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Gigantic Member

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« Reply #135 on: July 31, 2020, 05:47:14 PM »


This is quite the whodunnit,  Miss Marple. Who drove J&M out of town?

Was it Mary with the dagger of the tabloids in Amaliensborg?  Thinking Thinking Thinking
The interrogation of the motive and means:
1. Daisy tolerates Mary, loves Marie.
2. Frodo hates/resents/tolerates Mary, loves his kids.
3. Mary threatening to run-off would have made everyone glad. They might even have paid her to do if the right amount was available. Then Jokke could act as regent until Xtian is old enough to ascend the throne.
4. Frodo is too depressed/medicated to rustle up the energy for a bust-up with his brother.
What could have woken Fred up long enough to exile his brother over the position he has taken little interest in?

 Beer PeDe for the appanage AND salary correction

IMO: Marge.

It comes unexpectatly, but here is my idea why: Society is changing. Hierarchies are flatter, the support for the monarchy dwindles in general and also the idea that someone is born rather than elected in a position becomes more and more alienating. Now with Covid people will look very carefully where their tax money is being spend and for what.

Then you have the DRF - eight children in the next generation. Four for each brother. Let's look at Jokke's family:
(1) Alex: Was incredibly popular and back then it was possible that the Danish people footed the divorce bill which did not come cheap.
     Then the Martin disaster and question: Was she really worth ALL that money?
(2) Nikolai: Does not participate (as not son of heir) but has personal financial advantages from being a member of the DRF (indirectly be-
     cause of dad's money) and lately because it got him a high profile modelling job.
(3) Felix: Just 18. Too young to stir trouble.
So finance might be a reason.

The other reason: Marge is 80. She is clever and knows that someday, most likely within the next decade, king Frodo will follow into her footsteps. And it is clearly visible that king Frodo is not ready. Nor is he motivated to be ready. Most of the time you wonder "what is that guy doing all day?". We saw what he was not doing - last autumn. The world's leaders gathered in Auschwitz - while Frodo was preparing a shooting weekend. That says all that needs to be said. Ironically there was not shitstorm about that. People ignored it - which might have showed Marge: People don't care about the monarchy that much anymore. It largely went unnoticed.

So her cleverest bet was to hope that people would never really ask why king Frodo is keeping a low profile. So she sent Frodo to Switzerland to see if anyone would miss him (of course not, as nothing changed for the Danes). She and her sister started running the show.

That was the moment when she realized - she had to get rid of Jokke and Marie, because, in contrast to gawky Marie and Frodo, they would do a good job and people might realize "why is the brother of the king doing a better job than the king?". So she sent them to France. If Jokke had not spilled the beans it would have looked as if he wanted out - but the truth was - they wanted him out.

So now Frodo and Mares can rule without any "comparison couple" beside them, hoping that Christian and Izzy can help and charm the Danes with their youth and spirit.

ITA until Maroon text, Miss Marple. Here is why:
The same argument of taking attention away from an emerging scandal/inept/scandalous royal is advanced by rabid stans of ex(ish)-royals to cover for a criminal investigation of said royal in another family. The reporting shows that it did not make the slightest difference. The failure of Frodo has been factored into the future of the monarchy. It is a similar principle companies use in issuing profit warnings to avoid a bloodbath in the markets.

Frodo is ignored because he has been assessed to be irrelevant. The benefit of a constitutional monarchy is quite a different matter altogether. Since there is little added value by the person who will hold the position, the question then is how can one retain a constitutional monarch while minimizing the cost to the tax-payer.  What is the minimum number of royals required to maintain the institution? Joachim can do cartwheels in space and it would not change the equation.

Joachim is credited with intelligence. Whether it is just relative to his brother or comparable to bright people in general society, how would one tell? Is it too much to expect from a Joachim comparably intelligent to other bright people in general society, to plan for a future in which the 6th in line is surplus to needs?  I don't think think so.

