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Author Topic: Godparents to Baby Sussex  (Read 152744 times)
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Princess MS
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« Reply #315 on: July 05, 2019, 12:06:35 PM »

Question: do royal babies *have* to be Christened by an Archbishop?  If not—and if they truly want it to be private—then why not have a local Church of England officiant (vicar, yes?) do it while they’re visiting the Queen at Balmoral later this summer?  Or perhaps invite an Archbishop up to Scotland to do it?  After all, the royals invite many VIPs and friends to Balmoral; it’s entirely possible that, with a little coordination, the ceremony could be finished and pictures posted on Instagram before the press hears a word about it.

Of course, people who want to do things privately don’t publicly announce how private they are.  I swear, these two are like little kids banging pots and pans together while demanding that everyone ignores them.   Roll Eyes

No the Archbishop is not required.  If the Queen’s grandchildren only Peter, William, and Harry got Canterbury.

I’m split on doing it in Scotland so won’t comment on that but it is very clear that the planning was done very poorly.  Even waiting until next weekend would have solved a few issues...or just consulting the Queen’s calendar first. 

It’s funny to see the Stan’s reaction to the announcement followed by Wimbledon.  Honestly how did they think people would react when one day their all about privacy and the next she’s at Wimbledon with two college friends?  Lord help them.

He is as thick as a tree trunk .... she has a degree from a US university which apparently has status ..... she saw him coming - game over. He wanted a wife and child and the more eligible daughters of the aristocracy had zero interest. She was at an age where waiting too long was not viable - so here we go - they married in haste . . . . it might work out. I hope it does for him. 
Lord G¡n

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« Reply #316 on: July 05, 2019, 12:31:19 PM »

Question: do royal babies *have* to be Christened by an Archbishop?  If not—and if they truly want it to be private—then why not have a local Church of England officiant (vicar, yes?) do it while they’re visiting the Queen at Balmoral later this summer?  Or perhaps invite an Archbishop up to Scotland to do it?  After all, the royals invite many VIPs and friends to Balmoral; it’s entirely possible that, with a little coordination, the ceremony could be finished and pictures posted on Instagram before the press hears a word about it.

Of course, people who want to do things privately don’t publicly announce how private they are.  I swear, these two are like little kids banging pots and pans together while demanding that everyone ignores them.   Roll Eyes

No the Archbishop is not required.  If the Queen’s grandchildren only Peter, William, and Harry got Canterbury.

I’m split on doing it in Scotland so won’t comment on that but it is very clear that the planning was done very poorly.  Even waiting until next weekend would have solved a few issues...or just consulting the Queen’s calendar first. 

It’s funny to see the Stan’s reaction to the announcement followed by Wimbledon.  Honestly how did they think people would react when one day their all about privacy and the next she’s at Wimbledon with two college friends?  Lord help them.

He is as thick as a tree trunk .... she has a degree from a US university which apparently has status ..... she saw him coming - game over. He wanted a wife and child and the more eligible daughters of the aristocracy had zero interest. She was at an age where waiting too long was not viable - so here we go - they married in haste . . . . it might work out. I hope it does for him. 
... and their kid/s.
Princess MS
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« Reply #317 on: July 05, 2019, 12:35:42 PM »

Question: do royal babies *have* to be Christened by an Archbishop?  If not—and if they truly want it to be private—then why not have a local Church of England officiant (vicar, yes?) do it while they’re visiting the Queen at Balmoral later this summer?  Or perhaps invite an Archbishop up to Scotland to do it?  After all, the royals invite many VIPs and friends to Balmoral; it’s entirely possible that, with a little coordination, the ceremony could be finished and pictures posted on Instagram before the press hears a word about it.

Of course, people who want to do things privately don’t publicly announce how private they are.  I swear, these two are like little kids banging pots and pans together while demanding that everyone ignores them.   Roll Eyes

No the Archbishop is not required.  If the Queen’s grandchildren only Peter, William, and Harry got Canterbury.

I’m split on doing it in Scotland so won’t comment on that but it is very clear that the planning was done very poorly.  Even waiting until next weekend would have solved a few issues...or just consulting the Queen’s calendar first. 

It’s funny to see the Stan’s reaction to the announcement followed by Wimbledon.  Honestly how did they think people would react when one day their all about privacy and the next she’s at Wimbledon with two college friends?  Lord help them.

He is as thick as a tree trunk .... she has a degree from a US university which apparently has status ..... she saw him coming - game over. He wanted a wife and child and the more eligible daughters of the aristocracy had zero interest. She was at an age where waiting too long was not viable - so here we go - they married in haste . . . . it might work out. I hope it does for him. 
... and their kid/s.

Yes indeed - and in a charitable moment in my mind on other things - for her too. But I'm waiting to see  . . .

