So I do not follow these two at all. For me J+M make even Viktoria look interesting. Jokke is a bit creepy (but of course I do not wish him ill) and Marie doesn’t dress well, or not enough to catch my interest, so I am not aware where does the conspiracy theory about them being ‘driven out’ come from. Of course if they (or anybody) are being bullied somehow by the press then that is bad. (It sounds like the Daily Fail in the UK, regarding the couple who cannot be mentioned). This move sounds like a good way to prove themselves.
In 2020 the role of constitutional monarch has ‘dwindled’ everywhere to almost nothing from what I see. For me it is not a full time job even for one person, so what are J+M supposed to do for work? To me it is quite sensible to relocate him. At his age it will be more and more difficult to start any new career so this sounds like a good solution for him: maintaining a link with his father’s homeland; an attachment to the Danish embassy (or I misunderstand this part) keeps him ‘au fait’ with and connected to events in Denmark; his children become fluent in another language. It does not sound onerous. OK the role is less grand and they will have a different social circle in which perhaps they are not a ‘big fish’ and maybe this is their objection?
Queen’s Tea
Small Member
Reputation: 220
 United States
Posts: 553
I think all these royal families are living on borrowed time. Especially when these conspiracy theories are floated and especially these days.
Mini Member
Reputation: 122
 United States
Posts: 388
A retelling of the life of Joachim? Why?
I had no intention of retelling Jokke's life. How did my post come about? 1. I set out to find out about Jokke's new job, Daisy and Mary's involvement in the his exile, went down the rabbit hole which ended up at Schackenborg Castle, many years ago. 2. I could keep the information I found to myself or share it with Dishers. We normally share, so there is that. 3. My post is not about press bullying of royals. My "investigation" started out into Daisy and Mary running Jokke out of Denmark and morphed, very unexpectedly, into one about money, hence the framing. I have provided links. Jokke is a public figure. If anyone wants to "investigate" further they can. 4. If anyone else wants to "investigate" and provide links to the press bullying of Jokke they can do that too. I will read it. It is better to be informed than ignorant. That's what I love about RD: sharing information, going off and making up our own minds about what we have read, possibly investigating further. Thank you, Chandrasekhi! 
Baby Member
Reputation: 45
Posts: 49
Wow, Chandra, that is a great piece of work! I had forgotten some of these things, but they do remind of why it is that I view Jokke and Marie with no greater kindness than I do his brother or SIL.
In a way, it is totally understandable that Marie might be miffed at having been turned out of Denmark at the behest of either Marge or Mary; on the other hand, it's hardly a hardship to be rich and get paid to be in her home country, and the indiscretion just (once again) shows that she doesn't really have the discretion needed for real active royal duties (as demonstrated by some members in the BRF). Same as when she babbled about her relationship with Jokke during the brief time they'd broken up.
Princess MS
Well I for one, not being at all up to date with the various events in the DRF, appreciate your post Chandra - very informative and interesting.
Me too ... I find it interesting that if the press write the same sort of analysis about two members of a family then it is the truth on one hand and bullying and lies on the other .... there are several examples to look at ....
I don't think it's a good idea to insert so many quotes from another Forum/Board, espeacially when it is a collection of personal opionions of other people that do not belong to RD, instead of actual fact-based research. It created difficulty in the past. Just sayin'
Lord G¡n
I can't understand what's been happening in Denmark lately. I sensed something was going amiss in the LGDF about two years ago. Then we all knew what was happening. What's wrong with the DRF? Just two brothers or S-I-Ls that don't get on well? Bad enough to send one family to France and the other one to Switzerland for a while? Bad enough to leave the bereaved widow queen on her own? Nothing much to do later with Covid and so, but , was it that bad?
I don't think it's a good idea to insert so many quotes from another Forum/Board, espeacially when it is a collection of personal opionions of other people that do not belong to RD, instead of actual fact-based research. It created difficulty in the past. Just sayin'
1.This must be the only thread where it is verbotten. 2. I am not emotionally invested in the information presented. If you want to go ahead and conduct research to prove/disprove/clarify anything presented to satisfy your level of rigour for "actual fact-based research", I am certain we will all be the wiser for it. 3. The last time I checked, we were a discussion forum. I can't imagine the Wall Street Journal wanting its writers to "get your snark on".
