICU.

I still think why? He had no history of depression, was active and had just returned from his morning walk. Even after 8 years I still rack my brain and go back to the day and days before his death again and again trying to figure out why he did it. All we had was a note saying I am done and no one is responsible for this. My grandmother got a heart attack when she found out and was never the same after his death.

I hope Maxima finds strength and hopefully some answers as well. No explanation will make her and family feel better but it's a better place to be then to have all these unanswered questions hanging over you for the rest of your life .
I’m terribly sorry Xoxo. I can’t imagine the questions that have went on in your mind. I can’t even begin to fathom how traumatic and heartbreaking that must be for you. Being left with a mystery like that must always make you wonder if you’ll ever know the real reason why. My heart goes out to you. My heart goes out to Maxima. I can’t imagine the grief that comes along with a family member commiting suicide.

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« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2018, 09:05:12 AM »

Is Ines a half sister? She was a lot younger than Maxima.
Just read an article about the sad coincidence of sisters of either queens or crown princesses who committed suicide.
Letizia's sister, Queen Sonja's sister and now Maxima's sister.
 The article wondered if being in the shadow of a sister, who became queen was the catalyst.. Well, grasping at straw...

Grasping indeed... Didn't know that Sonja suffered the same fate as Letizia and Maxima, very sad.
Sonjas sister tolk her life in 1970 when Sonja was Pregnant, 9 weeks later she miscarried. The Family belived her sister Gry had nerve problems after beeing prisoned during the war after moving Seat when a Gestapo officer sat next to her on the buss, and later fleeing to Sweden with her brother for beeing involved in the resistence movement. Very litle indicate it had to do with Sonjas role.

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« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2018, 10:07:17 AM »

Is Ines a half sister? She was a lot younger than Maxima.
Just read an article about the sad coincidence of sisters of either queens or crown princesses who committed suicide.
Letizia's sister, Queen Sonja's sister and now Maxima's sister.
 The article wondered if being in the shadow of a sister, who became queen was the catalyst.. Well, grasping at straw...

Grasping indeed... Didn't know that Sonja suffered the same fate as Letizia and Maxima, very sad.
Sonjas sister tolk her life in 1970 when Sonja was Pregnant, 9 weeks later she miscarried. The Family belived her sister Gry had nerve problems after beeing prisoned during the war after moving Seat when a Gestapo officer sat next to her on the buss, and later fleeing to Sweden with her brother for beeing involved in the resistence movement. Very litle indicate it had to do with Sonjas role.

Amazing story. Thank you for this information.  Star


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« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2018, 03:11:58 PM »

Is Ines a half sister? She was a lot younger than Maxima.
Just read an article about the sad coincidence of sisters of either queens or crown princesses who committed suicide.
Letizia's sister, Queen Sonja's sister and now Maxima's sister.
 The article wondered if being in the shadow of a sister, who became queen was the catalyst.. Well, grasping at straw...

Grasping indeed... Didn't know that Sonja suffered the same fate as Letizia and Maxima, very sad.
Sonjas sister tolk her life in 1970 when Sonja was Pregnant, 9 weeks later she miscarried. The Family belived her sister Gry had nerve problems after beeing prisoned during the war after moving Seat when a Gestapo officer sat next to her on the buss, and later fleeing to Sweden with her brother for beeing involved in the resistence movement. Very litle indicate it had to do with Sonjas role.

That is terrible, Sonja lost sister and baby (due to the stress & grief I guess).. Thank you for the additional information!

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« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2018, 12:41:54 AM »

How devastating for Maxima and family. It has been such a tragic week...
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« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2018, 01:23:25 AM »

I kind of remember thinking how cool it would be if she got together with Guillaume of Luxembourg.  I always thought that was something Max considered when she chose them both to be Ariane's godparents. 

How unbelievably sad.  My heart goes out to Max and Ines' family.

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« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2018, 02:40:45 AM »

Holland's Queen Maxima, her husband and three children lay her 33-year-old sister to rest at emotional funeral, after tragic hanging suicide

    Ines Zorreguieta committed suicide after suffering from depression and was found dead in her apartment
    Queen Maxima, who is Argentinian, arrived for the funeral with husband and their three daughters
    Zorreguieta had a close relationship with her sister and was the godmother to 11-year-old Princess Ariane
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« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2018, 03:11:04 AM »

Poor Alexia looks very upset.

My heart goes out to them.

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« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2018, 05:06:30 AM »

I just want to throw my arms around Max, she looks incredibly shell shocked.

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« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2018, 09:07:27 AM »

 Sad so very, very sad. Love and strength to Max and family - her poor mum.
What an aboslutely miserable week it has been for high profile suicides. 
One person lost to suicide every 40 seconds, globally.
and I can't see the figures improving. I sometimes feel the stress levels and despondency ratcheting up as humankind faces greater uncertainty. 


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« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2018, 09:09:08 AM »

It's so sad. Poor Maxima. Sad

I wonder if a lot of it is due to the fact we often present ourselves as having such a perfect, happy life on the outside, for social media, and we don't have as much contact face to face. I've noticed a significant difference between friendships now versus even a few years ago.

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