If one can pose the argument that people in positions of authority and responsibility around him should shoulder some of the blame for how an ex-ish royal turned out, a similar principle can be applied to the DRF. I have often thought Marge a terrible, neglectful mother. She may have failed Frodo but in this "banishment" she has given Joachim a gift of a chance at a fulfilling career where only the Peter Principle and NOT the archaic Primogeniture Principle can halt his advancement. She can do no more. It is up to Jokke to see the gift or the slight in it.

Should Jokke still receive an apanage? All the perceptions of scape-goatism in the world should not prevent that question from being addressed. Monarchies survive through adaptation. The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas changed their name; Felipe has given up his inheritance from his father; CG has stripped grand-children, (including those of his beloved son) not in the direct line of succession, of their royal titles. Dishers would be able to come up with a list of sacrifices/changes made by other reigning royal families to ensure their survival. The DRF is not yet in peril so living off the fat of the land may still seem viable but for how long? Rather jump than be pushed. Clearly Jokke hates being pushed, even if it's for his own good.  

 Star Super-sleuthing, Miss Marple
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 06:03:08 PM by Chandrasekhi » Logged


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« Reply #136 on: July 31, 2020, 07:49:39 PM »

You guys are good. It does seem that getting the regal Joachim and his well mannered family out of the way will avoid negative comparisons to Fred's family. And it will avoid nasty dust-ups between the two like that Christmas when Marie chastised a young Christian and Mary decided to be upset and storm out of the festivities with her whole family. I mean Marge is strategic here I guess knowing that Mary won't change she is making Joachim take the hit for that. But as you say this is for the continuation of the monarchy. Christian so far seems to be a nice enough young man and hasn't exhibited any negative impulses so far so Marge is probably banking on him to be the future and I will be he is allowed to marry a nice Danish girl.

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« Reply #137 on: July 31, 2020, 07:57:20 PM »

Just a thought. In my country it was well known that the Queen does the queening and Prince Philip was head of the family. (Let's ignore the fact that that has probably not been happening too much here for a while given PP's age) But it's only just over two years since the DRF lost Prince Henrik. We don't know exactly what his role was but it could be that they are all still in a grieving stage where they are a bit rudderless, aren't quite sure how to fill the gap (both official or privately) and poorly thought out decisions are being made...

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« Reply #138 on: August 01, 2020, 01:29:46 PM »

Jokke worth more than Fred and far from penniless?
Not verified. Is there any truth to the comments on Jokke pocketing the money from the sale of Schackenborg?
Oh, many Danes are livid about the large payments for Alexandra.

As far as I am informed, Joachim is actually wealthier than Fred, so I too think he could easily live without the apanage.
I don´t understand the "sale" of Schackenborg - which isn´t really a sale. In any case, Jokke got millions out of it with the help of wealthy Danes. Something strange about the whole thing. He claimed he owed a lot of money because the farm had a negative balance - and then suddenly he gets 42 millions - and can still use the castle.
The sum of all those things (which you listed) make the Danes rather skeptical about Jokke.
That said, he got a lot of support and well wishes now after he got the stroke.
I too wish him well and feel for him and his family. Not easy for any of them.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 01:37:47 PM by Chandrasekhi » Logged


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« Reply #139 on: August 01, 2020, 02:52:49 PM »

Didn't he enter some business partnership where he retains the right to stay there but essentially rents it as a conference center and offices? That's probably good rental income.
anastasia beaverhausen

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« Reply #140 on: August 01, 2020, 04:21:59 PM »

Jokke worth more than Fred and far from penniless?
Not verified. Is there any truth to the comments on Jokke pocketing the money from the sale of Schackenborg?
Oh, many Danes are livid about the large payments for Alexandra.