Princess MS
I can't understand what's been happening in Denmark lately. I sensed something was going amiss in the LGDF about two years ago. Then we all knew what was happening. What's wrong with the DRF? Just two brothers or S-I-Ls that don't get on well? Bad enough to send one family to France and the other one to Switzerland for a while? Bad enough to leave the bereaved widow queen on her own? Nothing much to do later with Covid and so, but , was it that bad?
I won't link to other sites but don't poke too far below the surface.... so many families come to arrangements that unravel later... I think the money trail is a place to start. The Dutch got it right but then they are mega rich so the other sons had no royal insider life but no financial problems either.... the Danes don't have the $BBB
I don't think it's a good idea to insert so many quotes from another Forum/Board, espeacially when it is a collection of personal opionions of other people that do not belong to RD, instead of actual fact-based research. It created difficulty in the past. Just sayin'
1.This must be the only thread where it is verbotten. 2. I am not emotionally invested in the information presented. If you want to go ahead and conduct research to prove/disprove/clarify anything presented to satisfy your level of rigour for "actual fact-based research", I am certain we will all be the wiser for it. 3. The last time I checked, we were a discussion forum. I can't imagine the Wall Street Journal wanting its writers to "get your snark on". You are not??? Interesting, it seems you put a lot of work into going to another board and copy/paste their opinions and statements into this thread here...seems to be some kind of investment, non? Well, unless you feel the need to school us on the subject "Joachim's life", I bet our Danish RD members will be particularly thankful for that. I said that this amount of inserted quotes from a different board might creat issues, as long-time dishers would know. Not interested in researching something that is not of importance in my life. Too much work to put in a silly thing like this. So, bless your heart, for all the effort...oh, just a's "verboten" and not "verbotten", just in case you need/want to use this German word again.....aaand I leave it at that, there is nothing else to be gained by further conversation.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 04:50:52 PM by PeDe »
I don't think it's a good idea to insert so many quotes from another Forum/Board, espeacially when it is a collection of personal opionions of other people that do not belong to RD, instead of actual fact-based research. It created difficulty in the past. Just sayin'
1.This must be the only thread where it is verbotten. 2. I am not emotionally invested in the information presented. If you want to go ahead and conduct research to prove/disprove/clarify anything presented to satisfy your level of rigour for "actual fact-based research", I am certain we will all be the wiser for it. 3. The last time I checked, we were a discussion forum. I can't imagine the Wall Street Journal wanting its writers to "get your snark on". You are downright rude. Back off. And no, it is not okay to quote lots of posts from other posters elsewhere. Never was.
karma chamelion
PeDe & Maria  Sorry you got a shot of the attitude, too. It's very tiresome. I couldn't/wouldn't even begin to read that gobbledygook post. 
I don't think it's a good idea to insert so many quotes from another Forum/Board, espeacially when it is a collection of personal opionions of other people that do not belong to RD, instead of actual fact-based research. It created difficulty in the past. Just sayin'
1.This must be the only thread where it is verbotten. 2. I am not emotionally invested in the information presented. If you want to go ahead and conduct research to prove/disprove/clarify anything presented to satisfy your level of rigour for "actual fact-based research", I am certain we will all be the wiser for it. 3. The last time I checked, we were a discussion forum. I can't imagine the Wall Street Journal wanting its writers to "get your snark on". You are downright rude. Back off. And no, it is not okay to quote lots of posts from other posters elsewhere. Never was.Maria, I have a lot of respect for you. This is my defence. - Nowhere in my post have I presented my information as facts, just as information. If PeDe wants to present alternative information, I am ready to read them. We have quoted other boards elsewhere. Most of the other board quotes are from a single thread to illustrate the conversation about the issue at the time. There are many RD quotes, including PeDe's. - How often have dishers has been asked to verify anything they have said with factual research? Yet I have been asked to provide it for my post. The post does not require any reference to any other board to support its argument. There are enough stand alone references in it to achieve it. - I referred to it as an "Investigation" in inverted commas because that is what it is.