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« Reply #318 on: July 05, 2019, 12:55:53 PM »

As this continue several things are becoming clear to me...1. Harry needs a lot more therapy to deal with his "the media killed my mother" and "I only want the perks not the responsibilities of being royal" issues; 2. neither thought out anything to do with being married (besides the wedding ceremony) or with having a child (besides just the notion); and 3. The Queen, Charles, and the grey men are either passive AF or in the case of the grey men a complete myth.

They don't understand that the only effect that taking a traditional approach to the birth and christening would have had would have been to endear them and Archie to the public.  That Archie's title has nothing to do with how he turns they raise him does.  Look at Louise and James; their births and christenings had a wonderful balance for non HRH children of HRH parents, and since then their parents have taken wonderful steps to balance the fact that they are raising their kids to make their own way while also raising grandchildren of a sovereign.  They also haven't been harmed by being a Lady and a Viscount.  Heck look at the Phillips and Tindall families, we see more of their kids than we do the Cambridge kids because they're just living their lives and going to family events and things like RWHS without a care.

Harry and Meghan haven't thought out that they can't pick and choose when he's private and when he's royal.  The press/public deserve consistency now and as Archie becomes aware of the world around him he will also deserve consistency.  If he's private stop the damn PR games and if he's a royal then do the bare minimum all the time not just when it suits you.

Yes, that is something that makes me grow even fonder of both Edward and Louise, they put those children first, always. Especially after Louise's birth, both her life and Sophie's were in danger. Yes, I don't forget they try to enjoy the perks, to charge on their titles but that happened almost ages ago and they became serious full time royals. They traveled a lot, both inside and outside the UK in the Queen's name. Now, these two, I'm sorry but this is... what? 3rd/4th even 5th show they made just this year? Sorry, I lost count by now, but I'm sure the Cirque du Soleil is envious... I can't believe Harry is still milking, as you very well stated, "the media killed my mother", and wifey, sorry, I'm going to remain quiet. I don't have anything good to say. I just hope this kid, and other children to come, might grow up to be less like them for their own good.

I have my own theory that explains this behaviours, I'm pretty sure, 99.9% they chose the la créme de la créme of Hollywood, that is, the worst possible goodparents for a greatgrandchild, and future grandchild, of a sovereign. They could have changed their mind, and played by the rules, chose just one of them, but heavens forbids them from not having their way. So, what is the most stupid way of getting away with it? Of course, let's do it in secret, they bought it already with the birth, and here we are. The names are going to leak, and I'm sure as hell Clooney, and the gang will be among them.  Secret

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« Reply #319 on: July 05, 2019, 01:20:31 PM »

Oh yeah Edward and Sophie made mistakes but they are two of a very small list of royals that have owned their mistakes, learned from their mistakes, and improved leaps and bounds post mistakes.  Says a lot about those who find excuses for their poor behaviors and therefore never learn or improve.  And with their kids Edward and Sophie set the standard Harry and Meghan should aim for.

I have to admit I take the opposite bet on godparents as her celeb friends seem to be distancing themselves from the Sussex show.  But honestly this whole thing is doing so much more harm than good.  The explosion is almost funny and the only person I feel bad for is Archie.  Poor kid is pretty much doomed to be a piece of work once he's an adult...apples don't fall that far from the tree.
The Grifter

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« Reply #320 on: July 05, 2019, 01:50:04 PM »

Isn't it possible that the dates selected for the Christening are intentional to TRY and hide the fact the Queen has no interest in attending no matter the date?

I tend to side with the theory that the celebs (Clooney, Williams, etc) are wising up, can see the trainwreck ahead and are starting to distance themselves from the Sussex family.

Jessica Mulroney is flying to London from New York as I type.


The Grifter

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« Reply #321 on: July 05, 2019, 02:11:06 PM »

On the other hand...

There is speculation that Obama could be a Godparent?!😳

This would explain heightened security and no press.

Obama has yet to release his big-advance book. What better way to insert yourself into the headlines in advance of an autumn book release?

BUT if Obama was going to be there, surely HM would have found a way to attend?

I actually think there is an outside chance Thomas Markle will be there. The Markle clan has been very, very quiet since the birth.


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« Reply #322 on: July 05, 2019, 02:47:22 PM »

Anyone see Richard Palmers tweets about the christening? Christening details of royal christenings aren't in the regular parish registers but in a special royal one held by the Queen. And they don't make that one public on request which is against the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978.

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« Reply #323 on: July 05, 2019, 02:53:54 PM »

Yep now the press is going after the whole family (just like we said they would).  Maybe now someone will realize that Harry and Meghan are not just liabilities to themselves but the whole institution.  Though probably not, but at least this is law breaking that can be probably be proven (assuming no special royal exemption).