As far as I am informed, Joachim is actually wealthier than Fred, so I too think he could easily live without the apanage.
I don´t understand the "sale" of Schackenborg - which isn´t really a sale. In any case, Jokke got millions out of it with the help of wealthy Danes. Something strange about the whole thing. He claimed he owed a lot of money because the farm had a negative balance - and then suddenly he gets 42 millions - and can still use the castle.
The sum of all those things (which you listed) make the Danes rather skeptical about Jokke.
That said, he got a lot of support and well wishes now after he got the stroke.
I too wish him well and feel for him and his family. Not easy for any of them.

I wonder if this ousting was the terminus of a very long term plan?  Give Jokke $42 million outright with the intention of eventually pushing him and his family out of the country.  I’m sure Marge has been aware for a very long time that Fred is not exactly up to the task of being king.

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« Reply #141 on: August 01, 2020, 04:33:41 PM »

Didn't he enter some business partnership where he retains the right to stay there but essentially rents it as a conference center and offices? That's probably good rental income.

I think he sold shackenborg to a trust wherein the building and land will be preserved. it would also be open to the public and serve as some kind of entertainment venue with the shacks having a right of residence to keep the royal links to Tonder.

Jokke worth more than Fred and far from penniless?
Not verified. Is there any truth to the comments on Jokke pocketing the money from the sale of Schackenborg?
Oh, many Danes are livid about the large payments for Alexandra.

As far as I am informed, Joachim is actually wealthier than Fred, so I too think he could easily live without the apanage.
I don´t understand the "sale" of Schackenborg - which isn´t really a sale. In any case, Jokke got millions out of it with the help of wealthy Danes. Something strange about the whole thing. He claimed he owed a lot of money because the farm had a negative balance - and then suddenly he gets 42 millions - and can still use the castle.
The sum of all those things (which you listed) make the Danes rather skeptical about Jokke.
That said, he got a lot of support and well wishes now after he got the stroke.
I too wish him well and feel for him and his family. Not easy for any of them.

I wonder if this ousting was the terminus of a very long term plan?  Give Jokke $42 million outright with the intention of eventually pushing him and his family out of the country.  I’m sure Marge has been aware for a very long time that Fred is not exactly up to the task of being king.

I don't think the ousting was part of a long term plan, it it was Marie would be so upset. I think things came to a head (most likely caused by Derf and wife) and it was decided that Jokke and family would be pushed out to keep the DRF ship afloat.

I bet the when Derf becomes King or it looks like Marge is about to shuffle off her mortal coil, there will be "sudden" talk of downgrading the shack kids to Counts of Rosenborg/Montpezat.

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« Reply #142 on: August 01, 2020, 06:11:05 PM »

Thanks leatherface that makes sense and keeps the family linked to the place. Even if Joachim did not want to be a full time farmer I am sure the area and the house are very special to him and probably also to Marie who seemed very happy there in their photo shoots. If giving up the property and getting a settlement really happened then it plays into the story of kicking Joachim out to make his dumb brother look better. I would be bitter too Marie!

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« Reply #143 on: August 03, 2020, 10:28:12 PM »

The Tale of Jokke, Schackenborg and the Exile

In 1661, General Hans Schack was granted the castle owing to his "allegiance and willing duty" to the king during the war against Sweden. He named it "Schackenborg" and for 11 generations the castle was in the ownership of the Schack Family.

The Schackenborg Estate: Schackenborg Castle, the Inn, over 600 hectares of land,
In 1978, Schackenborg Castle, its farms and lands was returned to the Crown, and in 1993 it went into possession of Prince Joachim, the younger son of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.
I don't think the purchase sum and the conditions for the purchase were every published but after some years there were apparently disagreements as to the terms and the regent couple and the Schacks had a falling out. The Schacks weren't at J&A's wedding either.
We don't know the terms and agreement of the take-over, but it is rather obvious that one of the parties didn't do their home work! It turned out that Schackenborg was partly is disrepair, most of the inventory had been removed and there were problems with the mortgages as well.

The solution came in 1995, with the impending marriage. Karl Toosbuy, a local tycoon organized a "people's donation" , which eventually amounted to about 14 million Danish Kroner (ca. $ 2.5 million or £ 1.4 million).I no longer remember what was renovated, restored, repaired! The place needed a good going over, and the donation payed for the most urgent renovations. Come to think of it: I remember something about a new roof!
Karl Toosbuy was the owner of ECCO.

2005: The Divorce
Joachim buys a House for Alexandra
The Inn/hotel used to be part of Schackenborg. But Joachim had to sell it after the divorce, according to writings in the press, to be able to afford to buy Alexandre a new house. The Inn is today owned by Hans Michael Jebsen, a Danish businessman living in Hong Kong, who owns several small hotels in Denmark, including Frederiksminde in Præstø.

The State gives Alexandra an Appanage:
I believe, and several politicians has said so openly that Alexandra got her apanage to maintain the living standard befitting of two royal children, who at the time were three and four in line for the throne. - After Frederik and Joachim. There was after all a possibillity that M&F would not have children. Another reason was to avoid a "Diana" at all costs. No bitter ex-wife speaking to the press all the time, so in a sense it was "behave-well-money". But first I believe Alexandra got such a good bargain, because it was novel situation. There hadn't been a divorce in the DRF for some 150 years. And beforehand these sorts of situations were dealt with routinely by allocating the lady in question an estate somewhere in the countryside where she would retire and live discreetly and comfortably from the revenue. (I refer here mainly to women married to the "left hand", i.e. official mistresses). And there were no official papers willing to print anything negative she might have to say back then.
......The DRF learned after all from the affair, in the sense that Mary had to sign a considerable less advantageous prenup. And presumably so have our Marie.

(I can imagine a fuming newlywed Frederik grinding his teeth, but no doubt the prenup was very much "strongly advised" by the government).
Everything considered I believe it's money well spend. For some 25 million DKK, so far, the divorce has been most civillized, with very little bad PR for the DRF and as a consequence Denmark. Joachim had to sell one of his golden eggs, Schackenborg Inn and probably realise some shares and what not in order to give Alexandra a reasonable sum, so the apanage was I imagine an additional incentive for her to accept less of what would otherwise have been 50 % of the estate. Which would probably have meant that Joachim would have been forced to sell Schackenborg back in 2005 with a considerable less surplus if any.

What??? It was ok for Danes to pay-up so Joachim's nest egg would remain largely intact??? Laughing Laughing Laughing

June 2012
The illegal Fertilizer Scandal

Over the past month, police in eastern Jutland have broken open two large smuggling rings involving illegal pesticides and fertilisers. Hundreds of Denmark’s farmers, including some of its largest food producers are named on the smugglers’ customer lists. Among those names are high-ranking members of the agriculture and food council Landbrug & Fødevarer, as well as a Danish prince.
I have no idea what the proof is, or if there is any against Jokke; the case has been investigated now, and there will be a case, as far as I understand it. We will never know about Jokke´s involvement, since he is above the law.

Thanks abs.  Star
What kind of protection? Is he above the law because he is from the DRF or the power behind the Queen protects him (something like JC and Cristina)?
The royal family is above the law. The queen can choose to punish whomever has done something wrong, and that is it!
That is not fair to the other citizens. So...we (Danish citizens first) will not know if he did something illegal or not...Not right.
Thanks for all info.
You are welcome, ssassi! Well, I for one find it very unfair that we will never know! I wonder if Ekstra Bladet and/or Se og Hør will take this up - maybe they can´t because of lack of information. In any case, this is damaging to the DRF as such.
This kind of stuff really pisses me off.   Ranting

Read'em and weep, Andy! In Denmark, judging from what did not happen to Jokke, the Queen's children are exempt from prosecution. Fred thought his mother the Queen of England (even though there is no Queen on the English throne). They could have traded places. Lolipop