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« Reply #324 on: July 05, 2019, 03:22:26 PM »

Yep now the press is going after the whole family (just like we said they would).  Maybe now someone will realize that Harry and Meghan are not just liabilities to themselves but the whole institution.  Though probably not, but at least this is law breaking that can be probably be proven (assuming no special royal exemption).

If is doesn't get it though Meghan's thick skull, ( and those of her stans) that being a royal and a celebrity, are not the same things and there are certain requirements then, sure she get all of her lawyers to do all the reading she wants. If it's enshrined in it's enshrined in law.

(Oh who are we kidding, she probably wants the whole media circus, to have the press and the whole "mama bear" narrative, complete with Hollywood-esque sunglasses)

(EDIT: Of course strictly speaking church measures, may not have the same weight as in U.S law, but in this country, they do)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 03:47:05 PM by gildinwen » Logged
Snow Queen

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« Reply #325 on: July 05, 2019, 03:49:29 PM »

On the other hand...

There is speculation that Obama could be a Godparent?!😳

This would explain heightened security and no press.

Obama has yet to release his big-advance book. What better way to insert yourself into the headlines in advance of an autumn book release?

BUT if Obama was going to be there, surely HM would have found a way to attend?

I actually think there is an outside chance Thomas Markle will be there. The Markle clan has been very, very quiet since the birth.


I don’t think the Obamas or Clooneys will be godparents but I have had the same thought as you about Thomas. I can see them dropping the family pic on IG with both her parents in it. the media explosions following that would be huge while Sparkles sits back with that smug gleeful look on her face basking in the attention. Poor Archie with these two nitwit famewhores as parents.
Lady Mellie

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« Reply #326 on: July 05, 2019, 03:51:27 PM »

I think Meghan looked in her old yearbook when she was marrying Harry to get the addresses of these girls she was on the same hall with back in the day. Who wouldn't want to reconnect with an old college roommate who was marrying royalty. These girls are Meghan's backup team when the celebrities need ghosting. I am not surprised the queen and the archbishop aren't going Harry and his family aren't the A team.
It seems the archbishop will be there.

About Lindsay Roth... Markle was her maid of honor back in 2016. And Lindsay Roth has started her IG in 2013, you could find pictures with Meghan as old as the account :
One with with Benita Litt in 2014 (Meghan is tagged) :

I have to admit I don't understand the process. It would have been simplier and smarter to got the baby christened and to announce it once the ceremony done. I'm bored. Snore
Snow Queen

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« Reply #327 on: July 05, 2019, 03:58:06 PM »

Anyone see Richard Palmers tweets about the christening? Christening details of royal christenings aren't in the regular parish registers but in a special royal one held by the Queen. And they don't make that one public on request which is against the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978.

Yep and I’m glad he has posted it. It’s time for them to be called on their crap. I hope the backlash is severe enough that the Queen goes overrides Harry & Meghan and has BP team release the full Christening info and the royals abide by the law going forward.
Lady Liebe

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« Reply #328 on: July 05, 2019, 05:33:37 PM »

Anyone see Richard Palmers tweets about the christening? Christening details of royal christenings aren't in the regular parish registers but in a special royal one held by the Queen. And they don't make that one public on request which is against the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978.

Yep and I’m glad he has posted it. It’s time for them to be called on their crap. I hope the backlash is severe enough that the Queen goes overrides Harry & Meghan and has BP team release the full Christening info and the royals abide by the law going forward.

I think the Queen / Buckingham Palace /Grey men should simply take over all PR/press/social media for the Sussexes. H & M have proved they cannot handle it. That would put a stop to all the nonsense.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.       Anonymous
Eliza B

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« Reply #329 on: July 05, 2019, 05:52:15 PM »

I think Meghan looked in her old yearbook when she was marrying Harry to get the addresses of these girls she was on the same hall with back in the day. Who wouldn't want to reconnect with an old college roommate who was marrying royalty. These girls are Meghan's backup team when the celebrities need ghosting. I am not surprised the queen and the archbishop aren't going Harry and his family aren't the A team.
It seems the archbishop will be there.

About Lindsay Roth... Markle was her maid of honor back in 2016. And Lindsay Roth has started her IG in 2013, you could find pictures with Meghan as old as the account :
One with with Benita Litt in 2014 (Meghan is tagged) :

I have to admit I don't understand the process. It would have been simplier and smarter to got the baby christened and to announce it once the ceremony done. I'm bored. Snore

Yup!  Their fans keep saying Zara didn't release the godparents names.

Well Zara didn't release a press statement with date/place/archbishop ... and she didn't release pictures of the event either.

I swear they want the hoopla. They love the press. They love their fans attacking the press.  Had they just released the information it would be 3 articles: 1) the godparents history,  2) the pictures from the day,  and 3) the followup fashion post... how boring. 
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