2012 - August??
Purchase of Villa on the Cote d'Azur

Joachim & Marie's house at the Cote d'Azur in France - a villa in Montauroux
The villa is just a five minute drive from the hilltop village Montauroux and less than 25 minutes from the Mediterranean. Montauroux is one of five medieval villages in the area, and is located just north of the Esterel National Park. The villa is close driving distance to the four other mountain towns: Fayence, Callian, Seillan and Tourette's. With just a 45 minute drive from Nice airport and 25 minutes from Cannes and St. Tropez, the villa is ideally placed, if you want to explore the culture, the nature and mood of the the Provençe.
On the other side of the valley only 10-15 minutes away is the exclusive Golf Resort - Terre Blence. The 36-hole golf course is a part of Europe Tours 2012, while the spa area on the corresponding Hôtel Four Seasons has been voted the world's best by Condé Nast Traveller. The villa is also in close driving distance to several good restaurants - including two with a Michelin star.
The area is a wonderful combination of beautiful scenery, charming hilltop villages and Southern French sentiment in Nice and Cannes.
I read somewhere that Joachim & Marie purchased a home called Cote d'Azur in Montauroux, France...............can someone tell me something about this home?apartment?villa?estate?
This makes sense do to Chateau de Caix being given to Frederik & Mary .....  From what I understand that was meant as an investment.
Do they get rental income from it while vacationing at Caix,,,


Denmark's Prince Joachim is said to be more than £4.6 million in debt. The sixth in line to the Danish throne owes huge amounts in loans against his home estate, Schackenborg, in southern Jutland, according to newspaper Ekstra Bladet. Joachim - youngest son of Queen Margrethe - has reportedly taken out five loans against the castle, the latest amounting to the equivalent of £2.2 million. The reasons behind the Prince's borrowing were not given. The prince receives a grant of around £342,000 a year from the state and currently lives at the castle with his second wife, Princess Marie - whom he married in 2008 - and their two children, Prince Henrik, four, and Princess Athena, 19 months. Joachim also has sons Prince Nikolai, 14, and Prince Felix, 11, from his first marriage to Alexandra Christina, the Countess of Frederiksborg.
Did Jokke finance the purchase of his villa in France by taking loans against the Castle? Thinking

March 2014
Sale of Schackenborg
What the website says:
Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation – together with other investors – was involved in setting up the Schackenborg Foundation, which is a commercial foundation. In addition to Schackenborg Palace and Park, the Schackenborg Foundation owns approx. 300 hectares of farmland belonging to the palace and a Christmas tree business. The land is cultivated in cooperation with HRH Prince Joachim, and part of the crop is sold via the “De 5 gårde” (The Five Farms) cooperative in COOPְ's shops. There are clauses within the documentation for the Schackenborg Foundation that state, among other things, that The Foundation owns and maintains Schackenborg Palace and Park and provides the public with access to these areas. It is also the Foundation’s aim to give HRH Prince Joachim and HRH Princess Marie, as well as other members of the Danish Royal Family, the option of occasionally staying at Schackenborg. Finally, the Schackenborg Foundation provides support to charitable and non-profit causes to the extent that the Board of Directors deem this financially possible.
Does this mean Jokke still has a stake in the commercial venture? Just wow! He gets his debts paid off by buddies, he still maintains a stake in the farming operations  (it is not a CHARITABLE foundation but is owned by one.)
Incidentally, Karl Toosbuy, who came up with the idea for the public to raise funds to help the millionaire prince to rehabilitate his castle in 1995, owned ECCO Holding which is one of the three entities, along with Bitten and Mads Clausen Foundation and Ole Kirk’s Foundation, which setup the Schackenborg Foundation. Jokke and Maria have been retained a patrons of the Foundation. Does this mean that the appanage pays from them to patronise  a commercial venture from which their derive financial benefit?

Joachim donated the amount of money gifted to him and Alex for restoration of the Castle (inflation adjusted?). Joachim and family either own/has full-time use of apartments /section of the castle. Joachim was allegedly paid DKK42 million by the three businessman. Joachim sold another 12 hectares of the attached farmland. He then  bought a house in Copenhagen of which Marie is 50% owner and presumably invested the rest. He has received an apanage from the state throughout. The apanage was increased when he married Marie. Apparently (I could not find information to verify this), the Regent and the CP couples finances are scrutinised by Parliament but not the apanage granted to Joachim. There was concern raised that some of the apanage might have found its way back into the farm i.e. a commercial venture over the years.
Sentiments around the time:

An interesting article about the lands around Schackenborg that Joachim still owns: Prins Joachim bliver stenrig: Så mange millioner giver hans geniale plan - Royale |
He still owns around 600 hectares and two properties.
Joachim has now begun to sell off that land, as indicated by the then Chief of Court, Ove Ullerup.
Joachim has sold 12 hectares out of the 600 for a price of 2.4 million DKK.
BT has estimated the value of his land and properties in today's market at some 97 million DKK.
- Combined with the income after the sale of Schackenborg, the value of his new house and what other investments he may have made, he is in my conservative estimation wealthier that the rest of the DRF combined.
wealthier than all the DRF combined?  nice for Joachim and this great deal.

another article on the selling of the lands, I think they interviewed some people that live close by
Prins Joachim geniale plan: Så stenrig kan han blive - Nationalt |

"Andreas Knudsen, Møgeltønder: "It's fine for me that Prince Joachim selling off its land. What does he need the ground to when he lives in Copenhagen? I must admit that I never noticed the prince and his family when they lived in Møgeltønder. They were still not home at the castle so often, so it makes me actually not that big that he sells out of the ground. How I actually believe many others in Møgeltønder have it. It is probably most tourists who think it is a shame that he does not live here anymore."
this just adds more for me, that Joachim should pay Alexandra appendage and for Nikolai and Felix and not the government anymore.

April 2014
Schack thriving?

Joachim is a part of a consortium called the Five Farms, which sell and market a number of products though the consortium. Joachim has previously among many other things sold beer and the Schackenborg Snaps (a bitter) through that consortium. Now he has launched two more products. Schackenborg Vodka and Schackenborg Dry Gin, both at 44 %. - In the interest of this forum I will volunteer to sample these products. Someone has to do it, so I'll sacrifice myself for the cause. The consortium is going reasonably well. Last surplus was for 500.000 DKK and the equity is close to Seven million DKK.

Joachim gets an elite posting in France with apanage, no salary

Let’s look at Jokke’s income”
-   Rental income from property in France
-   Income form the commercial activities of the  Schackenborg Foundation
-   Apanage from the Danish State
-   Passive income from the money he made from the “sale of the Schackenborg Castle”
-   Income from documentaries
And a secure job in France.

Frankly this is a racket!  Any other 6th in line would be ghoulish green with envy.

Let’s look at Mary who is so Machiavellian she might have brought about the fertilizer investigation by ratting Joachim out to the inspectors over the use of illegal, environmentally polluting fertilizers. Revised pre-nup: no payout, no house of her choice. Little wonder she holds onto Fred with steely talons. Does Mary own half of the Swiss chalet she and Frodo were unmasked for purchasing without receiving consent from the Danish parliament and on which they receive rental income?  Illegal chalet, Turkey baster, Black Amex, Haberdashery, driving the competition out of town: Mary Machiavelli, you wear your moniker well. Even Joachim the Racketeer with his business tycoon bail-out buddies and immense wealth could not stop you from running him out of town.  But wait: you didn’t actually run him out of the country: it is illegal for the apanage to be taken out of the country unless the recipient's stay elsewhere is of a temporary nature. So sorry Mary: your victory is but ephemeral.

Final question: Joachim found it difficult to run a farm and attend to his royal duties, so he gave up the farm. How did he manage to find time for the Documentary on Denmark? Did he make a dime from it while the taxpayer paid for his time?

We wish him a complete recovery and soon: he can revel in the wealth bequeathed to him by Danes with hearts of gold and lighter purses for it. No 6th in line has had it sweeter.

 - sister of Camilla Long.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 11:10:55 PM by Chandrasekhi » Logged

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« Reply #144 on: August 04, 2020, 04:23:10 AM »

.....okay  Thinking what's this?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 05:40:20 AM by PeDe » Logged

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« Reply #145 on: August 04, 2020, 11:38:23 AM »

A retelling of the life of Joachim? Why?
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« Reply #146 on: August 04, 2020, 11:41:26 AM »

This is a general comment for anyone further down the line of succession in any Royal Family: why take an appanage when you have the ability to make a living if you perceive the press to hound you unmercifully for having accepted it in the first place? Why not just chuck it all in and leave? Is there anything that compels you to accept it?

This thread is about Joachim. Monarchies look like each other, yet work differently. Marge has orchestrated a huge bit of Joachim’s life, likely because he was needed because Fred has always had issues. It’s absolutely a spoiled life Joachim has lived compared to many but that does not negate that he’s been used by his family and is bullied by the press.
Miss Marple

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« Reply #147 on: August 04, 2020, 12:01:48 PM »

They made the same mistake with Jokke as many other RFs made with their spares - they are used to a rather exclusive life style without a real purpose in life. In Jokke's case it might be even more dramatic because:

(1) He has married twice and his first wife got an extremely generous settlement (footed by the taxpayer, that would not go down well with
     today's standards)
(2) He has four children used to a rather exclusive lifestlye.
(3) His brother has four children so there is no need for him or his children to stay around ... whatever will happen in future, it won't affect
(4) Except his mom there are no workhorses in the DRF
(5) He likes a flashy exclusive lifestyle (castle in France, villa in south of France).

I don't remember who it was - but someone rightly pointed out that from Marge's point of view it makes a lot of sense to take him out of the game because:

(1) His family is no longer needed for the royal succession or for representating - Marge and Bene are still around, Prince Christian will be
     15 shortly
(2) Denmark is not that big and surely managable for Frodo and Mares + Christian one day - if Frodo is not able to "perform" it is down to
     Mares and Christian (and maybe Izzy to some extend)
(3) It might not be wise to have him and Marie around because someone might notice that he and she are doing a better job than Frodo
     and Yrma  Halo
(4) He did not manage to farm Schakenbourg successfully - but, as someone said, it is now expected of the "spares" to work because
     RFs are downsizing in general - so this seems like a good chance for him to enter the working world. The only RF who got this right so 
     far is the Dutch RF.
(5) His children need to have paid jobs. It is already a bit dodgy that Nikolai is using is royal connections for commercial modelling -if
     three more follow his example, it will spark criticism - same with Frodo's kids - Izzy and the twins will have to work for a living. 
(6) France is perfect because everyone speaks the language, there is no nobility, they live a rather anonymous life there and there are a
     lot of family connections. They can basically start anew ...


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« Reply #148 on: August 04, 2020, 12:10:00 PM »

A retelling of the life of Joachim? Why?
I had no intention of retelling Jokke's life. How did my post come about?
1. I set out to find out about Jokke's new job, Daisy and Mary's involvement in the his exile, went down the rabbit hole which ended up at Schackenborg Castle, many years ago.
2. I could keep the information I found to myself or share it with Dishers. We normally share, so there is that.  
3. My post is not about press bullying of royals. My "investigation" started out into Daisy and Mary running Jokke out of Denmark and morphed, very unexpectedly, into one about money, hence the framing. I have provided links. Jokke is a public figure. If anyone wants to "investigate" further they can.
4. If anyone else wants to "investigate" and provide links to the press bullying of Jokke they can do that too. I will read it. It is better to be informed than ignorant.

That's what I love about RD: sharing information, going off and making up our own minds about what we have read, possibly investigating further.


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« Reply #149 on: August 04, 2020, 12:43:56 PM »

Well I for one, not being at all up to date with the various events in the DRF, appreciate your post Chandra - very informative and interesting.

Talk to the hair, you slitherin' Skank
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